Tfw you'll never have a qt X-Men geek ramble on about X-Men to you

>tfw you'll never have a qt X-Men geek ramble on about X-Men to you

Just end it all

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Pic not related I'd assume?

Maybe Sup Forums has gotten to me, but I find all forms of dyed hair repulsive now.

Drop the QT requirement and it's remarkably easy


Is that Tune Yards lady?

Is she really a real nerd or is she just one of those fake hipster nerd who thinks that playing vidyas and reading couple comic books and having a whacky hair qualify you as nerd who make youtube review videos hoping to become famous and get easy money?

pic related: thats a real nerd

>what you want senpai?

>give me that zarya with a rat tail

>say no more

My Finger at Nightclub


Her whole room is 2 comic books and a roll of painters tape I think she qualifies as an honorary nerd, okay?

>Likes MCU
pick one

Stop posting this hideous, retarded piece of trash

>taping comics book pages on your wall

looks bois! look i am nerd gurl! pls subscribe to my channel!

She's a fake nerd. She only talks about nerdy stuff to get the dick of people like the pic you posted.

I bet that she thinks that having shaved side, stupid colored hair and trashy tattoos will distract people from her tranny face.

But thats what real nerds look like. Colored hair, tattoos, huge glasses and a t-shirt with some comic/cartoon image on it.

I really hate YouTube reviewers and even more so if they're tryhard women, but this one seems to genuinely "get it". Her reviews actually give a good take on the nerd's perspective. It's usually better than the autistic "film maker" take you get from RLM.

I really hate when girls dye their hair these colors. Alot of the feminists and artsy girls( and guys desu) on one side of my state uni do this and you can always scan them out. They don't usually take good care of their hair either, so it ends up being dry, stringy, and faded in color. It's repulsive.

Good, comic books are fucking gay

She also looks like some sort of caricature

capeshit comics are so fucking trash I can't believe americans buy that shit

That's he after suicide squad. She wasn't herself.

She's very well versed in X-men history which is very convoluted and extensive. She also can rattle off various Indie and obscure comics. I think she's legit.

>It's usually better than the autistic "film maker" take you get from RLM.

So you like your women revolting, and your opinions as bad as they are uneducated.

Gj sir and please do not kys, we need you to breed more janitors and lowly pieces of garbage.

But it actually does distract from her Rumer Willis head

She knows her X-Men and comics pretty damn well. She also knows her Song of Ice and Fire pretty damn well too. Same goes with her Star Trek, you can tell she at least watched TNG.

Is she a disgusting, out of shape, asocial waste of a human being with a superiority complex? No. So I guess she's not a nerd after all.

Nerds =/= Post-Hipsters

They do have fairly similar interests though.

>Nerds must adhere to strict checklists of absolute piss

She's a trend following fashion victim, like yourself

>autistic "film maker" take you get from RLM
>autistic film maker
Their "insights" are just as shallow as that of nerds who still live in childish fantasy worlds

>Implying I need to find the reviewer attractive in order to enjoy the perspective of the review

I think "superfans" of this caliber are comparably autistic to RLM type "filmmakers", but the latter are more annoying. It's unbearable to hear about all the critiques about blocking, camera angles and sound design. At least it's somewhat interesting to hear what a knowledgable fan thinks about all the ways they changed the characters and stories.

lmao@your life

>I'm an average looking boorish individual. Whatever shall I do? I know I'll dye my hair and shave off the sides so it draws attention away from my dull looks. Then I'll pretend to like comics so the fat neckbeards will tune into my channel.

You guys fall for the lamest shit.

She knows about comics and exploits lonely guys on the internet for money she says she likes to spend on her boyfriend and going to raves.


You mean the faggot in the robot suit?