She had huge tits. Then she wrote a woe is me post about it and she got a reduction. The most depressing shit...

She had huge tits. Then she wrote a woe is me post about it and she got a reduction. The most depressing shit. This was months ago and she hasn't posted a picture. She just got tagged in one and it's so sad looking. She lost the only thing going for her. Similar stories?

u got reduced pics?

Mom and sis

Fat pig is sad. What a revelation. Thanks user.



This was her bf. I'm not joking. They broke up after

I can't explain it but I take immense pleasure when people destroy something beautiful.


maybe she had back problems or tired of being unable to run/workout, you selfish cunt

Is that a young Cotton Hill? dafuq are his shins!?

the fuck?

>>maybe he had leg problems or tired of being unable to run/workout and had his shins removed, you selfish cunt


holy shit... I just thought he had his legs buried.... didn't even scroll down

he would need to get them replaced, not removed.

>big tits
Pick one.

I congratulate her on greatly improving her hotness, and I'm not even joking.

fucking ugly butterface, threw away her best asset

should have got a nose job instead

women are retarded

Heres the post. It wasn't that at all actually. She's really involved in her church and the horny pastors would always look at her tits or something

When I saw your post I thought of this



In short she got a reduction so people will stop looking at her and the church will stop condemning her to hell.

that would get annoying.

I don't usually agree with body modifications, and I love big tits. but I can see how they would be more of a hassle in every day life. most people don't consider their fanclub when they get chopped though, which sure is sad, not considering the people who masturbate to your tits when you're tire of being just a pair of tits.

rolling for more

Got it from her mom clearly


Sorry if stupid question but does he have a club foot or something?

I have no idea but let this be a reminder to you that anyone get get a gf


Its like a regular persons torso attached to a dwarves trunk.
I get it, she lopped her norks off etc but this guy man, he's extraordinary.

Shut up, faggot


No wonder she got with him, he's the god damn best detective around

Thats fucking HIM!

I always wondered how he managed to do it. Though she was such a prude and had zero self esteem growing up. Then she went to college and maybe changed and managed to get him

nice argument, cunt

any wins?

No argument to be had, you're just a whiny faggot.

Keep in mind she's 5'2

No unfortunately she's a good girl

how am I whining? OP is whining she cut her tits off.

lol I hope you never have kids, lest you'll know the true sound of whining, you piece of shit.

at least his arms are normal length...

my short arms make me look like a child any time I put on a suit.

I want to see a pic of his folks. Theres some weird crossbreeding going on here

I keep seeing pictures of the sister and I can't help but feel she's the better catch even if the main OP girl had bigger tits before.

Shirt from the mens section, pants from the boys

I want to see him walk or run, I bet it looks hilarious.

that's mean

Her sister is a beauty but she got the tits but now she doesn't have them anymore

that guy have the perfect height for put his face on her boobs

>hmm should i do cable rows or destroy my body with invasive surgery because i'm so fucking devoid of any measure of intelligence or motivation to solve my own problems

Pick one

Checked. Also her family is loaded so why work when she can just pay for it

>solve my own problems
it seemed like the problems were her massive boobs. how do you propose one "solve" this problem on their own? ointment? a machete?

Id date the sister and tease the shit out of stumpy and tit-lopper

Sister and Mom are way hotter

are they italian or kikes?



>being this racist
>getting it wrong

>le racist meme

pretty sure this guy was already broken at this point

>le jews did it meme