
>capitalism ensures people won't be lazy
>ends up making work a limited resource that people desperately need
>huge inefficiencies in labour are created by capitalism, e.g. the numerous financial transactions (and associated price markups) in getting a product from the source to you, not to mention the marketing of the product as well as making the product look as good as possible rather than be as good as possible

The problem with communism is not that it's never been done as Marx proposed (it has, early Soviet Russia was pretty much what Marx wanted and it was shit), it's that it's never been done without an overbearing government. Except on a small scale (e.g. isolated villages) where communism is the default economy and works excellently.

Communism is just capitalistic libertarianism before hitting personal AIs and common 3d printers


What did the furries mean by this?

I'd say a rigorous, extremely efficient system of education is most important.

Capitalism comes from our reliance on others for basically everything, which in turn comes from not being able to do things ourselves.

Good education is extremely useful; a good tutor can teach you in minutes what an average one couldn't teach you in an hour.
However, you can't expect everyone to be a good teacher, so idiot-proof educational practices have to be found.
For example, someone should make it so that physicists have to give things clear, meaningful names like chemists do, rather than name literally everything after the scientist who theorised/discovered it.
e.g. the "Higgs Boson" should be called a "___-gen Boson", filling in the blank with whatever Greek or Latin prefix means "mass". It kills two birds with one stone, by having it so that the name implies the function of the particle, and gives the particle an obvious plural.

That would make the correct name for a Higgs Boson "mazagen boson", apparently.
And that'd make the plural mazagen.

The problem with communism is it expects humans to give up their basic biological nature to compete. No animal or plant lives like that, it's wholly unnatural.

The private system needs to exist in an arena setting, controlled by a set or rules that keep the game fair and balanced.

Futa is gay.

ur gay


Countless animals demonstrate some form of cooperation, solitary hunters are some of the few that don't.
Can't say the same for plants, plants are greedy assholes.

But the problem I suppose is that you can easily apply communism to small populations, and it'll work great, but the larger a population someone is in the more evil they'll be.

The only way it sounds like it could work is to have everything work as a fractal, where instead of being hands-off communism relying on individuals cooperating well with each other, it's hands-off communism where every demographic entity is expected the cooperate well with local peers; So the provinces in a country are expected to cooperate with other provinces, the cities in each province are expected to cooperate with cities in the same province, all the way down to the individual.
That way, every demographic entity whether comprised of one person or a million will prosper if it is good and suffer if it is bad, as it always has limited peers.

is this vaginafur or commiefur im confus


nice feet

Eat a dick and find out

communists please go





Someone make an actual s/fur thread and i'll contribute to it.




>capitalism ensures people won't be lazy
It doesn't. It just incentivizes work.
>capitalism makes work a limited resource
By its very nature it is limited.
>capitalism makes work inefficient
No. Business owners do, take make more jobs for varioys reasons. Many jobs could be 90% automated, even now, it would just obliterate the economy.
>make it look good as opposed to making it good
Depends on the market. Performance markets demand performance. Luxury markets don't have set demands. You won't find many muscle cars or match grade rifles that suck dick but look cool.

Fuck off faggot.




Really like her feet!





all girls should have horse penises

I am First Gra'vem'ind, and I am dead. As of this moment we are all dead. We go into threads to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are S/Fur.

Remember, victory is life.









Get out.









commies fuck off

capitalism is the one, true moral system by which men can deal with men









Will you settle for a pair of Captain Hydras







Men can also deal with men by neither of them being greedy dipshits.
Capitalism is a crutch for lesser men to be able to make somewhat decent societies.


Dose it taste like Mountain Dew?





Sparletta, actually.




whips, chains or dollars, take your pick.






Man, this guy is dumping a lot of mediocre porn
I sure hope he doesn't get quints in about 3 inutes



How well trained are you at taking the cock, kitties?

>t. irrelevant child



>t. irreverent mild








I tried for quints by shitposting
Might as well see who got them:
