Fucked up movies

A serbian film is already the thumbnail of the thread, I want new ones

Other urls found in this thread:


> i am 16 years old

August underground

Poughkeepsie Tapes

A l'interieur
Resident Evil Apocalypse

Cannibal holocaust

Berberian Sound Studio
Tetsuo the Iron Man
The Act of Killing
Tokyo Gore Police
The Titticut Follies


Seed (2007)
Gvozdi (2003)
The Green Elephant (1999)

Do yourself a favor and watch Gozu

Suicide Squad

this movie is fucked

I once made the mistake of trying to watch one of Lucifer Valentine's movies.

n e v e r a g a i n

Apocalypse Now is more disturbing than anything else in this thread


Frontier(s) is a bit fucked up, but also enjoyable, which is better in my opinion then wasting 100 minutes of your life on something that is crap.

Guinea Pig / American Guinea Pig series

>16 replies
>no human centipede
Sup Forums is a bunch of sickfucks, who would've thought?

literal faggot


Anvil Hoarder

The Grifter

Men Behind the Sun
Run and Kill
Milo and Otis
Dear Zachary

Human Centipede is just edgy. The sequels are even worse.


more of a mindfuck than fucked up, but great none the less. Imprint is Miike's most fucked up

a serbian film is being edgy for being edgy, nothing more


Fuckin classic m8. Billy Drago is awesome in that.

All who's posting here are completely unaware about the real things, as they are not into it. Here's THE list.

Subconscious Cruelty
Snuff 102
Ensuring your place in Hell
Niku Daruma
August Underground's Mordum
The Vomit Gore Trilogy
Squirmfest 1, 2
Bug Eater 2: Cockroach Eating Girl
Terrible Meal
Cannibal (2006)
Melancholie Der Engel
Debris Documentar
Gusomilk 1-4

Beautiful masterpiece, glad I'm not the only one who likes it. Do you?

Mind fucking deep twisted psychological fucked up films:
Fight Club
Donnie Darko
The Matrix

I read that as the tittifuc tollies

This is x1000000000 times more fucked up than all films that were and will be posted ITT combined together.


Yes I love it too. It is my favorite horror film, if you may call it horror. The cinematography is stunning, so as the soundtrack.

That's just fetish porn for Yurocucks. In Germany they show that stuff to kids for laughs.

Step aside plebs

>those edgy as fuck names
Embarrassing. Horror truly is the heavy metal of movies

>Milo and Otis


Name me a more disgusting and more difficult to watch film. I dare you. Meme answers not accepted.

>watching meme genres like horror, gore, comedy etc

embarrassing, kys

Kill List
Pure Britkino

That's really fucked up...

2 girls 1 cup.

mah nigga

That's right, as long as you don't do ANY research about the making of it, keep on enjoying Milo & Otis. Now that I know the truth behind it, I can never watch it again without feeling terrible.

The ending totally threw me.
Apparently it was a ritual to birth the antichrist or something

Close one but no. Hungry Bitches (for which 2 Girls 1 Cup is a trailer) has fake feces and vomit. While Gusomilk has all of it real, and is just plain much much more extreme.

One of my favorites all the same

Die, pedo scum.


Japanese people are a little fucked up and I actually don't want to watch this movie again.

That wasn't not fucked up. I bet you only fuck your gf missionary and wear your seatbelt in the back seat you fucking pussy.


You'll find what you want here

I read that what happened was nothing but rumors - but then again, it's not like they had the ASPCA or the Humane Society on the set.

My friends really weren't happy I told them about this movie, it didn't sit well with them.

>you only fuck your gf missionary and wear your seatbelt in the back seat

good link

damn thank you

I just recently saw a scene where a woman is tied up and getting whipped by a guy while there's an opera music in the background. Any idea?

They've assembled such a huge list that even has Debris Documentar, yet it still doesn't have Gusomilk. Too extreme even for them.

>wear your seatbelt in the back seat
why would you not fucking do this

The Japanese studio said nothing happened, but it's hard to ignore that the cat and dog they used have multiple different looks throughout the film.

Also there's this.


>tfw looking at the deleted scenes because of this comment and the bear is eating the dog

Yeah that movie was slow as fuck, and not in a good way.


>Dear Zachary

That shit made me feel back for days after.

t. I have never been hunting in my life and am sheltered/soft as fuck.

Bitches and whores, man. Bitches and whores.

Does anyone 18+ actually find A Serbian Film fucked up or disturbing? When I saw it, it just felt like they took a thread of Reddit describing things that were fucked up and made a movie about it.

Imprint and Gozu are good, but Izo is both the most mindfucky and brutal Miike movie

I enjoyed this film a lot, but would you really label it "fucked up"?

you watch the movie, and they clearly cut away when shit goes bad.
Like when the pug is pinned by the bear in that youtube scene. They suddenly cut away from what was a pretty continuous shot.
The waterfall scene is like that too. I think there was a scene where it looks like the dog gets trampled by the cows before they cut away as well.

The acting in this is so terrible. They just keep looking at the camera with this "hehe, look how edgy I'm being!" look.

Hey no replies? Why? Isn't this what OP asked for?

I thought it was pretty funny in parts. I can't imagine anyone watching a movie where a character gets killed via skullfucking too seriously.

Funny Games was alright.

I agree. I found it entertaining, but like you said, in a comedic sense. It seems like that was the intent.

I can get behind anything with John Zorn on the soundtrack.

i live in the deep south and have been hunting all the time seen tons of dead animals and way too many pictures of dead bodies on the internet

So man the fuck up god damn millennials kek

how is pointing out a dog is being killed by a bear in a movie something you think is something


>that subtle feel up from his girlfriend's mom

>something you think is something
Let's lay off the weed for a bit my sweet sweet naive summerfriend. Then next week we'll work on forming an actual argument.

>a serbian film is being edgy for being edgy, nothing more
>he didn't understand the meaning and the political subtext of the movie

I dont think the pug got harmed did he? i love pugs

>American Guinea Pig
>Killer is fat