Few days ago someone started a wincest thread with a brother sister pic. Looking for specific pic. Looks like this

Few days ago someone started a wincest thread with a brother sister pic. Looking for specific pic. Looks like this

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K thx I guess I have to XP

I am not empty, I have yet to finish fapping.


>Few days ago user posted a specific brother sister pic
And you believed him?

Well, user, I have a bridge for sale that would be a sure-fire investment for a shrewd and discerning individual like you

Lol I meant "kinda" like this pic. Just wanted to reference the way the other one looked

only two anons post real sister pictures here, and i have not seen them in a while.

nice pic though. its somewhat believable.

Just wanted to see if you good ppl of Sup Forums could be of assistance:D

I don't think it was real but it was from a cool achieve of pics which I can't find anymore :/


After you two are done i have quite an impressive clock to sell him, its big and can be seen from downtown. Ive taken to calling him ben, but you can name it after you buy it

spanish user was here the other day.

I had a threesome with my wife and her sister. Does that count?

Of course it's true. "Anything you see on the internet has to be true" -Abraham Lincoln

no, unless they fuck each other.

i thought he was mexican. kek. but yeah thats one of the fags i actually believe.

Kinda'. They were kissing each other and rubbing pussies and sucking each others tits.

>Kinda'. They were kissing each other and rubbing pussies and sucking each others tits.

yeah then that counts. but I have seen lesbian twins do that in porn sites. do they ever do that when you're not there?

Yeah he's the only one I 100% know is telling the truth. Who else do you know here that is believable?

No. Not really. They have being drunk and playful in a party setting, but never the pussy stuff. It was really nice, but weird. Their tits looked similar and their pussies felt the same.

>green:finds picture of kid fucking his sister
>green:fucks his sister

>Who else do you know here that is believable?

im normally here during the night because of my work (gas station) but the other day i was on during the day and some yuropoor posted a couple of pictures of his sister and him from when they were young but i didnt save them. but i will probably look them up when i get a chance though.

>Yeah he's the only one I 100% know is telling the truth.

nah, i believe him, but i think he is lying about her age or his age. one of the two. but everything else i believe.

There was a wincest thread up a few hours ago where FamChan posted her newest story. Did anyone screencap it?

>They have being drunk

then they probably did it in a moment of horny thoughts. and everyone does that at some point or another. doesnt mean they wincest though.

still, good for you brother. not everyone gets to experience such a thing.



Op is this what you're looking for?

well, they do look related. not bad. fucking saved.

She covers her tits.