JUST thread?

JUST thread?

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America really is doomed. Let me outta this motherfucker.

That fuck is only alive because he feasts on the flesh of Hilary's murder victims.


the nigga is like 70

stand up and cheer bill, or I swear to God I will have the secret service hold you down while I chop of your nuts..

Your loving wife, Shillary "The Criminal" Clinton


>tfw went on a brief holiday to America last year
>tfw never ever going back

>all dem sciences

where do you live


>even Sup Forums is starting to forget Brendan




that's telling
even the mexicans want out of the US

what in the actual fuck is this?

he clearly needs his blood replaced and new organs from one of his clonus donor clones

le una vela

fucking manlets

my grandpa is 90 and would run rings around that mother fucker.

>She makes a speech about what she will do as Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia. She says she will give anybody what they need. A Homeless Man (Bootsy Collins) says he is hungry. She blast out a chicken from her machine and gives it to him. She starts blasting chicken to all the people in the crowd including a baby.

>tfw hillary is going to kill me before the final debate


What if he never left Winona?


>free healthcare
>free education
>no refugees
>no terrorism
>no mass shootings
>no niggers
>no mass crime
>no retarded 'muh right to own machine guns'
>livable minimum wage
>roads are actually maintained
>tfw our biggest political issue is trying to compromise on what speed to set our broadband

>when you're full JUST but still get the girl in the end

Trump's policies already working and he ain't even elected yet lmao

haven't really looked at australia so much. more so canada, new zealand, and a few other places.

Frankly given how sharply they age during their terms of office, it's amazing any of them live decades after they're done.

>no niggers

u wot

also enjoy your orwellian nanny state, drudge

someone took the time to write this whole plot

>unless people are dying on the street due to lack of healthcare and getting killed by police or mass shootings, it's an "Orwellian nanny state"



This makes me sad, thinking about how Winona lives now.

shut the fuck up you fucking spider


As an Australian, let me say NZ is better than Australia

>no sneks
>no creepy crawlies
>no crocs, stingrays, jellyfish, sharks, etc
>Maori girls are hot af, abo girls are Orc-tier
Downside is instead of scorching got weather they get crazy winds and earthquakes

Just replace all these books with a big ass "White people" book

Yeah, I've heard good things about both, but better things about New Zealand.

I actually like winter, so Canada kind of turns me on.

Get ready for this one, it's the king of JUST


>On the morning of 9 October 1977, Jones discovered the mutilated body of 20-year-old prostitute Jean Jordan on an allotment in Chorlton, Manchester - a victim of the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe.[2]

>In March 2007, he was suspended from Coronation Street after allegedly getting drunk with an undercover reporter, making inappropriate comments and revealing future storylines.[4] It was confirmed on 30 May 2007 that he would not be returning to the show.

>Jones took part in the BBC1 show Famous, Rich and Homeless, which aired in June 2009. He was joined by four other celebrities who would leave their life of fame and fortune for the cold and lonely streets of London. Jones was clearly the most affected by the experience, regularly seen breaking into tears and considering pulling out of the show. In a state of frustration, desperation and anger, Jones ranted to the camera expressing his support to the idea of returning the death penalty to the UK, in order to allow money to be freed to aid the homeless and the elderly. In his rant, Jones said that "rippers" should all be hanged in order for taxpayers' money to be spent on the homeless and pensioners instead. He added that he would "smile at him" as it happened and referenced his horrific discovery of one the Yorkshire Ripper's victims, describing himself as a victim.[5]

>In December 2010 a pantomime Jones was starring in was cancelled.[9] Ticket sales were described as "very low".[10] He had intended to perform in stand up comedy at an hotel in the Costa del Sol, but this was cancelled in April 2011 after only five tickets were sold.[11] In May 2011 a planned pub gig near County Durham entitled "An Audience with Bruce Jones" was cancelled after no tickets were sold.[12]




>In May 2013 Jones told "The Sun" that he was working as a mechanic at a garage in North Wales for £120 a week.[17]

>In August 2009, Jones grabbed and repeatedly jerked the steering wheel of his car whilst his wife was driving it on the A55 in North Wales, causing it to swerve. On 19 March 2010 at Mold Crown Court, he pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and drink-driving.[25] His wife told the court that he had physically and emotionally abused her for years.[26] On 27 April 2010, the same court sentenced him to eight months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months.[27]

>Jones told The People newspaper in January 2009 that he had blown his £1 million fortune and has not received any offers of work since leaving Coronation Street, and owed £30,000 in taxes.[28] In September 2009 he was living alone in a caravan in North Wales.[29] In May 2010 it was reported that Jones has been made homeless after the bank repossessed his £500,000 Cheshire house in order to pay his large debts, and that he cannot afford to go into rehab for his chronic alcoholism.[30]

>On 15 July 2011 the bank was forced to repossess his second home, a bungalow in North Wales. Court documents reveal that the Bank of Scotland started proceedings to get back £204,641 in outstanding mortgage debt.[31]

>In June 2012 Jones told the Daily Mirror that he has regularly contemplated suicide after losing both his homes. He has been warned by doctors that he will die soon if he does not stop drinking, but no longer cares. At the peak of his alcoholism he admits drinking 15 pints a day.[32] Although he only has fourteen pounds in his bank account, he admits that he continues to find money for alcohol. His wife has left him and moved to Wolverhampton to try to find work and build a new life.

Most recent update:
>In June 2015 Jones appeared in a documentary about celebrities who are now reliant on welfare. He was shown to be receiving JobSeeker's allowance and subsidies for rent payments.