Gf passed out drunk. What do?

Gf passed out drunk. What do?

Time stamp




Got this pic when she was laying a different way earlier

Take a pic of your dick on her ass

tits or gtfo

shave that hairy ass

Try and get laid in real life once and awhile kid'

Tits or pull those panties down

Nipples now

Spread ass, show asshole. Sharpe in asshole.

Tits or gtfo

She's layin kinda funny lol



take a pic with your penis over her head



Pull those panties off.

drop a cinder block on her head

Get off the webs and EAT HER ASS fag. Thats what you should do.


this is the fakest bullshit ive seen in a while on Sup Forums

Show us that little pussy! make webms or gifs if you can

Plan on it once I'm done here

Hav her text me um drunk and horny plz meed pics we cud do 3 way me2028695635

pull her panties to the side.

Fake? See the time stamp above? Two different angles too lmao

Turn the flash on you idiot can't see shit

Put your feet in her mouth

just do what feels good mane
feel horny? fuck her unconscious ass
feel hungry? eat a snack
feel tired? take a nap

Write stupid bitch on her ass cheek

Finger in.

why don't you respect her by not posting pics of her body without permission

fucking christ i hate this place

U r a one big faggot, you know that?

Fucking faggot

Send your assets as anonymous contribution to her 401k

no what I meant was that she isn't passed out. she is doing this for you

Put a finger in her ass

sorry i sometimes have things besides sex on my mind
im not a man, so i guess i'll go sit in the corner and wank for you sir

Holy shit cancer alert

Lmao your not welcome here


sharpie in pooper faggot

Flash is hard

draw an elaborate penis in sharpie on her back, where she won't see it when she wakes up

send me her underware

Girlfriend Space program

why so triggered friend? it's because you still have a conscience and you know this is wrong.

i will pray to jesus for you.

No Im hard. Your photography skills just blow.

Write slut on her forehead

thumb in her mouth

Lol for $


Show face

Post pics

Take yer ass to sleep Jamal will be over soon. Faggot.

lick her feet


This... Obviously you dont give a fuck about her...

>You hate this place
>still on this thread
>has to find counsel with Jezus

I think we all know who is truly triggered

He never said he did. Just in it for the lulz and noods, moralfag

Rape her

Stick your cock in her already


Inb4 recovery position

the fuck is that bubble on her asshole

Good, good now shove a Popsicle up her asshole...Preferably grape.

Pop that cyst above her asshole

I love you Anticom


Bump? Yeah it's on her ass.

Tell her you respect her personal space as a woman and help her put some decent clothes on

Love you too, you fucking degenerate.