ITT: objectively perfect shows/movies


Definitive Grindhouse.




I came into Good, Bad, and the Ugly with lowered expectations because while I liked Fistful and Few Dollars More I kinda found them a bit longwinded.

But man adding Tuco to the formula perfected it. So much fun.


Literally flawless. The one dodgy puppet shot is the only thing anyone can pick on with it but that's just being a prick when you consider their budget.




Movie Posters used to be so damn godly.



Landis ruined this for me. I mad.


Yeah I hate his faggot son too but I still love Animal House and Werewolf.

The X-Files.

Came to post this.


You wanna be more specific? Because I will:

Clyde Bruckman's Last Repose

Yes. Then photoshop happened.


Such a shame the idea for a sequel has been dropped.
Fucking marketing.


True Detective
Good Will hunting




it's impressive, but they fucked up lighting it so brightly. or should've Intercut scenes of Arnold's real face so its not so jarring.

*people who suck at Photoshop happened

don't blame the tool
