Is this movie actually as bad as everyone thinks, or should I still watch it?

Is this movie actually as bad as everyone thinks, or should I still watch it?

I liked Lethal Weapon 1 and 2

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What are you talking about

It's really good

The banter is god tier

>Is this movie actually as bad as everyone thinks

Said no one ever. Find a new circle of friends or something, cuz I don't know who the fuck told you it was bad

Rottentomatoes has it at 44%

>nobody likes you
>everybody hates you
>you're gonna lose
>smile you fuck

I both miss and loathe the 90s

>Nobody likes you
>Everybody hates you
>You're gonna lose


>doubting our lord and savior Shane Black

C'mon, OP...

Oldfag here, I'd go back to the 90's in a heartbeat.

Who the fuck cares about what RT says? When did this board get obsessed with what critics said? When did this board turn into Sup Forums?

just look at this scene man

hallenbeck > mclane tbqh

Top critics: 60%

it's kind of watery. the script is way better than the final movie.

Hell yes it is. I love this movie.

Oh, it was an accident, right? You tripped on the carpet and accidentally stuck your dick in my wife. You were all like, "Jeez, I'm sorry Mrs. H. This just really isn't my day!"

I thought that dude was a dead man. Turns out he was.


Best scene?

GOAT action flick scene. Chuckling right now just thinking about it.

It's my favorite Bruce Willis movie. Hudson Hawk is runner up. Die Hard is overrated. Not even trolling.

> based tony scott
> based shane black
> willis at his most grizzled
> blankman

This movie's kino as fuck, user.

>Hudson Hawk is runner up.

Hudson Hawk is Bruce having some legit fun, he'll never be that happy making a movie again..

It's the best comedy/action movie I've ever seen. It's perfect, right down to the Three Stooges antics to the over top top villains.

>It's the best comedy/action movie I've ever seen

Excluding Jackie Chan stuff right? But yeah it's fun as fuck


I saw this a few years ago and was amazed I missed it as a teen in the 90s.

This movie will eventually become a classic. Get in on it first so you can brag about it in 10 years