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>not the shooped version with blue eyes


Wait until we find out who the villain is. That's what ruined all the other DC movies.
>It's a gal Gadot singing horribly episode.

Yes goy, this will surely be the one.

Fine casting this time around but bad use of the villains (probably Ares just influencing army brass and masketta lady being original character)

Screenshot this

I thought it would be until I saw the trailer.

I want to see Superheros beat the shit out of Supervillains, not fight fucking world war (X) for the 100th time in a row

> be Israeli
> still have no idea why Gal Gadot is getting international roles, for buff busty women no less

Is there anything she CAN do?

I'm spaniard and I never understood Penelope Cruz fad neither.

Steal your heart, sheckels, and semen, goy.

Specially when Paz Vega is way hotter, but yeah, Penelope and Javier make no fucking sense, they're fugly as fuck

How can they even give her an actual enemy in this movie? She was able to trade blows with fucking Doomsday so how are soldiers from WW2 going to do anything to her?
Direct link to her shitty singing.

post smile and fist pump webm

Wonder woman can trade blows with Doomsday tho.

But the movie Doomsday was gay

>But the movie Doomsday was gay
Well, that explain why she can trade blows with him

she's multi-talentedly bad

>Chris Pine

Lmao no.

Only if she shows her hairy pussy lips

>all those retards pretending it's good


No, becuse muh storm front Sup Forums maymays

She will likely be fighting Ares.

Maybe at the end, but 90% of the movie will be an immortal demigoddess vs a bunch of humans with WWI weapons. Very heroic.

Yes, I'm sure she will be slaughtering them mercilessly.

Didn't you see the trailer? She literally slashes some guy with her sword while riding a horse. This is Wonder Woman we're talking about, killing is her business.

pleb faggot

She'll have some sort of objective beyond slicing krauts for an hour and a half.

Like slicing boss kraut

Yes, but it still doesn't make the action and more exciting. It's literally a female Superman vs a bunch of normal soldiers. There's no threat.

>doesn't like our Gal


>Germans were evil in WWI meme
>Germans were evil in WWII meme
Literally Jews in both cases.

That boob plate is problematic.

german jews

Gadot is a terrible actress and will not be able to carry a movie. I'm struggling to understand why so few critics seem to see this.

Like, she was barely in BvS and she's easily one of the worst parts of it.

The International Jew. The only kind that exists.

No, that's an assumption on your part. If it is just Captain America starring Wonder Woman, yes, that would be quite boring. But there are plenty of ways one could adjust the narrative to give her some sort of a challenge.

Man she's terrible

holy fuck the things I would do to lynda carter would make superman himself kill me

Why even deflect bullets at all? Just let them shoot you as you walk up to them and tear them apart?

I hope there is a nude scene.

Iron man > MoS
Incredible Hulk< BvS
Iron Man 2 < Suicide Squad

So far so good really. WW trailer looked """"fun"""

Her voice isn't half as bad as her articulation.

I trust Patty Jenkins to make a good movie, but WB managed to completely butcher Suicide Squad in the last two months before it was released, and Wonder Woman is still almost a year away. They could do terrible things in the meantime.


another pleb faggot

Iron Man 2 is a garbage movie, but it's leagues better than SS.



there is

Iron Man 2 is a garbage fire.



Yes, because MMA fighters make terrific actors.

yes because gal gadot is the top class of actors academy

>Women leading film
Will get 90% in all the critics

are you sexually attracted to naked rats user?

What the hell is that?

She's better than a fucking wrestler

You don't have to be terrific to outperform Gadot. Just adequate. Carano was very adequate in Haywire.

they do

Nah, it's really not.

Her fight scenes in Haywire are adequate. Her dialogue is painful. I'm sure there are literally thousands of better choices than Godot, but Gina Carano is a half step above Hulk Hogan in terms of talent. Why people think MMA fighters should be in movies is fucking beyond me. It shows that the vast majority of people have no idea how acting OR fucking fight choreography works.

Keep your creepy fetish away. You picked the only actress literally worse than Gal.

She's really not
You can actually directly compare

tiny feet

I don't understand the question.

girl feet, yeah

RICHARD BERNSTEIN Jew Western Publishing. childrens books

STUART BLOOMBERG Jew ABC Head of Entertainment Division.

PETER CHERNINJew 20th Century Fox. dec. 1992 new CEO

MARTIN S. DAVISJew Paramount Comm. CEO

BARRY DILLERJew 20th Century Fox. CEO


STEVEN FRIEDMANJew NBC Executive Producer Nightly News. Hired may 1990 under G.E. (gentile) owned NBC.

LEONARD HARRY GOLDENSONJew ABC (Capital Cities ABC TV) (upto 1985. Thomas Murphy now CEO but with same Jewish management)

KATHERINE MEYER GRAHAMJew Newsweek, Washington Post. Daughter of Eugene Meyer.

