How do netflix shows make money ?

how do netflix shows make money ?

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By having cunts like you make 100+ threads about it daily

Netflix costs $9.99/mo. that's a $120/yr subscription. they have 83 million subscribers. That totals $9,960,000,000/yr.


how do netflix shows make money ?

Is this bait or are you just that dumb?

They don't directly. They attract subscribers.

advertisement like every other network you fucking moron


This and

this, it's an incentive for subscribers to continue having Netflix and people to bite the bullet and subscrib so they can also watch.

Holy poo poo. I just googled and they are RAKING IT IN. Their overheads (in terms of content delivery) can't be anywhere near their revenue. Fucking hell, they have the cash to just make TV shows on a whim if they want to, just throw shit and see what sticks.

Netflix webcrawler algorithm: Judge Dredd and Andersen series, please

by you literally giving them money every month.

netflix's analytics knows what people like to watch more than the networks, and the networks are mad because netflix isnt a media company, theyre classified as a tech company or something like that. they dont have to comply with FCC.

They use this data to see what shows over the history of television people like to watch vs what they have to watch cause its whats on TV.

once they know what people actually want to watch, what theyll be willing to pay a subscription for, they make it. at a certain point people wont be going to netflix to binge watch old episodes of the Office so much as they will to watch original netflix shows.

netlfix uses their subscription to fund projects that will keep people coming back. not really to make more money but to keep in coming in.

who do they advertise for?

this isnt exactly what I was talking about, but it overlaps

I don't think that's how it works, senpai.

smart business.

True, but licensing content for multiple territories costs a shitload of money. They'll be raking it in if they can launch their own content while keeping the same subscribers.

Guys, I'm fucking retarded. Spoon feed me info, please?

what info do you want

They buy the shows upfront for a fixed price. The creator of the show pitches it to different networks and compares prices, Netflix has lots of money and usually offers them a good deal.

They license some of their shows to other cable subscribers, and they also sell physical copies of their shows.

Here in Australia they show OITNB on Foxtel and I've seen DVD's of the show as well.

They just released half a season of a $120,000,000 Baz Luhrmann hip hop drama that no one's watching. They made two seasons of a Game of Thrones ripoff that costs twice as much and has one percent of the viewers. Where do they get all this money to burn?

how is babby formed

>no one's watching
got a source for this?

maintaining subscriber base

bringing in new subs

>two seasons of a Game of Thrones ripoff

already hinted by Urban

Or does it?

>83 million
Actually its 9,950,040,000/yr

Think he means Marco Polo

And just because they have shows that don't appeal to you specifically doesn't mean no one else is watching it.

Actually it's 6.77 billion

Well if you want to know how they make money DIRECTLY

There are two ways

One is product placement and direct DVD/blu-ray sales

And already denied by everyone else involved. Urban is just desperate for another starring role and tries to drum up support and petitions every chance he gets.

That's a very rough estimate as there are three tiers of plans and the option of the DVD service which means their revenue will be more or less than the $10 billion figure you tout.

An easier way to see what is going where is to check their quarterly reports, instead of making hand out of ass guesses.


Rolling in that Eggo cash.

>that Shake Shack ad in the middle of the new season of Orange is the New Black

one of the greatest videos ever. every time I watch it I laugh.

6.77 billion is actually their revenue though so what the fuck are you talking about

>the option of the DVD service
They still have that?

wew, lads. You guys REALLY have to do better.

As of June 30th 2016 their "revenue" is MUCH more than that. They don't do typical revenue counting as per their statements they do asset counting.

Yes, it is still an option tucked away in their account menu

forgot the image, my apologies.


>costs twice as much

I don't think they count subscribers the way you think they do...

Where are you getting there viewer counts from? because I'm fairly certain Netflix never releases them.


>burgers are good enough to give a handjob for

Fuck that's a lot of money

If I was eating what they were eating every day, I'd give a handjob for a good burger, but I wouldn't look at the camera and say, "I could really go for a Shackburger™ from Shake Shack. They're so good! And I wouldn't forget to complement my delicious burger with their quality fries and shakes, woo-ee! I just love Shake Shack, and you should, too! Bring your friends."

Looking at their "Liquid Revenue" I'd say its actually around ~$5.3 billion as per their Current Assets. Not sure where google gets the $6.77 billion figure from but I'd make all my analysis and assumptions from their actual balance sheet.

Their balance sheet is so weird but I'm not surprised because they don't actually "make" anything (end product is digital).


not sure where google finance gets their numbers from but O.K.

>No one is watching
Just because no-one in your direct envoriment is watching doesn't mean no-one is watching.
They make the things their algoritm says is in demand so there is probably a large segment out there that wants a hip-hop something. this segment probably doesn't contain faggots who post on Sup Forums.

