Thinking of rewatching it, but I heard it's way different now that it was back then...

What are some things you've noticed?

I noticed this appears at the beggining of the blu-ray version

Kristen Dunst was still not :'(

Toby still can't fucking act though.

>it's still better than that amazing spiderman nonsense

Hot *

Where did this le Raimi is racist meme start?

this is from Ghostbusters (2016)

Spider-Man 1 and 2 aged pretty well. 1st one is still a genuinely good movie.

Oh is this where the whole Sam Raimi Spiderman is racist meme came from?

>What are some things you've noticed?
the twin towers getting edited out
why'd you gotta pussy out Raimi

>If I can't make him famous, I'll make him fucking INFAMOUS, you motherfucking cocksucking twink pieces of shit, I swear this fucking city deserved 9/11!

At least the Towers getting edited out has some context

>dat e s posthumus music in the trailer

>Before we start, did somebody lose their daughter? Because we found her used and abused in one of the back-corridors.

It was funny then, now it seems like a really off-color way to start a demonstration.

It's so much cheesier than I thought it was.

Not that it's a bad thing. It's better than some of the uber-serious superhero stuff out now. It's a Superhero film ffs.

I wish to visit a parallel reality where JJ has his own radio show and goes on hour long rants about the city, Spiderman, whatever

>You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do, I learn how to find many secrets in old country. You will not pay rent? This is fair. We will take rent in other ways. When I was in old country, in Bosnia, my friends and I... we do things to women. Terrible things, make them ugly women who will never be loved. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl... they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain alternating blows of ejaculating and fists upon them. And when they are broken, Man of Spiders, when they are nothing more than shells... you will know the rent is paid.

>For this month

Jesus Christ, Raimi. How did this shit fly?

Wait is she not hot anymore?

Also I like Toby, he was supposed to play some awkward science geek and that's what he came across as

I don't even know if this is a joke or not, are there actually movies that have this now?

>before we start, did someone lose 20 black children and their father? Because we found the children.

holy shit raimi

it's from warner brothers cartoons that are considered racist for portraying negros as sub human

>Nice costume, did your husband buy it for you in one of the rare days he took a break from railing your asshole with his aids dick you filthy queer faggot? Haha just kidding because it's 2002 and fags can't marry. Die and burn in Hell you anal slut dyke pillow biter fairy!

I remember laughing at that line in the theater. It was a different time and I didn't know better then, but I still feel ashamed.

>What are some things you've noticed?

I'd never noticed how Sam had seamlessly spliced the entirety of Birth of a Nation into the middle of Spiderman 2. it was done so well you don't even realise your watching a different film.

>It's you who's out, Gobby. Out of the White House, out of the Senate and out of Congress. The time of the white man is past us, and I'm here to bring it to its grave.

And this was when Bush was still in office!

Any particular ones?

I remember when the first time that was posted. that was in the 2nd oir 3rd spiderman thread a few months ago. back when these threads were funny and original

?? I think my blu-ray copy still has them in the reflection of his eye

Jesus Christ, please tell me this is real. Too lazy to google and translate since I'm on a phone

Honestly, I don't think there is much wrong with this. As long as we get the original, unedited version who gives a fuck about some 5 second warning.

Also the ending fight scene is still one of the best Cape shit fight scenes