Ghostbusters Suicide Squad

What happened???
Ghostbusters(2016) was suppose to be this Generation's Citizen Kane! It was suppose to shatter the glass ceiling and help improve Women's rights!!! And yet a movie that is literally the Donald Trump of capes is beating it?!!!! It's suppose to be 2016!!!

How did this happen? Did the Manbabies sabotage the movie? Did GamerGate hack into the box office mainfraim and give it a low income score?

Women were wrong. As usual.

But women liked Suicide Squad


Those women in the image are wrong then. As usual.

That's not what feminist websites told me
Go away, GooberGate

stop being a big baby. I can hate women for whatever reason I wish. you should go back to Sup Forums

It's bad enough women don't have the same rights as men.

Now men sabotage women's movies.

When will Change happen?

>hating women
Shouldn't you be at a Trump rally, Shitlord?

Liberals are losing the culture war.


It's happening on its own, mister cummy pants.

>6 Ways 'Suicide Squad' Is the Donald Trump of Superhero Movies

Jesus Christ, why do liberals need to find any excuse to compare things to Donald Trump? Like, what does The Donald even have to do with the movie itself?

Margot robbie in booty shorts makes me happy :)

I blame James Rolfe

>Ghostjusters got HONKA HONKA'D

That just furthers the proof that they are wrong.

so glad those feminist SJWs go tthe kick in the teeth they deserved. They shilled this movie so fucking hard and queefed their pants when a few good reviews came out, they went full retard and were like "hurr if you don't like it you're a misogynist shitlord manbaby".

Well guess they're eating their words now.

Women are stupid. More news at 5.


Maybe they can make Ghostbusters 2 with Reese Witherspoon and Rosie Odonnel?

>still shilling for manbabygate

I preferred the Echantress

>the world is black and white

>it's not that I like to feel superior by being smug to both sides, it's that the issue is so complex that these idiots don't know anything

there's only a select group of people that use a term as lame as goobergate