Guys... I'm trying to remember the name of a film

Guys... I'm trying to remember the name of a film.

It's about an old school for girls or something. At the end the poor one was going to be expelled and sent somewhere else. Them she jumps of a window killing herself. The school principal tries to escape.

Other urls found in this thread:

Picnic at Hanging Rock

Problem Child 2

Thanks m8

Last night I bond burgered your sister?

Last night I Mac'd your sister, Big Mac'd.

>I remember when this was first posted on Sup Forums about 9 years ago

>Last night I bonded with your sister over a burger.
Thanks m8

I still haven't figured it out yet...

>last night I 007 burger your sister

Secretly Beefed

Could someone explain this meme to me

secretely pounded

6th 007, #9 from some shit burger joint, I swear

I think it's suppoused to be "Last night I pierced in-n-out of your sister"

Terrible pun. Horrible execution. Completely retarded.

No you don't, summerfag.

Its "secretly pounded".

Secret agent
Quarter pounder

It took years to figure out, but someone on Sup Forums actually did

pierced the buns

lol at the last reply in that thread

No it's "pierced and pounded"

Last night I watched a James Bond movie and ate a burger with your sister.

I don't see why people find this hard.

That isn't a quarter pound of beef, nigger.

I Thunderballed my quarter-pounder on your Sister's Secret Cervix.

>mfw countless OPs have octopussy chopsteak'd my sister

On which third world shithole is that a "quarter pounder"

This pic is from mcdonalds' website

The Quarter Pounder is 4 ounces. That looks about right to me.

Not gonna lie, that image made me reeeeeeee

what is normie about that burger?

Just look at it. It screams conformance

>Last light I Bros man-meated your sister

Had a threesome with your sister and best friend.

It's a marketing image. It's probably sprayed with a dozen inedible chemicals to and has cardboard in it to prop up the bun. Here's one out of the box.

Last night I silently put my beef between the buns of your sister.

Is 4chanarchive really gone forever?

imgur link on an imageboard

you are a high level poster
