Why is 4chin offended by the most racist movie in years?

Why is 4chin offended by the most racist movie in years?


How is it racist?

Is it really racist? I doubt that.

Yet another Sausage Party thread lacking the words sausage or party in the text. You guys are doing great.

I was only offended by how heavily it relied on a shock value gag that stopped being funny after the literal first scene of the movie

>Bagel is a whiny Jew who in his own words "passive aggressively pushes his agenda"
>Lavash is a hooked nosed Arab who tells women to cover up and talks about getting 72 bottles of virgin olive oil.
>Grits is an angry black man who yells about crackas and goes "shieeeeeeeeeeet"
>Bottle of liquor is a native American
>Chinese food pronounces L's as R's and literally goes "ching chong bing bong"
>Lazy sleepy stereotypically Mexican talking bottle of tequila
>Twinkie is an effemine gay guy
>Indian food shits in the isles
>Sauerkraut are nazis

Haven't even seen it yet. People say it relies on "shock humor" which I feel could get old fast.
I'll check it out.

Don't give them any money, I saw it with a friend and it was so fucking bad. Not even "stupid fun", just annoying and needlessly edgy in every way, nonstop middle school sex and weed jokes, with a healthy dose of WAKE UP RELIGIOUS SHEEPLE forced into every scene

Sounds like I won't like it anyway then. I'll wait for the alternate way to view it.

how is it racist when kikes take out kikes?

Racism and sexism aren't THE sole 'offensive' phenomena. It's possible to take offense from anything. In this case, i think the movie is offensive essentially because its complete trash. I think the expectation that I, as an intelligent individual, would find something as crass as this, entertaining or even funny, is quite an offensive notion.

racism doesn't even matter

> (OP)
What the, I didn't even see the Indian one.

>Jews aren't allowed to do racist jokes

wut. Jews are the best at racist jokes. Look at Drawn Together.

You see it in the background when they're walking through the Indian food isle

are you illiterate? my post wasn't about that

>>Bottle of liquor is a native American
this is good
a bottle of mouth wash would have been a great pick too

I can smell the euphoria.

*tips fedora*

Suck it down while it lasts kid.

Sup Forums has a large Christian teenager population. They're confused and angry