What even goes on in "film class" in univeristy or college? How do you even teach watching a movie...

What even goes on in "film class" in univeristy or college? How do you even teach watching a movie? Do they teach you how to enjoy boring old movies or pretentious art crap? Is it like youtube review shows except longer?

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While bait is obvious:

Making and understanding film is like any art, you don't just get gud through osmosis. There are a lot of terrible movies in the world, for whatever reason.

There's more to film than just "le turn on the camera", user. Texture, story structure, tone, narrative flow, conveying emotion...these aren't pretentious things...these are what make films watchable.

I'm sorry you don't understand that to be good at something you need to learn how it's done.


I really don't get this fucking retard agenda that actually promotes being ignorant towards something you enjoy. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you people? Why don't you just kill yourselves? WHY DO YOU NOT WANT TO LEARN MORE THINGS

I'm sorry you need someone else to tell you what is what instead of being able to figure it out on your own

how does it feel when you are trying your hardest and failing, the real talents of the world can turn out garbage thats better the best you can offer

Any good kino books you would recommend to a layman without any inclination to go pro?

Well what is even gained from "analyzing" films? You just watch them and enjoy the story.

But then sometimes a movie is boring or pretentious and the only people who like it are pretentious film class nerds, so I'm wondering if they really have the "secret" to enjoying those movies in those classes or if they're just being pretentious.

Can you just look at the Sistine Chapel and go:

"I don't need to learn how to do this, I can just do stick figures. I refuse to learn a craft".

Are you a retard?
Do you think you don't need to learn how to do basics for anything?
Can you do advanced calculus without understanding basic math?

Go fuck yourself you neet.

>I'm sorry you need someone else to tell you what is what instead of being able to figure it out on your own
>I don't know how teaching anything works

Jesus Christ.

Film class is to learn basic skills in how to shoot, edit and produce adequate film. Not to just watch it.

I feel bad for my country sometimes, we have so little respect for any artistic field.

Stories affect us. We look at drama, the lessons presented there and then apply it to our own lives. They influence the way we think and feel. I'd like to better understand how they accomplish that. Don't let pretentious people limit your own growth; I mean, what's more fucked up than that? Those people are frauds and they know it--that's why the put on that front. don't pay them no mind. there's so much cool shit to explore

lmao you're stupid

let me guess--you're 17?

Again, I'll repeat: to be good at something you need to learn how it's done.

Do you want to be a better writer? You have to read.
Do you want to be a better painter? You have to paint.
Do you want to be a better filmmaker? You have to watch films.

Why is this hard?

>the real talents of the world can turn out garbage thats better the best you can offer

You are delusional if you think the greatest filmmakers haven't practiced their craft or gotten super lucky otherwise.

>You just watch them and enjoy the story.

Jesus, this is tragic. Like Frankenstein getting a peak of the light of the world outside his dungeon, they having it stripped away. Just don't ask questions like this anymore, user. You're gonna hit a ceiling and have to take a long hard look at yourself


Go ahead. Push that retard agenda. Protect yourself.

I'm not pushing anyone's agenda you pretentious 14 year old neet faggot. He's not entirely wrong for wanting to enjoy the films he watches.

Is it supposed to be torture? Is no fun allowed, Dad?

I can guarantee you no one else in this thread has taken a film class so let me give you the low down on what really happens.

You show up on the first day and the professor sits you down. There is a flickering projection playing for three reasons, 1 to set up a surreal almost dream-like atmosphere 2 to obscure him so that you wont recognize him outside of class 3 in case administration is listening in it will sound as though a film is playing. Then comes the breakdown. He teaches 4 classes a week and makes about $30,000. His existence is miserable but the low-point is his commute to campus. He tells you that today is the last day he'll make that commute this semester; that his other job (retail) needs him at this time. He asks for a volunteer to run the projection booth in the future. Whoever volunteers will get an A in the class. It will be their job to show up during the usual time, hit the lights, start the projector,in an empty room and then leave. Everyone else will receive an A-.

A good cinema professor will also offer As to a handful of students who he thinks will be able to quell upstart students running to administration or causing problems for him. He will assign for them to scope out the cinema room during his class times to see if any students have actually showed up and disobeyed him. He will provide a print out of things to say in order to make the situation seem better to overachievers who aren't satisfied with an A-. "Wow someone else actually showed up...", "Hey, isn't it awesome that we don't have to do anything?", "Wow, with all this free time I can work on my other classes, you too right?" and for the ugly ass overachiving girls "Hey, since we're free...you wouldn't mind going on a date now would you?" Once these overachievers walk out/miss one class they have no argument against an A- anymore.

