So do you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians?

so do you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians?


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post more of that photoshoot

so every girl has the same bathing suite style an dbig asses and hips now. my fetish for nice asses is slowly fading. i miss when it was rare

Those tats look like the kind of thing that would happen if you fell asleep at a party.

nigger thot

that's what senpai enigs do.they get some horrible scribbles all over their body at once to make it look like they're hood and been tatted up for years. it's hard to see so just looks like a thug nigga




>that balding




Says the fat kid sitting in the basement

those hips

I know nothing on Kylies face is natural but is her ass real?


Doubt it. That entire family visits plastic surgeons weekly.

those thighs

If whites put that much effort to have a fit body would these girls fuck them?

there's nothing on her that's real
she's more plastic than flesh at this point nigs get muscles easily

hate kardashians, their asses are alright if a bit baboon tier but those fucking hips holy shit

who cares

look at her

>nigs get muscles easily
I dont think that how muscle builds up user


Aren't their asses fake? I'm pretty sure they're like 35% plastic by now, at least.

fucking hell


Look at the skull shape of that homo erectus. Damn son.


She looks beat for 19.

If you actually worked out you'd get muscles user



Christ, her ass is fake as fuck.


I'm not complaining. it's common fact. they get built easy as shit. even younger ones who dont really work out can have 6 packs and shit. sort of like how when i was in 4th and 5th grade. alreayd had nig girls with tits and arm pit hair., they just develop like apes.

why do all the kardashians exclusively go for the BBC senpai?

it's not fair

it's never plastic. they inject your own fat on the right places

Release that sex tape right fucking now!

US must be the only place were non whites being successful is socially acceptable somehow.

They get shekels for it.
