How does the story end?

How does the story end?

With a quip

It'll never end. It'll be the same case as the X-Men and Star Trek franchises - someone will use time travel to prevent something terrible happening which will create an alternate timeline. Round and round it goes for all eternity.

I want to get off Mr Marvel's Wild Ride.

With a series of the Box office flops.

>implying that it is a 'story' and not a bunch of largely stand alone movies loosely connected by perfunctory post-credit sequences

The jews win.

I just wanna know how they're gonna get people to care once they squeeze out all the movies from these characters now. They're pretty much the biggest ones. What happens when they're all too old to do them, or just don't care and wont sign on for any more? Nobody cares about random hero A and random sidekick B and etc

With Spidey on my cock.

Dr. Strange teleports behind Thanos

Utters, "Heh...nothing personnel...kid"

and banishes Thanos to the gap between dimensions

shawarma party

Slap the Marvel logo on fucking two hours of Kevin Feige hilting the largest dildo sold by Bad-Dragon and critics and audiences will call it genius. Make a fucking movie about Captain America's black friend and it will gross 900 million. Nobody gives a shit.

>Nobody cares about random hero A
That's what people said about Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man. Hell, that's what people said about Iron Man.

The camera zooms out and reveals it was all a tv show.

Nobody is forcing you to see them.

That explains the bland photography and stock music.

No, but nobody is making non capeshit tentpole blockbusters either. It would be nice if not every summer movie was feminist propaganda or a hasbro catalogue.

>"Heh... nothing personnel...kid"


Marvel Zombies when?

Can't compare Marvel to them. Marvel will never, never reboot.

name a tentpole blockbuster that doesn't fall into those categories, particularly the second one

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why not, isn't RDJ and Evans leaving

People will stop caring about Super Heroes and the movies will stop being made

That would actually be kinda funny.

>Sup Forums will finally be a good board full of people with taste beyond imdb and criterion again
how many years will it take????


>Sup Forums will be free of jews

Like the comics. It doesn't end. It just keeps going like a soap opera until people lose interest and they reboot it.

Doesn't the Josh Brolin character kill everyone in the comics. That would be an interesting way to end it all if they did it well.

He wont. Thanos has a physiological need to fail. His down fall is always his fault. This is lore by the way. I'm not making shit up.

Isn't Marvel already starting to show diminishing returns