>23 years old



fuck forgot about Taylor Momsen.

any other recent pics of her? she was major qt in gg

Let's see how you look at 23 cuckold

She looks great for her age

I am 23

I'm 29 and people think I'm 23, so I win

that's just because you have an under developed penis and your voice sounds like a bitch

Don't be so upset they your waifu looks like shit

It's probably because you look like an undeveloped beta faggot with a high pitched feminine faggot voice.

Why does she look like she's getting ready to perform her first Blacked scene in the pic?

>implying she isn't

hey hey you you i don't like your girlfriend

She's probably 6 months away from having to get work from BLACKED desu

drugs and shitty eating habits

That pic is old, post some more recent ones, she probably looks worse

Smoking, drugs and drink really does age you like shit.

Free tip: DON'T DO IT!!

would to be honest
shes pretty hot
t. spic

She doesn't really look that old, she's just gotten kind of chubby and is wearing too much makeup. Still cute.

she's not chubby, she's probably even skinnier now, her face is just bloated

she's an amazing singer tho - has cool band and some #1 singles

inb4 Raccoon posting

this is her best era looks-wise

When singers get puffy faces and start wearing baggy shirts, I assume they put on weight while on tour. Happens a lot.



she has a sexy neck

you have to go back
im this white american's spic


Is that minxy?


oh yes
I like her teeth too