Is there any group more pathetic than Antifa?

Is there any group more pathetic than Antifa?




Sup Forums?

OP by himself

Nope. They should all kill themselves. While espousing an anti fascist doctrine, they silence opposition with violence. hypocritical imo

Sure. They're called racists.

most rural americans

dubs of truth

I understand where people say that Antifa act like Fascists, but the proper term is totalitarian. They're still faggots, though.

Punk rock is cancer upon this world.

>claim to be anti-fascist
>act like fascists
no, they are literally the most braindead """"activists"""" ever


Boy scouts
Bunch of pussies

>>act like fascists


Fascists would at least get shit done.

Literally the easiest question in the world

the only worthwhile thing antifa did was light a trash can on fire and break a StarBucks window because not muh President

>Punk rock is cancer upon this world.


The recent wave of punk rock has poisoned the minds of millennials.

The Klan
Trumpanzees (ALL of them)
"Crusaders for Christ" and other pseudomilitant religious groups

Antifa argue that tolerance doesn't just mean you let other people do whatever they want to you. Rather they argue that tolerance is a peace treaty to allow for coexistence (i.e. live and let live). In this context they see some of the actions of the alt-right and Trump as violations of the peace treaty (because of the oppressive legislation going around and the discriminatory rhetoric attached to said legislation).

As far as they're concerned, peaceful protest won't do dick so they may as well beat up some fascists while they still can.

fascism doesn't just mean shutting down free speech. and anti fa aren't shutting down opposition, they are shutting down people who support actual oppression. people like richard spencer are literally pro genocide. if hitler was announcing his plan to begin building gas chambers for jews don't you think it would have been a good idea to invade?

I dunno I think banjos be doing this thing.

you have no idea what youre talking about, fucking idiot

>The Klan
being a klan member in 2017 is honestly the most cringe thing ever

The outfits are stupid, the reputation is obliterated, you might as well slap a track device on yourself for the FBI to make it easier

I've met antifa on the streets before. 90% of them were crust punks on some sort of drug trying to sell drugs to underaged girls in San Francisco or going wild with casual sex in (((open relationships))) while calling anyone who doesn't follow their movement a Nazi. Yes, they considered neutral people, such as myself, a Nazi because I wasn't with them. And then they have the nerve to destroy small businesses, such as their chimpout in Oakland. And I'm supposed to somehow consider them the good guys?

Fuck them.

90% of the people in the movement joined to virtue-signal in hopes of impressing some punk rock chick with nose rings, attend concerts with The Germs, and shoot up heroin on somebody's couch.

And the biggest irony? Most of them come from well-off backgrounds and then bitch about oppression.

kek people like the ones you described deserve to be gassed.

Sup Forums

Sup Forums?


>virtue signal
>wearing masks
lol, no they're just dicks and they don't give a fuck.

i used to consider myself anti-fa

i was heavy into politics and helped organize food not bombs stuff and went to anarcho/comm meet ups. but then over the last two years a bunch of punk kids and crusties and teenagers started showing up and would basically just pray for a riot so they could act hard and take pics for their facebooks. its really fucking dumb now

Back when the Oakland riots happened about five years ago, I was told by some people that they showed up just because it seemed fun playing cat and mouse with police, and that someone was bound to show up with weed.



Yes , frog posting kekistanis

They're trying to "virtue-signal" in front of the punk girls.

>M-maybe if I try to peackcock with this Antifa shit harder, that girl with the pixie cut will notice me ;__;

kek with that reasoning you may as well say alt-right fags are only alt-right because they're virtue signaling.


biggest political oxymoron yet.

anarcho-capitalist is def the biggest oxymoron.

i get where youre coming from though.

All this and more coming up on our next, new, exciting episode of "Shit that Never Happened".

The only moron here is you

Fuck the klan. Fuck antifa.

zing, got me lol
again "used to identify as these things"


I put it in quotes for a reason. In their eyes, they're being righteous, and it's done for attention.

Free market free from regulations. How is that an "oxymoron"?

>most rural americans
Oh look!
It's one of those idiots who prefers living like a rat in a piss soaked cage to fresh air and open spaces.

He's a Canadian poster from Sup Forums. It's just shitposting.

Not that guy but from a formal perspective Marx's goal was to create an anarchist communist post-scarcity society. However he believed that in order to get there one would first have to establish an intermediary government described as a "dictatorship by the proletariat". Socialism is precisely this intermediary government.

Marx had some contemporaries on the communist side who agreed on the anarchist goal but disagreed on the notion of the intermediary government. Bakunin for instance described him as an authoritarian from head to toe and argued that socialism was incredibly unethical because it stripped away people's liberties.

Socialist governments are terrible and whether or not proper communist governments (as originally proposed in theory) can actually exist is still up in the air.

>Corporations = Governments
>Employment = Citizenship
You've only traded one master for another.


Not him, but who said they were corporations?

With anarcho-capitalism, you have the freedom to start your own business out of thin air if you don't like one. Or you can just hop to another. Essentially, small businesses can be free to do as they please to an extent.

The problem is, there's lots of loopholes, so there's still problems like getting shot because you grabbed your football off your neighbor's lawn.

People still listen to Cajun music?


I guess I'm the exception. Mostly just made me nihilistic.

A monetary based society with no government will naturally require free market alternatives to police and dispute/arbitration systems (i.e. law). As a result you are likely to get large businesses that provide these services at a cost. Once you throw in all of the dynamics that occur between different municipalities and all the trade between them necessary to keep things functioning you very quickly create an incentive for these large businesses to act as "cities" allowing smaller businesses to thrive within them in exchange for a fee and access to "city" services.

It's not long before trade partner "cities" start banding together and fighting over resources. At the end of it all you're back at square one, where your "multi-city" corporation is effectively a government and you've got some special status akin to citizenship through them. All you've done is played musical chairs with the people at the top and redrawn the map.

Mt grandpa's were AntiFa they killed thousands of fascist. Maybe I will pickup where they left off soon