This is an easy question. Time to find out who's autistic in here

This is an easy question. Time to find out who's autistic in here.

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Come on you late night autistic cucks. Respond with answers.

>kill both birds
>open door
>live with it

You're ruining my fun.
>Inb4 you call op a faggot

What will a bird that always tells the opposite of you answer me when I ask it if OP is a faggot?

That's deep bro.

I'll bite:

Easy mode: which door would the other bird say leads to heaven

God mode: if there was a bird that gave the opposite response to what you would say, which door would it say leads to heaven.

God slayer mode: A bird that gives the opposite response to what you would say does exist. Which door would it say leads to heaven.

or, none of the 'god' related modes exist because god doesn't exist. fight me op

You would ask either bird what the other bird would tell you to do.


I would tell each bird my name. The one that says my name is the right bird.


would is hypothetical.

which door would you have to go through when you die?

bad bird would have to go trough the hell door, but since he is always lying he points to heaven.

good bird would point to heaven door too.

no question about other bird, no if statement, just a normal question. what did i win?

You cant even read the guidelines of easy mode.

That's fair. However, I doubt you can provide an answer.

Ask the bird who speaks the truth to kill the liar bird next to the door that leads to heaven

You realize the lying bird can just say both? Hes dishonest not evil.

Easy - place your hand on a bird and ask it if you have just put your hand on it, if it says no ask the other bird which door to walk thro, if yes go through the opposite door the other bird tells you to go through

Stated correctly, this WOULD give you the right answer. It would have to be "What is my name, and which door leads to heaven?" except stated as one question. Not quite sure how to do that, though

too many possibilities, given they aren't human. birds dont go to heaven or hell, or go to a different "bird hell/heaven". these birds might never die or already be dead. when they die, they might have turned bad, or turned good. future events are all hypothetical.

i cannot, so far. not OP btw.

he always lies and send good people willingly to hell, what makes him evil.

>what is reading?

I really have found autism in its pure form.

>acquire poisoned rice
>feed birds
>birds die
>problem solved

'What door do you belong behind?'

does this cover all the bases?

Yep I have a high reading of asperger, still fight me you little bitch

That's two questions.

Let me change your God Slayer mode answer:

>There exists a bird that says the opposite of your answer to the question, "Which door leads to heaven?" What is the bird's answer?

Point me to where you want me to go.
>good bird points to heaven
>bad bird lies and points to hevean instead of hell

Which is why you find a way to state it as one question, as I said in the second half. I know what you mean, though.

one sentence does not make two questions one. nor is there any indication you can actually ask the birds to do anything aside from answering one question.

Fight yourself.

assuming birds play by rules and they wouldn't both instantly fight for their lives

>Implying I wouldn't just fuck both birds for all eternity.

easy - which door would the other bird say leads to heaven?
go in opposite door

god - what door would a bird with the opposite morals to you tell me to go through to get to heaven?
go through opposite door

god slayer - i break the curse laid on me by asking a hypothetical question
follow steps in easy mode to claim throne

still hypothetical, since the question "which door leads to heaven?" has not been asked.

unfortunately, there is no indication that you can direct the birds to do anything, aside from answeing the question. what you need to ask is "which door do you want me to go through?" however, there are possibilites that a bad bird wants you to go to heaven, or that a good bird thinks you deserve hell. we dont know their moral framework.

don't need to ask any questions. grab both birds put them in one hand. act like i'm going to open a door monitor their reactions. surely god would not allow an innoccent bird that tells the truth to go to hell with me when i open the door and would provide a divine miracle to happen which would point me in the rght path to bringing all 3 of us to heaven

OP here. You're all doing great work.
God Speed chat.

Touche. Other thought was take me where u drom but they can be opposite or from same place

>enter room
>see 2 birds
>"where the fuck am i?"
>waste my question
>choose one door
>still 50/50 chance
>i'm a notorious gambler anyways

Ask them at the same time "What door would cause me no suffering " dishonest our not they'd point to the same door

>still hypothetical, since the question "which door leads to heaven?" has not been asked.

Incorrect. Essentially in math terms I'm asking

>x = y
>So what is b divided by y

I'm not creating a scenario, I'm just introducing a string of logic then asking for an answer according to this string of logic

OP here.
Autism confirmed on this post.

Everyone on Sup Forums can agree you are retarded


Walk in room. Suck own dick. Leave

"What is the opposite door of what I need to go through that leads to hell?"

>choose opposite door

whilst it is an interesting question, i'd be too busy rolling around in my own shit, screaming autistic noises and ripping my cock off to mlp porn

the parrots would then gladly tell me which door is which to stop my overwhelming faggotry

incorrect. you only have one question. the question you are currently asking is the only question you can ask. any question that refers to the asking of another question creates a hypothetical scenario.

even if you claim it is true for other people asking that question, you have no proof that anyone has ever asked that question, or ever will. this might be a one time thing for all you know, or the riddle provides.

>ask where would you rather go.
Or which door u from

Both choose hevean

If i could ask one question to each bird, this would be easy.

It's a bullshit question and you cannot know the answer. Random chance would be your best friend or worst enemy at the same time.

Psychologists throw this out to see who's really stupid and who actually has a clue.

>you only have one question. the question you are currently asking is the only question you can ask. any question that refers to the asking of another question creates a hypothetical scenario.
I'm not asking another question tho, and I'm not creating a hypothetical scenario

>There exists a bird that says the opposite of your answer to the question, "Which door leads to heaven?" What is the bird's answer?

So I'm not creating a hypothetical situation here. I'm introducing a fact to this bird (to say I can't do this is adding another layer to what I can and can't do that isn't already established in the OP). Then I'm asking the question:

>What is the bird's answer?


