Why won't white men stop beating black bois asses?

Why won't white men stop beating black bois asses?

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Probably because they're niggers

We made the mistake of teaching them to read, we have to keep them down somehow



Jealousy of their much larger cocks is imagine.

>is imagine

non English speaking nigger faggot detected

Solid win

U mad wyte boi?

Same fag

>implying self defense is wrong

Didn't last long

>is imagine
Go back to your 3rd world shithole nigger

Post the ending, nigger. The white guy wins.

Is this you?


Here is the video in case anyone thinks the niggers won.

Spoiler alert: Whitey beat them both.

Shocked that he's actually in a 1vs1 with all those black cunts standing there, or are there more photos of the chimps coming to his aid.

Black guy behind looks like he's taking a swing.


Why are white men such bullies?

Why won't they stop beating up black bois?

Poor little black boi


I laughed

Good job, user.

Where's the video?

idk, why wont antifa stop assaulting people for their beliefs?

worldstar! worldstar!

Yeah but the dirty monkey came in from behind because he's a bootlipped puss.


cant find a longer version

Is that derrick rose?