Cara Delevingne

So as an actress...
is she good?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not even close.


She is a standard issue talentless upper-crust London waster

If she wasn't so well connected she'd have no career whatsoever and we'd all be better off

>Is she good?

No her acting in Suicide Squad was pretty hollow.


that fucking hoola dancing

So how many dicks do you think she sucked to get roles in movies?

Her gkrlfriend is hot and a talented musician so as far as I'm concerned its lime Sup Forums and Sup Forums might finally become top dogs again

>her gkrfriend is hot

Have you not seen her feminine penis?


Lies, her lies unite even the most plebian of Sup Forums boards.


sorry, but no

Sup Forums and Sup Forums a cute


She should just stick to selling watches and getting tiny random tattoos all over her body or whatever it is she does

U gay?

Post more Carafeet

Yeah, a 5/10 if I've ever seen one.

Ur a bully! How could you say such mean things.

those are the worst feet i've ever seen

Top Tier waifu doe

This chick always looks like she crawled through the woods.


She's pretty cute.

>good at anything

Tried watching Paper Towns, because she is a LITERAL semen demon, and I was wondering if she has any acting skill. Five minutes in, I knew she was HORRIBLE. Her line delivery is cringey as fuck, her articulation is the definition of monotony, and she looks awkward and clumsy. OMG, not even the fact that she is a 10/10 could make me keep watching, I changed the channel because her acting was literally painful to watch.

Final Verdict: Her photoshoots are great fap material, but she is a shit "actress"

looks like bebe

Well, I don't know about acting but she's good at least at this


She's not even a good model.

she looks like a child wearing tons of makeup

she isn't even a good model. looks like a tranny.

>le quirky so relatable xD


>is she good?
I think she okay

I wish I was a cute girl so she would notice me.



She has a booger

>as an actress
No. She sucked in Paper Towns and Suicide Squad. It's super obvious she doesn't know what she's doing and I doubt she's going to get better.
>as eye-candy
IMO not, but her millions of Instagram followers say otherwise.

The movie was terrible. She wasn't bad considering

The black principle lady and the joker were terribly miscast

Then they had will smith trying to act black the entire time

Plot made no sense. Spent the whole movie introducing random edgy bad guys

Then tried to diversify everything

oh em gee so squirky xD

>will smith trying to act black

Why in gods name would someone make a waifu thread over someone so ugly? She has no features that make women attractive other than subjectively her face. And im sure her fans are told this over and over so how do you confront that fridge filled reality then just turn your head and say "nah"?

Im honestly curious.

why do brits insist on getting the most horrendous tattoos?


Are you trying to tell me

There is a female that has actual facial movements and doesn't look like a supermodel at any given moment?


She was absolutely excellent in Gta5, mostly because I didn't know it was her.

meme hair dorito head bitch

Plus, the Pop station is the best in the game anyway.

If she cut her hair short she'd look like a dude

Don't know why they wouldn't just kill that black lady


>she has her fingers on the buttons of her phone
>she turns around
>Deadshot doesn't just shoot her in the back of the head (she'd be dead before hearing the sound, so no button pressing)
>Fire guy doesn't just incinerate her (again, no button pressing)

It made no sense for her to be so close to them.

Is there any unibrow pic of her or she is too carefull of her public image for that?

Here is my foot, user.


Do you cut your toenails that short on purpose?

They grow weird. I think it is psoriasis. So I have to cut them short. Just cut them yesterday. My fingernails aren't as bad, but I still have to keep them short because they get annoying. Like excess skin forms under the nail and it annoying.

Holy shit I think I have that too, under my fingernails.
If I don't keep them short it's like hard skin forms connected to my finger and the underside of the nail. It hurts if I pull it apart or mess with it.

you are fucking fat

DarkX when?
