Hunger Games

Hunger Games
First 24 and no dupes


>Kind of early, huh?

I guess you're right, that's why 24


Hi Megu

Hi, I didn't expect anyone, let alone you bump the thread

Something tells me that you're starting to fall for Bot.

Get a room you two

You really think so?

Hell yeah, man. You're gonna win the Megu. I have a great feeling.


Bigg Gulliver


Anyone else gonna samefag a little bit so I don't have to?

Ye hol up

Sick Dog


Edgar the fallen

Santa Ana

Sgt. Ching

Mind Flayer

Cpl. Ching

Stoned Yoda

Fug meant to put Cpl. Chong

>more than 30 minutes
>didn't even start
Please don't start that in a thread that is waiting to fill

Golden Meme Face

survival expert
commando mcscared

Busty Smurfette

One Steve

Hot Hans

My boi

Chavo & Chapulin

Bruce Lee

Benedict Walter Cumberbieber


Are you counting the extra megu & bot pics?

1 more though


Guy Fieri


holy fuck ignore this thread and check out
> Sиαpchα

Based OP

Let's roll.

Someone didn't like the overtime


One of my tributes was killed by another
Karma for samefagging in a 24 thread

Oh, So this is the thanks I get for working overtime?

>no one died
This is going to be a long game


>Dead and forgot
Golden meme face died.


Nothing again, and this isn't late game

Ask for killing, and that's what I got

You know, I usually don't like games with low death rate but we will probably have like 3 threads in the entire day so I guess we should try and enjoy it

My boi is dead....Rest in Peace, my boi.

You monsters! How could you do this to him?! He was just my boi!

rip in pizza Bot and Megu

At least bot didn't explode me again
Pay respects


I find it adds to the suspense.


Should've bring Chin instead

Bruce Lee unrealistic.

Why is he sick again? Is that blue gatorade?

I just realised I recognise this host from ages ago. I think we chatted once.

Indeed. His hosting style does seem rather familiar.

Also hi.

Not so "expert commando" now eh?


He wasn't a trap expert
Years? I'm here since March

I think so anyway. I'm not 100%.

Hello there.

I'm still alive? Weeeee!

Months kek. I think we chatted once anyway. What's your ava?

Nothing again, but since I doubt there will be more games later or a host waiting for his turn, it's not an issue.

Rest in Peace sweet prince

Maybe I'm thinking of someone else but isn't there two Blues or something?

Megumi, but the Blue part is to avoid mistakes from the Megumin ava (Red) which might appear later
The evil tree takes someone

F Smurfette

I think I have chatted to you before then. I was pepsiman if that helps.


Those nights lately barely have any action
I have no idea, since you say years and I'm not even 2 entire months here.

And then this happens


I didn't say years. I said ages. I was off Sup Forums for a while so it probably just felt like ages.

Ok what the fuck Blue
This is rigged!

My mistake
Arena, and 3 left

Rooting for Ching


Oops, winner in next post, but first, the last dead people.

Lincoln Loud

Come on Byung.


Your winner is Sgt. Ching



>mfw I actually win

That's all for the morning, thanks for playing.
Now time to wait the next one.

Thanks for the fun game dude.


Thanks for hosting Megu

I use dude without any implications to sex. I don't really give a shit about that stuff.

How many of you are still here?