7 fuckin bil and still can't get a show on HBO or FXs level

that supposed to be a parody/homage to a star wars poster??

Sorta, whole series is a wankfest for 80's movies in general.

I'm enjoying the get down t b h

except for jaden smith

netflix has subscribers.

they also sell the blu rays of shows

what the hell is this star
reddit gold for Sup Forums?

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Lots of different groups started to get into the content distribution game when they saw what Netflix was doing for cable cutters. Hulu and such.

Well, they are tied to content creators, and are able to feature their own content. Netflix had no content, and now all of these other companies didn't want Netflix to have access to that content.

Netflix had no choice but to start creating their own content. If they didn't, they'd only have bad decade-old movies and shows available and would lose all their subscribers.

80s style poster.

The draw of netflix is that it bypasses all network regulations. So you dont have to worry if your show is too adult for some asinine reason like a swear or sideboob or implied sex. Networks also force you to abide by this dumbass code depending on the time you air so you are restricted to making a show to fit that.

Netflix don't give a shit. Have one episode pg and the next R. They will rate the season R but doesn't matter cause anyone can watch it anyways.

If i wanted to make a tv show, go to netflix cause all they care about s quality and veiwership not censorship

believe it or not when the alternatives for pitching new content is a network filled with regulations and greedy producers, or the film industry where they force reshoots, cut content for more showings or just fuck you over in general. netflix with all its freedom becomes the greatest place for original new film and television.
your show is 10 episodes 1 hour each? ok sure whatever, film 4 hours long, go for it. shows shitloads of gore and nudity, sure whatever.
they dont care, they'll buy the show as long as they believe their subscribers will watch it, tell their friends and get them to sub to netflix too

>netflix's analytics knows what people like to watch more than the networks, and the networks are mad because netflix isnt a media company, theyre classified as a tech company or something like that. they dont have to comply with FCC.

the only people who need to comply with the FCC are content regulations are networks that broadcast over the air free of charge. This is because the state(as in government) owns the radio spectrum and it merely licenses sections of that spectrum to broadcasters. Because the radio spectrum is owned by the state the FCC wants it to be used in public interest, which is the legal justification for the content rules. Interestingly enough, that "public interest" section is the same reason we have the nightly news on broadcast networks.

Anyway, if a person pays for the service, and the only way to access the content on that service is through the willful choice to subscribe, than the FCC has say in the content. There is nothing legally (baring obscenity laws) keeping cable networks from running whatever the fuck they want. The only thing stopping them from running a 24 hour loop of the orgy scene from eyes wide shut is network standards and practices. Put simply they've made a business decision and not showing tits and screaming cunt nugget means they earn more advertising money.

An important and overlooked fact is letting people make an episode from an hour to 45 minutes long is a great boon. They can shoot a bit over an hour and cut to whatever the fuck they want

Once Netflix shows get above a certain unique viewer threshold they open up a bidding process for interested advertisers. The three highest bids are taken and contracts are signed, with stipulations on increases in price as the viewership increases. Netflix then embeds subliminal advertising and subaural coding in the audio track designed to activate advertising on any nearby electronic device with a microphone (cell phones, tablets, etc.). Last, Netflix uses viewer IPs to locate them, apply clustering to determine areas with large viewership, and coordinate with national airlines to modify chemtrails in those areas to incorporate psychoactive chemicals that stimulate desire to spend on certain products.

>Paying for Cuckflix


No one who pays for fucking Cuckflix can ever consider themselves a true cinema lover.

Fuck of FOX

Do you understand basic concepts?


hey everyone, accountant here

Netflix actually doesn't make any profit, look at their net income here
Operating their business is actually hideously expensive due to costs of licensing and production of original content. They've also started moving to international markets and have wasted a ton of money on it. For example, they started Netflix South Korea thinking they'd make bank, not grasping that South Koreans already had their own version of Netflix they were perfectly happy with.
Luckily, investors will continue to give Netflix money hand over foot because they firmly believe it will pay off one day.

Interestingly, the mail-dvd process is actually one of their biggest sources of revenue right now and they are milking it for all its worth before it eventually dies out

t. a guy who did his Master's degree capstone on Netflix

you're not a real guy

for you

I have a Master's in Epimemetics and can say conclusively that you're a big guy.

Have of thoise are shared subscribers you fucking pleb

They made the mistake of calculating 83 million subscribers as 83m subscribers in the US, rather than 83m worldwide. Out of the 83m, about 47m are within the US.

Netflix doesn't make money. It's a government sponsored mass sterilization conspiracy.

Shit. I knew it, man.

Netflix is international, look how they changed canadas whole atmosphre trailor park boys are there fuckin national treaure and goverment offered them fat cash to keep going. Whats happend in canada should happen here. Death to the cable box.