DCucks on suicide watch

DCucks on suicide watch

That's it man.

DCEU is finished.

Why couldn't they just make a whole film about Joker and Harley



that doesn't set up enough of the DCEU

they're playing catch up to Marvel so they have to establish like 50 characters per movie now.

will still make more money than Ant Man or GotG

suck it Marvelfags

>Holding no better than Batman V Superman

At least Suicide Squad is up against competition. BvS released against nothing.

Its still grossing more in second week then Guardians second week and that is without China which is sad. I think this is the media spinning things anti-DC as usual. It should be celebrated for being the savior of DC BUT they can't have that so lets find a bunch of meaningless stats that show how its bombing so hard right?

I held onto this

gotta catch up to marvel which means introducing two dozen characters over the course of 8 months in 3 movies as opposed to over the course of ten years in a few dozen movies

it's all one big retarded copycat attempt, and it sucks because the DC stories are a lot more suited for the big screen IMO. You just need executives who are willing to take a fucking financial risk for once in their life in an attempt to make people want to see their shit, as opposed to risking shit reviews for an easy payday

>I-I was just joking!

>sausage party
>19m budget movie is competition

wew lad

It's in stiffer competition then BvS's window, which had it stacked up against My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 and The Divergent Series:

BvS struck out playing against retards.


that would be a smart decision
DC cannot allow that

Ant-Man maybe
GotG no


>WB makes a terrible movie that no one on this board will defend on its merits
>s-suck it guys, at least the jews made money off us

>500+ million
>suicide watch
>literally massive box office success
>cucks trying to shitpost major success after feminists nu male cucks trying to shit it on reviews for feminist SJW reasons

It won't even make that without the Chinese bucks. 450 tops.

Didn't Ant-Man have a smaller budget, so actually made a decent profit?

>terrible film


Is the social media to blame for this retarded shilling? that shit shows what you want to, being the most twitted is a meaningless title. Or is it Mr. 1.jpg and friends in their usual autism?

BvS actually dropped more in China than overall, removing China from BvS' box office would result in a bigger increase and SS would make around 570 million

He said movie which is what this trash and all capeshit is

>I-I was


The sad thing is that the MCU happened because of a bunch of last shots and no one caring. Marvel made an Iron Man movie themselves because all of their bigger properties had already been optioned. They went in with zero expectations so the director and actors could improv whatever felt right for the movie.

At this point the only chance at a DCEU is WB finally giving up on everything, and a Blue Beetle or Dr. Thirteen movie somehow making a billion dollars.

That's an insult to movies. Capeshit abominatons are flicks.

DC reboot when?

I called this and DCucks said I was pulling it out of my ass.

Get fucked.

Hey NuMales! We did it! We saved Marvel Quipfest from DChads

I need to start doing this.

Sup Forums is so fucking retarded with predicting how movies will do.
We need more namefags so we can shame them to oblivion.

Especially when they start ranting about how a movie needs to make 3x the budget to make profit, god damn those posters are fucking dumb.
I think it was only ever accurate with the warcraft movie flopping even though it made enough money overseas.

The worst part is that had the movie gotten positive critical reception, or at the very least had they added more Joker scenes to keep casuals happy, the movie would have easily cleared the billion dollar mark by the end of its run.

more like it'll make a profit of 1 dollar bill lmao

>Is the social media to blame for this retarded shilling?
The good think about social media is that we can find out who the shills are

If Justice League is good, reboot never. I wasn't into the MCU until Avengers because Iron Man 1 put me to sleep, Hulk and Thor both sucked Same could happen here. The team up could save it.


The joker was fucking horrible however he lives up to his name because you'd just laugh at him, he wasn't remotely intimidating and had zero believability as a crime boss

>If Justice League is good
>directed by Snyder


Even worse, he's doing it in a way he didn't want to


He's our guy so deal with it


So what's next? The delusional fucks hyped the fuck out of BvS only to have it suck dick, then went into denial and shitposted until Suicide Squad.

What's the next DC flop going to be? What can we expect them to not shut up about?

B-b-but it's full of quips now.

It will be good, right ?

Chads are successful, unlike DC

1.jpgfag thread?

>If Justice League is good
too bad this is the first time a DCEU has a genuinely horrible trailer

they can't even lie this time about the quality

Is it worth seeing? I liked BvS, and really liked BvS: UC.

But the clips from SS have been...meh. I HATE some of the music choices they made post-production. Is the entire movie like that? Is there no score?

