Sup Forums, what is your opinion on the Brechtian subversion inherent in Bresson's films?

Sup Forums, what is your opinion on the Brechtian subversion inherent in Bresson's films?

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Is this a promo for a new blacked scene

brie is so fucking hot it's not even fair

Do you think that Bresson used Verfremdungseffekt to further his message of film as a departure from theatrical convention or to thematically critique his carefully constructed world?

what a qt

nigga what ? xD

what's the best response to convince you to post her naked feet

Maybe if you could find an online version of Sitney's essay on Bresson from his Essential Cinema book

i can't do that

Then can we discuss the influences of Jean Vigo on Bresson's style?

i'd influence her style

Nice tits.

God I love her

Please keep discussion on topic.
I can't seem to find much literature that delves into what specifically cinematic projects or creators were a major influence on Bresson. They always seem to focus on his Jansenism, which understandably can be seen in the austere aesthetics of his cinematography, production design and directing of actors (or "models") much like how the harsh religious upbringings influenced the likes of Dreyer and Bergman, but none of them really focus on his artistic influences that allowed him to synthesize a subtle but uniquely radical cinematic style.

Are you gay? Why are you trying to stroke dicks?

you might not know guys but alison brie happens to be my waifu

its so emberassing when jews try to be sexy. like its so funny and cute i cant help but laugh

I want to cum on Alison Brie's jew nose

I want to cum on Alison Brie's soft soles

I want to cum on those fucking quads.

I want to taste those feet

There isn't a part of Brie that I wouldn't cum on.
Nice digits by the way.

fuck man she's such a tasty little slut
i love her

Don't you mean post-Hegelian etymology you fucking pleb? Also saying words in German doesn't make you sound clever, go back to plebbit and discuss these shitty corporate yes men hacks there

>that grip

>post-Hegelian etymology
Please explain. What does philology, much less one that is post-Hegelian, have to do with the artistic philosophies of Brecht or Bresson?

Brecht is a surname, you retard

Thumbnail reminded me of one of the first "porns" I've ever watched

I don't really think Bresson was anti-Brechtian. Yes, his characters appear to inhabit our world and make observations about the world as it comes to them, rather than as if they were acknowledging themselves as components in a game of fate or some such.

But, if you want my real opinion, Paul Schrader, Scorsese, and Coppola did Existentialist cinema better in the 1970s. Scorsese's films are even more effective, in my mind, because they don't fall back on religion as the way out of our predicament. There is salvation in Bresson's work. Even the dying country priest, who feels betrayed by God, acknowledges his awesomeness. Scorsese shows Catholicism for what it really is, another tool of regulatory control, picked up and put down at his characters' convenience.

Why are you confusing technique for philosophy?

Post more of her feet

go back to rebbit bottomfeeder


What's the appeal of feet?

That'll be 19.99 plus tip sir!

It's a meme fetish that makes people feel like a special snowflake.

>those hips
>those tits
>that smile

why is she so perfect?

jew magic m8

What's the appeal of legs?

>not wanting to like her toes
Are you gay or something?

They connect to the ass and hips.

Explain to me how Brechtian subversion is displayed in Pickpocket

I used to say the same thing, and then I became a footfag. Seriously turn back before it's too late. A normal person can handle being around a cute barefoot girl. Me? I get extremely turned on and have to try my hardest not to look at them every few seconds.

Kafka was a massive influence on Bresson. So was Dostoyevsky.

Idk if you want literary influences

Okay I want to fap, give me a pornstar who resembles here at least a little please

cute and smells good

Nicky Huntsman looks just like her.


hello /vco/ddit

Jewesses are more sexually attractive than white women. Facts.


time to break my dick

Connie Carter

this honestly

>it's an alison brie fucks, marries and has a baby with Dave Franco episode


Brooke van Buuren is the most identical I could find. Probably the most identical even

Besides the obvious examples of the Bressonian school of acting (or anti-acting) and the audio-visual motif of repetition which is found in all of his films I found the very idea of Michel returning to France Scot-free breaking the immersion of the otherwise realistic plot. Therefore it was a subversion using Brecht's idea of distancing but to not completely recursively draw attention to the fiction of the film itself.

>Kafka was a massive influence on Bresson.
How so?

don't know what you guys see in her. she's good looking but so fucking plain. there's hundreds of hotter women in hollywood.


Jews are white

Not according to .


>I'll never have this
Why live?

Not according to common sense.

All Sup Forums ever accomplished was informing me that all ugly white women are Aryans.

>common sense

If it's common sense, that would mean you have an objective, clear, simple definition of white and an objective, clear, simple definition of Jewish. From these objective, clear, simpleton definitions, common sense would allow you to see that these definitions cannot and/or do not overlap.

No one on Sup Forums understands what common sense is. You're the right wing version of social justice warriors. You're so unintelligent and so brainwashed that you've come to believe the illogical propaganda you swallow is interchangeable with "common sense."

why would he use a theatrical technique if he wanted to depart from theater? i don't think he operated within this dichotomy (or even was interested in it), but rather in the psychosocial nuances of the V-Effekt and the way humans approach fiction. his school of acting seems to me as a tool to explore this frontier between reality x simulation and the suspension of disbelief inherent to theater

>dose nips
life is good

>why would he use a theatrical technique if he wanted to depart from theater?
He wanted to depart from theatrical convention just like Brecht. It just happened that Brecht developed his ideas in a theatrical medium which was enthusiastically accepted by the film avant-garde. Note that I don't really think Bresson was directly influenced by Brecht but was thinking along very similar lines and since Brecht's terminology is so widespread in criticism their use is justified to analyze Bresson's approach.

this woman tries so hard it works against her somehow

She's pretty great, shame she did so little scenes

>that massive ass
>tfw watching her 10/10 footjob scene and pretending it's Brie

Where did I go so wrong bros

ScarJo a cute

eporner has a great 1080p pov scene of her taking it up the ass. She's great.

Still doesn't eclipse the blonde-hair blue-eye babes.

>massive ass

sound really good

checking this one out

oh I love this kinky bitch so much

>jew magic
Is that an alias for photoshop?


I never knew how much I needed this.


Is this the best porn doppelganger out there? Holy shit she looks exactly like Brie.
Thanks, will check it out

Is she better than Nicky Huntsman?

She's the most identical I could find, but I doubt she's better than Nicky Huntsman. She doesn't do a lot of scenes

Thanks, will watch some of her stuff. Only knew about Nicky

>Kafka was a massive influence on Bresson.
Literally how?


post more from Get Hard senpai


literally perfect

I think it's pretty clear she is trying hard to break the Annie image from community.

now this is a alison brie post


nothin quite like a delicious jewslut




Literally BUILT for cumming in.



beee rude to it

>refuses to get her tits out
>gets her flat ass out instead
I dont understand women