/got/ general


Azor Ahai


put da baby in da catapult

Why are the two main characters the worst?

grey wind

To make it clear that the world is unfair.

Is this Brienne's mom?

Soapy Doapy comin' to sweep the 7 Kingdoms of all villainous scum

You forgot to write 'Bran edition'

Fixed it
>villainous cum

Azor Bran


>offseason general
wtf u doin lads

What do you care

How many brown people will bow in awe of dany next season, will they break the trend and not have it happen at all or will it happen more than once

Cast her

>posting animes outside of Sup Forums
wtf u doing man

Ice and fire

Its like pottery

Qyburns sex slave


I don't get it

WTF seriously. Look at this.

haha I get it he is a nigger right?

Don't they do a bunch of copy/pasting CG for these sequences? Probably a mistake there.

Look at the hand.


poor man

How many rape babies is Dany going to create with her invasion?
It will be like the Andal invasion times ten, shes going to send Westeros back to the stone ages

can't wait for more dany+dragons ending scenes with over the top heroic music

and look at the hand below the hand


get hyped

Sansa and Arya's long lost, sexier older sister named Sorsha Stark

Why do all the Dany scenes have heroic music and all the Stark scenes have sad music?

it's obviously two arms over cross

She speaks only German

Because Jon Snuh is an emo kid. He isn't even cool enough to be goth. He's just pussy ass emo

Not just Jon though, the general Stark themes are all sad.

Azor Stannis

Because it's a reference to that he should get a haircut.

Bby, please don't cry now, but he's dead

Mel gave him one, though.

I miss ramsay


I dont

How do people always hear Dany when she makes speeches?

Like seriously the guys at the back are really far away, they're outside and there's a bunch of horses running around and people shouting.

Fuck off from this thread samefag.

They have smartphones, her speech gets live tweeted

Her speeches are shit.

One does not simply fuck off

Her whole character is shit. She's had 0 (ZERO) character development since season 1. Her solution to literally every problem is "burn the fuckers and hope for the best".

I seriously hope they're setting her up to follow in her fathers footsteps as a villain but considering her status as linchpin of the stronk female alliance I don't see it happening.

I hope Varys dies by dragonfire

But he's a targaryen and in the show targs are immune to fire

>Cat gets betrayed and killed by those she trusted
>comes back vengeful
>Jon gets betrayed and killed by people he trusted
>comes back the same just angry and sad over the murder

What the fuck?

He better come back a mean son of a bitch in the books.

No, it's only Dany. Remember Viserys?

Viserys and Jon are targaryens and they aren't. There is an entire history that is still referenced in the expanded materials of the show universe where Targaryens historically died of fire. It's literally just Dany for "reasons" and in the books even she isn't immune beyond the birth of the dragons.

Even the show is setting her up as a villain.

He lost his immunity because he was mean to women

>Catelyn comes back in the books
>she doesn't in the show
what the fuck Dabid

Best girl

I miss the best dad in the world

>the same

Where's ghost if he's the same?

They're just trying to save on CGI, aren't they?


He's a better dad than Stannis at least.

Last year after the show rape of Sansa Stark, Jon Snow's death, and speculation about his nature after the resurrection, in the many "hidden" forums I dare visited was one scary theory that Sansa will be raped, not by Ramsay Bolton, Harry the Heir, or Littlefinger. Sansa Stark will be raped by non other than resurrected Jon Snow himself, who will be more wolflike, wild and savage, and even a little bit of ruthless and evil. The theorist said that Jon will be attracted to her (attraction as combination of her red hair, kissed by fire Ygritte memories blending with the memories of his sisters and childhood in Winterfell, Sansa beauty, his desire to feel alive and to be loved and his Targ blood), and will act on it. When they cross paths in the North, and after Jon is named KITN by Robb's Will, and take Winterfell for himself, conflict will soon follow, the tension will be high and the deed will be done, we will see it from Sansa's POV in the books, and it will be terrible to see a hero as a monster. But she will like true victim of Stockholm syndrome make of the whole rape thing romantic and love act, and will bear him a bastard child that will inherit Winterfell. Bael the Bard story will repeat itself. Jon will not be a hero, but a monster, GRRM will f$$K us fans, but to Sansa's PTSD brain he will be Aemon the Dragonknight.

>people fell for the "let's make Stannis kill his daughter so he looks bad" meme

I would have been that grumpy as well with children such as his

>Where's ghost if he's the same?

What does Ghost have to do with it?

>They're just trying to save on CGI, aren't they?


It certainly seems that way, doesn't it?

Just like it seemed the High sparrow plot was going somewhere.

Just like it seemed something was going on with Arya after she left the HoB&W.

I think you're seeing what you want to and giving D&D too much credit.

An SJWs wet dream

Sounds more like a cheap *gasp* shocking twist

What was our last update on the Winds of Winter?

That it's delayed.

It will come out when GURM finishes it

It'll never be finished, D&D will write their shitty fan fiction for S7 and S8 and call it a day.

It will come out when GURM dies and lets Neil Gaiman finish it


I love the guy and all but I'd rather see Dan Simmons take over.

I miss LC Mormont

It'll be Dabid and you know it.


>mutineers who just killed their LC and incestuous wilding guy
>rape and drink fest
>had the time to cut off LC's head, cut off all the flesh, remove the brain, pristinely clean the entire skull to drink wine out of

So when it comes to why there were three kingssguards at the Tower of Joy, either:

1. Rhaegar was so fucking based that he got three of them, including the Lord Commander and the paragon of knighthood Sword of the Morning, to break their vows and guard his bastard, or

2. That he was so based that he managed to convince these people that Jon was legitimate and that his marriage to Lyanna was valid.


That's two different hands imbecile

>setting her up as a villain
are we watching the same show?

you can boil the meat off. its not hard

Bran > Robb > Rickon > Jon* > Arya >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Salsa

>2. That he was so based that he managed to convince these people that Jon was legitimate and that his marriage to Lyanna was valid.
Why wouldn't it be?

its Ban>Robb>Arya>Rickon>Jon>Saansa

i'm not an expert on skull restoration but couldn't you just boil all of the leftover flesh from it?

I miss when /got/ had fun and interesting threads but as the shitty tv series progressed, the generals got shittier and shittier until at this point, there is literally nothing to talk about.

I am ashamed of my sex, why are they seeing Danny as some insane power fantasy when she's a tyrannical monster?

>What was our last update on the Winds of Winter?

Also pretty much every highborn lord is tyrannical monster except for pic related

Targ and Valyrian polygamy hasn't been practiced in over 200 years and isn't recognized by the Faith and doubt the Old Gods recognize polygamy either.

You can talk about Bran

Did Hodor scoop his poop because his sphincter stopped working?

Why did Bran have to log back into Weirwoodnet after the 3ER already uploaded all necessary information into him?

Yes. The bigger question is will meera do it now that Hordor is gone?

>white woman surrounded by shitskins
>all the white men are dead

That image is so Jewish it hurts to look at.