PETER GUBERJew Columbia Pictures. 1989. Bought by SONY, Guber replaced Kaufman as CEO.

PETER KALIKOWJew New York Post. Real estate devloper.

PETER R. KANNJew Dow Jones, Wall St Journal, Barrons

VICTOR A. KAUFMANJew Columbia Pictures. CEO


GARY HERSH Jew Capitol Records CEO

ROBERT MAXWELLaka Ludvik Hoch Jew Daily News.

RONNESSEN Jew MBS. Mutual Broadcasting SYS.

SAMUEL NEWHOUSERussian Jew Random House, Advanced Publications, Newhouse Broadcasting, (CTV), New Yorker Vogue, Mademoiselle, Glamour, Vanity Fair, HQ, Bride's, Gentleman's Quarterly, Self, House & Garden. Newspapers & mags.

MICHAEL OVITZJew Media magnate.

WILLIAM S. PALEYRussian Jew CBS CEO & founder of CBS. 1927. 1983 Partially retired.


SUMNER M. REDSTONEJew Viacom MTV Nickelodeon QVC. CEO.


JEFF SAGANSKYRussian Jew CBS Head Entertainment Division.

DAVID SARNOFFRussian Jew RCA NBC head entertainment div.

ROBERT SARNOFFRussian Jew RCA NBC CEO (son ofD. Sarnoff). RCA and NBC were bought by G.E. in 1986 but Jewish management still exists.

MICHAEL P. SCHULHOF Jew SONY. Vice chairman.

RICHARD SNYDERJew Simon & Schuster.

LEONARD STERNJew Village Voice. HARTZ pets supply.

ROBERT STRAUSSJew Large investor, President Bush's Moscow ambassador.

ARTHUR OCHS SULZBERGERJew New York Times, family circle.McCall's,M. Frankel,J. Lelyveld,J. Rosenthal- all Jews.

BRANDON TARTIKOFFRussian Jew Paramount pictures. Chairman.

LAWRENCE A. TISCHRussian Jew CBS CEO TV, theaters, hotels, insurance. (Before him was 1928William S. Paleyson of Russian Jews. Retired 1983.)

LEW WASSERMANJew MCA Inc. CEO. 1991. Bought by SONY. but Wasserman still is CEO.

MORTIMER ZUCKERMANJew US News and World Report, Daily News. New CEO.

What the fuck is this dude?

he is the Jewnamer, he roams the board, naming jews

Nope, she can't do those either.

Israeli asked why Gal Gadot has a role as Wonderwoman despite not fitting the build, and I gave the answer.

Why does she sound like she can't open her jaw at all? What a talentless sack of bones.

This is the next woman that normies will push as talented and sexy right? I already enjoy all the shitposting people do claiming she's attractive ect.

Can I? She delivered one line and it didn't seem all that much more natural than Gadot's. If you're counting her sweet Hapkido moves as "acting", that there is the problem. And While Gadot certainly doesn't look like the Wonder Woman of the comics, neither does the other girl. She's got bigger tits, sure, but she still doesn't look much like Wonder Woman.

I'm not even a fan of Gadot, WB can drop her today and I wouldn't give a third of a shit, but if we're going to recast Wonder Woman, why not pick an actual actress instead of a an MMA fighter?

>Le Wonder Woman should have huge tits maymay
Amazonian women cut their left tit off so they could adequately use bows according to the myth. In what capacity does having double d's make you a more adequate warrior? If anything they seem like a hindrance.

There are literally better Wonder Women on instagram.

What? You mean she has the ability to marginally look like the character on social media? That's literally all the information I need. SOMEBODY GET HER A THREE PICTURE DEAL RIGHT AWAY.

It sounded much more natural than whatever the fuck Gadot was doing
I'm not a Carano fan, I don't really know much about her acting, but Gadot in that scene is atrocious and it's really hard to be worse than that

>It sounded much more natural than whatever the fuck Gadot was doing
By which you mean what, she didn't have an accent?

I think she's alright, don't mind if she's a Yid

Gadot can't act for shit, she couldn't be arsed to bulk up and she's ugly as sin. Put that information in your pipe and smoke it faggot.

Yes. Very good.

Not OP but I'd like to chime in and remind you that you are retarded and your opinions are shit lmao

You're right. Literally random woman on instagram is a much safer bet. Dafuq was Warner Bros thinking?

This a muscle girl thread or a feets thread? I'm confused

Let's be civil here. Was Gadot the absolute best choice in your opinion? Do you think she's a good actor? Do you think it's ok for male actors to bust their asses in the gym while female actors don't? Do you find her attractive?

Outstanding, i wish i was around back then when 'talent' actually was talent.

would a musclegirl playing Wonder Woman count as diversity?



Can we go back in time and bring her here so she can play WW again?

Gun down stone throwing Palestinians?


top tier


Can't be a proper woman without tits, that's just basic evolution
Chestlet females are just runt boys