Nice trips.

Trips of truth

no, you are introducing a hypothetical fact. it is not, as stated previously, a fact that anyone would (or could) ever ask that question, and given that you cant ask that question because you only have one question. since it is the one including the reference to another question that may or may not ever be asked, it is hypothetical.

Why would I ever ask a bird anything. Dumb motherfuckers. All they ever do is fly around and shit on my car.

Put a small piece of c4 on the doors to blow a hole in both of them, look through the hold and you already know what is on the other side of both doors.
No questions needed.

But its not a hypothetical, and it's not another question. I'm just introducing a fact.

I'm introducing a line of thought. I'm not creating a situation, I'm just introducing a string of logic.

>Hey Jim's wife is a slut
>Will Jim's wife sleep with me?

>Tod says the opposite of your answer specifically to the question, "Is Jim's wife a slut?"
>What is Tod's answer to that question?

If I said
>So if Tod says the opposite to what you'd say to "Is Jim's wife a slut?" What would he say?

Honestly it's word play, but as far as the English language is concerned that's the difference between hypothetical and logic.

I would say to one of the birds while pointing a gun at it `which door leads to heaven and if I find out your lying when I open the door then im going to shoot you`.


do you not actually understand what a hypothetical is? or that when people discuss logic syntax, it is almost always with reference to hypotheticals?

in this fact scenario, provided by the riddle, you only get one question to ask one bird. given this one question is the question you are asking, referencing any other question asked of either bird can ONLY be hypothetical, because as far as we know, it may or may never be asked. there is no statement in the riddle that other people have or will ask that question.

it is not hypothetical to say "there exists a bad bird who answers opposite to you" (although it is wrong, because a truth and a lie are not necessarily opposite of each other in meaning) as the riddle states that is a fact.

if we apply the riddle rules to your example:
>>Tod says the opposite of your answer specifically to the question, "Is Jim's wife a slut?"
>>What is Tod's answer to that question?

Tod cannot have an answer to that question, because Tod has never been asked that question, as far as we are aware. just because you don't use words like if, would or could, doesnt mean a question is not referencing a possibility, rather than a fact.

I think we should all just agree that it's not possible to come up with a solution with one question.

>God Mode: it's a 50/50 question, so stop being a fuck lord and open one of the doors.

"U rite"

i like the one referring to the birds death, where the liar goes to hell so both will point to heaven.

Today is Friday? Depending on answer I know if the other bird lies or not, and I simply ask "will this door bring me to the hell?"

You can only ask one question, which makes this impossible

Ask bird 1: Are you a bird? If bird is liar, bird will say no. If you've got the liar bird, you ask the other bird which door leads to heaven and take the door it suggests.

If bird answers "yes, I'm a bird" you know the other bird will lie; ask the other bird which door leads to heaven and take the OTHER door.


You can only ask one question to one bird

I am an idiot. Didn't see that.

Yeah, it makes it impossible. Now if it was one question for each bird this would be easy.

I ask one of the birds, "Does God exist?"

Doesn't matter what the answer is and walk out the right door. Nothing happens because those are fictional places.

birbs can't talk. so fuck each one in it's tailhole!

autistic cunt, one question to one bird.

I lol'd, thanks.

ask the bird "is this a hypothetical question" and then kill myself

ez next please

throw a bird hard enough against door to make a hole in it , look whats behind it

ask the bird if god exist is a good question. if the bird answers yes its a 50% chance hes lying. So you minimiced the chance going to hell to 25%

Birds can't fucking talk.

Grab both birds, go through a door, if it's hell, I am having bird for dinner.
If it's heaven, I release them.

Ask either bird "does your mom know you're gay"
Hope the other bird will sensibly chuckle and show you the way to spite his eternal enemy.

April is over.

This makes me think--if you grabbed both birds and went toward a door, wouldn't they get uncomfortable as you approached hell's door? Maybe you don't even need to ask a question.

50% chance for heaven, for what i've done these are pretty good odds

my name is bob
Ask the bird : excluding you, who in this room should go through which door to be happy.
If it says another name, go through thr opposite door, if not, do what the birb says.

That's asking 2 questions though, who and which.

>fuck birds
>cook birds
>eat birds

In that order

Does the door on your side of the room correspond to your alignment?

Liar bird can say "Bob should go through *hell door* to be happy", because it's false.

Covers all the bases- 1 question, doesn't make reference to the other bird, and is not hypothetical.

Ask which door goes to heaven, and you must address me by my name
oh hey wow check this out

Just ask a bird if (insert DEFINITE fact) is true. If it says it is true, you can ask which door is heaven and it will tell you

you are only allowed one question good sir.

This is stupid, nothing should lead you to believe that either bird knows your name, nor would either be bound to call you by your real name or a made-up name if they knew it. Calling someone their me is not telling the truth nor lying. If it was, then the lying bird would always speak gibberish since wrong words are lies.


Write on one door:


write on the other door:


What's that? Nothing to write with? Bite your finger until it bleeds, use your fucking blood. Don't give me shitty rules about that.

Then say to any of the birds, doesn't matter:

"Does the place written on that door, match what's behind that door?"

or whatever variation of that you want to make the question watertight.

Regardless of the answer, you grab the bird and throw it through first to see what happens.


when one is lying how could he explain truesfully how the riddle works?

This is the answer. Are you guys not reading it?

"if you are the lying worm, then you will tell me what your truth telling brother will say but it will be a lie therefor the answer will also be the opposite of what you say.

Doesn't change anything, the names could be right and the bird will say yes if it's the truth or no if its a lie and same thing in reverse if it's not right.