Twixie here. Back again. Call me fat, you fucking cunts and cucks

Twixie here. Back again. Call me fat, you fucking cunts and cucks.

fat or not, I'd bend you over and fuck you.

I remember you. Can't wait to fap to your fat ass. Let's see your holes.

lose some fucking weight pls thanks

Sharpie pooper now

Not fat lil pudge is cute real women have curves burn those pants tho

Sharpie pooper!

fucking gross belly, no tits pale skin pig living in your own dirt, go for a run, eat a salad, fucking kill yourself, would it hurt to buy new clothes every now and then? why the fuck did you lift your shirt for this picture are you trying to make me puke?

All I see is a shirt and leggings

How tf is this fat? I must be new or something

More landwhale

Show poopoo hole fatfuck

fucking retard
she has more stretch marks than my 350lb friend.

Show asshole Twixie!

Not fat just ugly as fuck



Good girl. Show yourself off like the slut you are.

Gross body nasty saggy tits

Didnt you have a kid ? I hear you had a dumpster baby...

when your belly button looks like a cavern, you're fat.

maybe you're retarded son

Timestamp retardedfat

ohhh i missed you!! you are awesome. where are you from? i always forget

Maybe youre just a thirsty fuckboy

Yo' Twixie, show us an open ass hole would ya'?

not really but whatever makes you feel alive in your dungeon



That's not your asshole.

>Silly girl, said ass hole.


Good shot of face with mouth open please


lmao that belly button shows you are