>being this much of a faggot

It's kino, deal with it

Would have been a much better idea, though I probably would have despised it as I really didn't like Leto's Joker.

>Clark Jr Kent
>Absolute delusion

What's Karl Pilkington doing in that comic?

Still better than 99% of the capeshit Wheedon&co force out of their crusted anuses

The Boys is comics kino

On a scale of 1-10, just how ass blasted are you DCuck?

>b-but marvel
every fucking time

I'm not even a fanboy of either because I'm not a fucking manchild, but Suicide Squad and BvS are objectively better films than the soulless garbage Marvel produce


>judging a film by how commercially successful it is

You're the cancer that's ruining the film industry

>S-stop posting relevant facts guise!

Uh huh...


ffs Sup Forums has fully devolved from "No more cape shit" to "My cape shit if better then your cape shit"


>is social media to blame

i'd start with the director and work my way down.


*quips fedora*

I wonder if Dr Strange will open In China because of the magic

It's obvious we're stuck with it. Might as well find some entertaining angle.

Scott Mendelson is enjoying the poor ticket sales way too much

What's the point? You can't really shame anyone, because it's anonymous.


>Wow, Suicide Squad is smashing records! Fuck Rotten Tomatoes XD

Goddamn your are stupid.

Take china away from bvs and it goes from 870 to 770. SS will be lucky to get 650 ww.

The first 30 minutes or so is basically a non-stop montage of pop music that doesn't fit what's happening on screen, and the film clearly wasn't made with those songs in mind.
After that, though, if you liked BvS you'll probably enjoy it. Apart from Leto, the actors did a really good job.

Why wasn't this a stand alone batman movie with joker and Harley Quinn? Why did it have to be a fucking suicide squad? Why is DC moving ahead with literal who's and no name characters when Marvel only started doing that AFTER they established an Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America and Avengers?

But the real question is. Why is DC and Warner Bros so other worldly shit at making movies?

>Would you give me a kiss, for luck?
>That was too easy

Watched it today and I loved it. I don't even like superhero shit.

Marvel has completely and utterly destroyed dcfags. It's funny how they all scramble to muh paid off critics and muh kino films as if that means anything.

Magic != Sorcery/witchcraft

Based Marvel

they wanted their own Guardians of the Galaxy but they failed like usual

The last thing this movie needed was more screentime for the Joker.

Also, fuck off, I'm so tired of the same three or four Batman villains being wheeled out. The variety of characters is a good thing.

Please. It wouldn't get 650 WITH China. This flick is so bad even Sausage Party, an R-rated shitpile, is giving it a run for its money in its second week.

Come on. There are things that Suicide Squad and BvS do better than the MCU, but at least most MCU movies have a coherent narrative.

Not really. I honestly can't think of a single thing DC does better. Except fail.

They try so hard.

Fuck your variety you agenda pushing faggot. Is your daddy a Warner Bros CEO and you learn all your cluelessness from him? Everyone just wants to see The Joker and Harley Quinn and Batman. Fuck everyone else. I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone (except you, of course) when I say that.

this movie fucking blew. and i am pretty easy to please unlike most of Sup Forums.i honestly wanted to leave early.

>Holding no better than Batman V Superman

But, Bats v Supes was good.

Pretty sure the critics and audiences singling out, for instance, Waller and Diablo as particular points for praise would disagree.

whoever though that crock killa guy looks decent should be castrated, he looks odd as fuck, his head is like twice as big as the rest of his body, I'm all in for practical effects over a full cgi'd body but they should have at least bothered finding someone large enough to look normal with such a bigass head.

>hwn grab your boob
> :'(

Acting, for one. The cliche bits with Woll Smoth and his barely-established daughter in Suicide Squad were more competent pieces of drama than the scenes from Civil War and Age of Ultron that feature massive emotional developments for characters who have been in movies for years.

I would also cite things like score (particularly Zimmer's stuff) and some instances of writing (depending on which MCU flick you're comparing them to), as examples of things where the DCU's 3 movies beat the MCU's 13.


it's not a review or his personal thoughts, these are numbers and real facts

But you're wrong on all three points. Marvel has better writing and music and acting. You must be trolling.


LOL You betcha, buddy. The best acting in the DC is on par with the worst in the MCU: Rudd and Hemsworth.

It's not even that they cast bad actors, it's that they're horribly MIScast.

Can someone explain what's the point on catching up to Marvel?

Going slowly means more movies, ergo more cash...


i've seen this movie for 70 cents because of some online fuck up in movie theater's website. no regrets. it was solid 7/10.
also there are no better marvel movie than SS.