It have been five years

>it have been five years

Should I give up hope on ever having a sequel?

a film nobody wanted

I'm hoping against hope that Spielberg'll cut Hackson off and just make it himself

a sequel is in the talkings. It's just that Spielberg and that fat guy who is not del taco are busy in a project together

Maybe in 2 years

I too wish for a sequel, user. I mean, it's fucking Tintin. You have such great source material for dozens of great adventure movies

>Dat motorcycle chase

>It's just that Spielberg and that fat guy who is not del taco are busy in a project together

What the fuck could be more important?
Goddammit I miss treasure hunting movies so much and Tintin was a breath of fresh air.

Spielberg recently mentioned Jackson's sequel is soon to film

It's a secret project from now on. THat's the only thing I know, they started working together with Tintin and got along really well.
Once this project is finished we get more Tintin

I want it, damn it

Its really good but the faces are gross as fuck and the fact that the source material is more of a french thing but they didn't make this movie means there's a lack of enthusiasm over this particular adaptation amongst it's only built-in audience. Noone knows who the fuck Tin-tin is in America. I'd wager there's like a zero percent chance we'll see either Spielberg or Peter Jackson's names attached to another Tin-tin project ever again.

Probably - the ironic thing being that this felt more like a legit Indiana Jones movie than Crystal Skull did.

I felt that as well. In fact, considering TinTin's lack of popularity in America (likesaid), why not just use the adventures and character archetypes to make a new franchise from scratch, instead of using the artstyle that might throw anyone not already a fan off?

This right here. If you want the masses to like shit like this then you have to disguise it as something else. Animation can only make it as a kids movie or a comedy.

is this movie actually good? I saw it in a theater and I liked it but I don't remember it being great really, just pretty solid.

It was solid indeed. I wouldn't call it anything above good, but it was still a great relief to see that they didn't fuck up, especially coming shortly after Indiana Jones 4.

But that's not how Hollywood works right now.
Studios think they need a big name attached to their product.

This movie had the best 3D visuals. Especially during that Pirate Ship battle. It was an amazing adventure movie. I hope they make a sequel.

One of the most pleasant cinema going experiences I had that year. I wish Tintin was more popular in America to further the demand, though we'll always have the albums.

>we'll get ultra cartooney cg shit forever

>tfw he was played by Daniel Craig
He did a great job in the role, it's a shame he keeps getting cast as a moody brit.

It was overall entertaining even though I wasn't too familiar with the source material, but dragged in few parts, and the faces were an unsettling combo of uncanny valley blank face and traditionally overemphasized animation faces.

If they did something about the faces and marketed it the right way I think a sequel could potentially do well.

I think the technology is advanced enough, so that this won't be a problem in the potential sequel

>>it have been
Come to Brazil

Is it my english?
Correct me

I don't know what you imply, but I've seen Rango and Tintin and both were good. Reminded me of a time when adventure movies could be enjoyed equally by children and adults.

una vela

You mean Disney/Dreamworks and their knock-offs
All those movies are pretty cartoony
Tintin comics, especially the older ones, are often on the verge of the surreal