>The release style will be fluid: “Everything about ‘Twin Peaks’ is going to be unconventional — unconventional in the handling of it, unconventional in how we market it,” Nevins told reporters. “I really want to embrace the unusualness of it. I think it is quite possible that we’re not going to do a traditional release pattern. I don’t know what exactly that means. I’ve had a couple conversations with David, but I kind of want to embrace the unexpectedness of it. I can definitely see longer episodes or… It’s a question of how do we release it linearly? How do we release it for people who want to stream it? There may be a difference between the two.”


Norma best girl

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Stranger Things is better than this hot turd.

I have no idea but I'm excited as hell
Shelly is actual best girl

this is going to be the biggest television moment of our generation. A lot has been said about television productions surpassing fim but I think this might just bridge the gap, as the original series did in the late 80's/early 90's.

I believe there'll be episodes released at random, that could be an hour, two hours long. With such a huge cast it's not unthinkable. God DAMN I am excited.

Stranger Thing is derivative and lacking its own voice. Twin Peaks is eccentric, unique and wholly original, there wasn't anything like it when it came out and there still is no show like it to this day.

Stranger Things is babby's first tv show.

It was fine but the people who talk about it obsessively here are retarded.

>this poor naive kid hasn't learned to lower expectations for reunions/reboots

aw darlin'....

It's not a reboot, it's a continuation

Yes but someone, somewhere EVENTUALLY has to do a reunion correctly, and I'm hoping David Lynch has enough brain damage by now to do so.

>doubting based Lynch

i started marathoning the series recently, currently watching as we speak s02e08.

My question is, when does the kino start?

well yeah i agree if anyone can it should be him

still, i'm not getting hyped until the thing comes out

you little shit

>still, i'm not getting hyped until the thing comes out

oh yeah if it's shit I won't be surprised at all, but I might as well ride the Sup Forums twin peaks train whilever this shit hole keeps talking about it.

About the time when mini battle of Gettysburg starts

I honestly don't care if its good. Finding out what it is good or bad is more exciting to me.

i'm really happy he's directing the entire season. guarantees quality as some of those episodes he didn't have a hand in directing in the previous seasons are barely watchable. hope there's less filler and silly shit and more spooky stuff.

I want a slow slide into madness. Play it straight in the beginning and go fucking nuts at the end.

yeah, that would be great. i'd love for it to build into complete surreality. that would be bonkers and can you imagine the threads here? i just hope it isn't run-of-the-mill mediocre. that would be a waste and the final nail on the TP coffin.

This shit is another Fargo, isn't it? Fucking stupid board...

>hope there's less filler and silly shit
Less filler sure but what qualifies as silly shit? The jokes in the original were the best part

crazy ben horne is pure kino

>you will never kiss catherine toes

episode 1

All the law enforcement characters and leland palmer are great and everyone else is boring. Is it just me?

Can't wait.

best 5 eps?

Episode 3
Season 2 Episode 1
Season 2 Episode 7(my favorite)

Basically the best episodes are the ones directed by Lynch himself.

Show is like a month old and I'm already tired of hearing about it.

I could barely finish the first episode. The child acting is so fucking awful.

>Season 2 Episode 7(my favorite)
why? I'm up to 210 and 205-207 were the worst ones for me

Maybe it was episode 8. Whichever one they titled Lonely Souls.



s2 > s1



>is a sad strings and jazzy drums played at the same time episode

My first tv show was mister rogers. Am I patrician?

where can i get this kind of glasses?


A box of Cracker Jacks


1. "Beyond Life and Death"
2. "Miss Twin Peaks"
3. "Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer"
4. "Lonely Souls"
5. "The Last Evening"

>no girl will ever treat you like audrey treats cooper
why live
im 18, is it too late to become a FBI special agent?

coldest hot take ive ever seen

Audrey for life you faggot.

>shelly aged better though, but prime Audrey is a goddess

Google "hipster faggot two-color glasses for queers".

>2. "Miss Twin Peaks"

name 1 bad thing about that episode

>some glasses blast my ass
who hurt you?


>it's a Cooper isn't wearing a suit episode

No Maddy, no care.

The entire competition.

>not liking the episode where he and Briggs go camping together

>just finished binge watching Twin Peaks on netflix only to discover Fire Walk With Me is not available
help me lads...

Don't bother, the only good parts are the boobs and David Bowie

Pleb opinion.

Don't listen to this faggot, the movie is great. Just torrent it.

>boobs and David Bowie
sounds worth it, to be honest

You gotta watch it to see season 3 you turbo pleb

That was great. The old school belly dancing sequence could have been ripped right out of an early exotic adventure film. The clothes reminded the 1930s Mummy flick.
Lucy's routine was great too. There was real spectacle to it.
Everything was primed to be subverted in the last 5 minutes.

It was also predictable as fuck and Annie was a terrible character.

>Twin Peaks on netflix
it doesnt show for me

selection is different per region you oaf

FWWM is on Netflix

>is a cooper plays his whistle episode
is there a more comfy charecter than cooper in tv history?

what is this jewery

No it isn't.

unfortunately only available on dvd

1.Arbitrary Law

it's also on amazon prime, if that helps

I'm pretty sure the episode where they go camping is before Coop is suspended and becomes a Deputy which I assume is what the "no suit" episodes are

Should be easy to find a download. There's a fan made edit that drops like 90 minutes of cut material back into the movie that makes it more series-like too, if I remember right.

>fan made edit
interesting, I'll have to look into that

why was so much cut in the first place?

I think he intended for it to be a trilogy, but everyone hated it when it came out so he just stopped. He then said if he was gonna release the deleted stuff that he wanted it properly post-produced with music and everything.

well that sucks

I'm surprised there was such a huge drop in quality from the show to the movie, it was only 2 years later

though I guess I'll save judgement till I watch it


The movie is great. People didn't like it because it was a lot different than the show, the tone is much darker and you see what kind of fucked up shit Sarah was involved in. It's become something of a cult classic since it was released.

The movie isn't bad, it's just absolutely not what people were expecting as a prequel/sequel to Twin Peaks, the tone is completely different. It's a weird and unsettling horror movie focused on Laura Palmer.

muh dick

Sorry, Laura.

>pig fingers

>what is perspective

Is it hard being this stupid?

actually, yes
my life sucks

splendid, my hype is returning again

the decline in quality meme was real
what are some episodes i can skip?

I would honestly say don't skip. Even the lesser episodes have their moments.

You can press the fast forward button when things like Nadine, or James when he hooks up with the older blonde woman are on screen, though.

why couldnt she just die, i can tolerate james but nadine is too annoying and ugly

Don't skip anything. Even the shitty episodes have some moments necessary to understanding what's going on in the overall scheme of things.

why is she so perfect, lads

Get outta here

hhngg muh dick
she cant keep gettin away with it

is this when they jumped the shark?

Denise was cool.

You just got done with my favorite episode (S02 E07).

>just got done
nigga its been like 4 hours
i've been marathoning this shit all day
i feel like dying