>no one else in this thread has taken a film class

Thanks for speaking for all of us. It's not like I'm in this thread BECAUSE I've taken film classes...

>actually thinking about the medium you waste hours on

Keep telling yourself you're not a retard


>Hi, I'm a 16 year old cynic

Get kicked in the head

When are you going to realize that I'm not that user and I don't agree with virtually anything he said besides the ONE sentiment that films can be enjoyable.

What you took was a flick class, flunkie.

>agree with one sentiment that had nothing to do with other user's actual point
>decide to insert yourself into the argument to argue about something entirely different

The problem's bigger than I thought...

>har har art is for nerdssss, flunkie! you took a flick class harrr HARR!

Great meme.

Jeez, you are quite the sperg aren't you? Did Kubrick rape your parents?

You're right, nobody should ever teach or attend a film class.

I'm sure this won't effect the quality of future films at all...with nobody bothering to know basic shit with how to make it...

What could go wrong with our cynicism getting in the way of learning a craft, right?

>user made me realize I'm a fucking jackass :'(

Just move on dude. It'll be okay.

Everyone should if they want that free 30,000 and free 3.8 gpa

you really pat yourself on the back pretty hard, don't you? No faggot, you didn't "make me realize I'm a fucking jackass". One of the other points that the user made was about him enjoying films. I agreed with that.

Do you think this is a contest? Do you want to be updooted son? You want an Imgur trophy?

Somebody's upset. When I'm upset, I go to the gym. Try that.

>it's a newfag redditors come into Sup Forums threads to pretend to be experts before Mom gets home and uses the computer episode.

Calling you a dumb faggot neet doesn't imply that I'm upset.

It implies that you are a dumb faggot neet who thinks these threads have votes on them for level of le quips.

You should definitely kill yourself

Looking back, many of these "boring old movies" were cleverly written, there's a lot to learn from them.

The only film class I took was focused more on the history of film, and screened exemplary works from the birth of film up to current day. Discussion and lecture was on how said works innovated and impacted the masses.

Also, here was fair exploration on genres and themes in film. Vocabulary was introduced, tropes were dissected. Short synopsis were required for in class screenings, as well as some outside homework writing analysis of films of our choosing.

An easy A for lowerdiv arts GE.

Just from what I've read I would recommend as an introduction:

>Graeme Turner - Film as Social Practise
Social and cultural impact of cinema
>Béla Balázs - Theory of the Film
Very early (1940s) book on the way in which shot composition and editing can inform characterisation and narrative. IMHO the most vital film text anyone could read both for how well informed it is and its historical importance. It's also very easy to read and digest because each point is segment into individual paragraphs with their own heading and topic.
>V.F. Perkins - Film As Film
Introduction to film theory, should be one of the first you should read (it was mine)
>Andre Bazin - What is Cinema?
Both an introduction ot cinematic critique and reading, but more importantly the most logical introduction to Bazin, a thinker who arguably spurred French new wave, gave credence to previously underrated American directors such as Hitchcock and Welles and changed theory as a whole entirely.
>Peter Wollen - Signs and Meaning in the Cinema
"New Hollywood" from the mouth of a contributor to the period. This is the only specialised text among the group but it serves as a decent introduction to the study of movements as well as a means of learning about why people like films like Godfather and Easy Rider so much. A lot of the book discusses the subtextual reading of films but Wollen is not very good at discussing this.

and for good measure it would be good to brush up on general art theory:

>Leo Tolstoy - What is Art?
>John Dewey - Art as Experience
>John Berger - Ways of Seeing
>Susan Sontag - On Photography

>What even goes on in "film class" in univeristy or college?
Lecturer mainly discusses either the contextual impact of a film or the craft and subtext of the film itself.
>How do you even teach watching a movie?
Just as you can teach dance or literary theory. Anyone can flail around or read a book, but it's about having the technique to properly experience dance or literature. In the most simple sense, if you were to watch a Ironman sat next to a child, you might both enjoy it and watch the same movie, but you might grasp at themes of alcoholism or terrorism that the child doesn't really understand. A film student is trained to better pick up on more things than the layman, just as the layman, due to maturity, picks up on more things than a child
>Do they teach you how to enjoy boring old movies or pretentious art crap?
Most people who would take the course would already enjoy pretentious art crap
>Is it like youtube review shows except longer?
nah youtube reviewers are mainly shit and don't know what they're talking about. It's more so like those poetry classes you had to take in English class, because you don't like poetry it wasn't interesting, replace it with something you enjoy and that's "film class"

t. 2nd early film student before the obvious unemployment comments, this course has already led to my working for my city paper

I don't know you fucking retard. What's the point of "analyzing" a book or a poem