Finish the sentence

Finish the sentence...

be flopping out cause we are all frightend by vaginas

Detach from the man, and activate the rocket boosters hidden in the balls

It will throw up from the traumatic experience and the woman will claim that that proves it wasn't rape.

Capcha is - police tattlers - I found that funny.

"feel really good"


correspond to a succession of innate sexual reflexes: erection, vaginal lubrication, lordosis behavior, immobilization, intromission, pelvic thrust and ejaculation. These copulatory reflexes are controlled by hormones and facilitated by sexual pheromones. In hominidae, including humans, several biological factors that control copulation are modified. These changes in neurobiological control of copulation are particularly evident in females of hominidae. Non-primate females copulate only when in estrus, but sexual intercourse is possible at any time of the menstrual cycle for women. Sex pheromones facilitate copulatory reflexes, but, in humans, the detection of pheromones is impaired and they have only residual effects. Non-primate females put themselves in the crucial lordosis position and remain motionless, but these motor copulatory reflexes are no longer functional in women. Unlike mammalian copulation, where copulation is a reflex, controlled by hormones and influenced by pheromones, human sexual intercourse is mostly a voluntary and learned activity, in order to obtain genital sexual rewards.

text captchas? Is this 2008?

Are you doing the pictures? I hate the pics and turned them off.

make her orgasm like an instinct driven animal that she is

create the new messiah

Explode with cum

Get CancEbolAids.

Grow little arms and push itself out.



So rape is natural for women too. Cool.

...feel good for the penis

...not go in. If it does, that means both parties want it to be in there

I've been feeding stray doggo's around my house since i was a kid. Even when i was all alone and had limited food money, i fed stray doggos as well. A random stray dog bit me the other day for no reason. I did not provoke it or anything. I kicked it in the head with muh steel toe boots, and am wondering. Why would i not mince him into burger meat and feed him to the other dogs. Also, he ripped my favorite pants. Pic unrelated, random Yulin photo, i think. What i'm asking is, pro's and con's to doing the above.

Ahahahaha! And my wife still says I have to get her wet.

...force it's way into her asshole next


... prove that there are only 2 genders.

prepare itself for cummies

Show the woman her true place in life.

But i make bitches fucking wet without even touching them.

Inflate the bulbus glandis and lock itself in place for roughly half hour.

Forced as is like he forces himself against her will. Or like he doesn't work his way in and pushes in before she's wet and loosened up. There's a lot of ambiguities in this tweet so I really can't.

be inside the woman's vagina after a forceful insertion. Now, that was easy. Next question please.