What are some movies where the protagonist just wanted his ______ back?

What are some movies where the protagonist just wanted his ______ back?



Big memeski


was about to post this
Theatrical Cut > Director's cut

Is there a better director in history than 80's Carpenter?

I Just want my kids back

>gets his _____ back
>leaves even though the hot blonde is all over his dick

Why is Jack Burton so based?

Crank 2

>Theatrical Cut > Director's cut

Yeah? what the fuck happened there?

This entire series of films.


I'd love to see Carpenter make a directorial comeback. I know he pretty much gave up when Debra Hill died, but his style is just PERFECT.
I'd love a new Escape movie with an old, tired Snake Plissken that just wants to be left the fuck alone.

>We will never get a Vampire$ movie closer to the book where James Woods' character turns into a vampire and gets killed at the end when he tries to kill the sidekick only to find out it was the pope in disguise.

>Steakley literally only wrote two awesome books and disappeared off the face of the planet.

don't forget its spiritual successor

Falling Down.

- he just wants to get home, so he abandons his car and walks
- he just wants the Korean bodega guy to give him change to make a phone call
- he just wants to have a burger that looks like the picture
-he just wants to buy a new pair of boots
-he just wants to walk across a golf course

- he just wants He just wants to bring birthday gifts to his daughter.

>No use of the word "back" or implication of the return of an item.
How's that relevant

From Dark Star to They Live he could do no wrong. It's such a shame his career went spiralling downhill after the 80s. In the Mouth of Madness is good, Body Bag is fun schlock and Vampires and Escape from L.A. are decent but the rest of his post-80s filmography is pretty bad.
This, I would love to see Kurt Russell play Snake one last time. John has said he thinks Kurt is too old to do it but I think an old Snake who is tired of life could be badass.

He just wants his car back. He just wants his dog back.

he wants his old life(Wife, daughter, job etc) back

>old Snake who is tired of life could be badass.
he just wants his peace and quiet back


80's De Palma is pretty good too.

Tom-Yum-Goong/The Protector

Tony Jaa just wanted his elephant back

There's one austin powers movie where someone steals his "mojo" and he needs it back.

>that fucking reveal
>the only thing that snaps him out of it is getting fucking stabbed

What a mistake that was.

>goes through all that trouble
>for $140,000
Fucking retarded.



I saw him a little while ago when he was doing that tour playing music from his movies and Lost Tapes and he seems to have a good amount of energy left in his age. As much as I wouldn't want to risk his last movie being bad he could probably put out one more before he dies

best friend's chink waifu

So what happened after the movie? Did the monster attack Jack? Or maybe they became friends and got into adventures together.


There's a pretty good comic that's being released monthly that picks up straight after the movie. He and the monster become friends and go on adventures.

Right on brother.

Tom Jane's finest hour

Cronenberg had a better run than Carpenter by a mile


Its 70,000

It's funny how Carpenter is more relevant now than he was in the 80s since the whole retro horror/neo noir cyberpunk thing is in vogue now.

Shame he can't do a legitimate comeback. I get the feeling he's lost interest in moviemaking; The Ward and the Masters of Horror episodes weren't good at all. Maybe he could break into vidya?

>yfw we get a real The Thing game written by Carpenter and developed by an actual good developer

No fucking way. I'lll check it out, thanks.

>They took his father's sword, now he will take it back...along with their lives, this summer Arnold is.... CONAN!

>I'd love a new Escape movie with an old, tired Snake Plissken that just wants to be left the fuck alone.

this lad

Am I alone in thinking that The Thing would make a decent walking sim? The way I see it, there's only two ways to do it: a Dead Space/nuRE style action heavy game, or a walking sim that focuses more on story and atmosphere.

70, it's fucking 70,000