Is this thing a human?

This little fucker scares the shit out of me

2nd best part of the show day-sue

what's that from?

Who is that and what disease does it have?

Twin peaks

Is that Dewey?

Yeah but i looked him up back then and he has like brittle bone disease and shit.

His skellyton is all fucked up.


It's bargain bin Dewey

>Is this thing a human?
Depends on how liberal you are with the term.

how dare this guy slander David Lynch's name

Isn't he like 24?


that boy aint right

Wanted to check it out. Seems I wasn't the only one.

what IS wrong with Thailand?

Lucky bastard. He'll have an easy time during the Skeleton Uprising in 2021, when skeletons finally escape their fleshy prisons to conquer our world.

Your weird uncle who goes there every summer does so because he is fucking children.

Hes 18 and has the brittle bone disease the glassman had in unbreakable!

It's like they tried to clone dewey and it just went horribly wrong... actually that summarizes the whole show when compared to MitM

>Hes 18
What the fuck

>He is fucking children
He has sex with kids

>He is fucking children
He is childish and unpredictable enough to be like multiple children and this angers me.

>He is fucking, children!
Hey kids! Gather round and watch this guy fuck!

so that's why he always wears long sleeve shirts and his head is shaped weirdly.
well sucks for him i hope he has a great life despite his disease

Osteogenesis imperfecta. Don't google image search it. Apparently Brick is one of the lucky ones.

Why are Jan Itors children all manlets on the show?

>pic related

>Caracter's name is 'Brick'
>Has a condition that makes his bones so fragile that he requires a body double to do basic everyday movement scenes

>Atticus Shaffer net worth: $4 Million

It could have been worse

We didnt need a glimpse into your meme train of meme thoughts

Does that guy want to fuck Victoria?
How does Victoria feel about it?

Thanks for the (You)
Here's one for (You)

Some guys have all the luck


Of course he does.

Don't know but she likes taking pics with handicapped people especially in wheelchairs, it's one of her hobbies.

(You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

Thanks m8

is that Tim Curry?

Do you think she does that to make the cripples sad? Does it make her happy in return?

Why would it make them sad?
It makes them happy at first

Yeah then they go home shit in a can and watch re runs of a disney show pure bliss tbqhf

is that a Meatwad cosplay

> brittle bone disease
> bones break on the slightest impact
I don't think your logic checks out senpai.


Also double related cause Sue

>they're not going to gas town!!!

>an user has a VJuice + Retards folder

For what purpose?

To put it in a flash drive.
Then, when there's a presentation at the university, you purposely leave the flash drive open for a few minutes after turning off the slides, so that everyone in the audience can read the folder names, and they're all really weird like "Matt Damon and me - a PhotoShop project" or stuff like that. This makes people think you're a very interesting person, so they are tempted to get to know you better and invite you to parties.

Malcolm In The Middle

I know it's not the point of this thread, but I actually like The Middle. It started off in Modern Family's shadow and was like a neutered Malcom in the Middle. But as the show progressed it gained heart and personality, which made it grow and become something I enjoy. Unlike Modern Family which became more and more like a typical sitcom and lost its spirit. Is it the best show on TV? Not by a long shot. But I still love it.

Top: Noble commander who fought to keep invaders out of her country

Bottom: Angry feminist who fights to bring invaders into her country

inb4 You just know

MEW is a feminist? First time I'm hearing about it.

trust u 2 no about tops n bottoms

She has a vagine doesn't she?

Stuck in a military dictatorship for years to go

What the fuck, I just looked up this kid and he's 18 in real life. Little fucker looks 12

Classic hot chick move. Posing next to ugly people to make yourself look better by comparison.

>when skeletons finally escape their fleshy prisons to conquer our world.

It's already happening!

One night in Bangkok and you'll know

>mfw remembering that there's a skellington living inside my body RIGHT NOW

She does, as far as I know. But I don't think that's enough reason to think she's a feminist.

it's like Pee Wee Herman with Downs

underrated kek

I did
I appreciate you user,
thank you

He's going to end up like that nearly 40 yr old guy on Disney who still plays teenage roles.

she has a wheelchair fetish

I forgot about Jason Earles until now. He still scares the shit out of me

He's a conservative.

Atticus is such a cool name.


His parents doomed him from the start

>26 years old

Who's he? Is that MODOK disease?

But he's named after one of the most based fictional characters ever

I hope she's not.

>I'm a fucking retard: the post


Funny he loves/worships God despite him being fucked over by fate



>He a Good Boy He Dindu Nuffin: The Attorney


but the whole point was that atticus was racist, he was just an autist as well and couldn't see a miscarriage of justice even he didn't like nigs

i know he looks like a 50 year old midget

Some celebrity lookalike website said I look like him, it also said I look a lot like Cillian Murphy and Michael Pitt. So I don't fucking know what to believe.

my god i would spend all day eating the ass of that thing in the wheelchair

thomas brodie sangster is still hot.

See. Now, that's hott. There should be a genre of porn for 18yos that look like middle schoolers.


He had a brief stint in the NFL but couldn't stop partying and got cut.

>i've never felt a woman's vagina: the posts

just google youthful porn or young porn, there's lot of petite bitches in porno. they don't call it middleschool porn for obvious fucking reasons.

But it makes the though guys tumble...

>39 years
>acts in casts that are a third his age or even less
Holy shit. At least he gets regular acting work from Disney though, and seeing how he sticks with them he must enjoy it.

*with casts

Jesus save my sides

Isn't that 8 chan's admin?

>People actually believe this.

I bet they were even delivered by C-section.

It backfired here because he is so disfigured he draws your attention away from her. I don't want to talk to the actress, I want to know more about Mr.Potatohead and whether or not he can hold things.

>just google youthful porn or young porn

I'd rather not get vanned.

t. buttblasted progressive