Ocean's Eleven Remake With All Female Cast

And you though ghostbutterfaces was bad.



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Hollywood is running out of ideas.

Long live Netflix, Hulu, etc.

It's done.

Oh for fucks sake. Why do they always pick films in which masculinity is set as the basis for the chemistry between the characters.
Pick a film which could actually translate genders without losing the soul of it

>Ghostbusters (2016) was such a big hit that we should reboot even more good films with all cunts!

I thought Ghostbusters would put this shitty attempt at social propaganda to sleep.

Don't they realize that no one likes female movies?

female heist movie

i'm sure this will work out great

netflix will die before hollywood

You know why they made it Ocean's Eight?

Because 8 is 72% of 11

Because women can do everything men can, and more!

>tfw Jewywood will sacrifice themselves on the altar of SJW and based China will step in to fill the void with their movies about nationalism and heroism and complete lack of dindus

so the movie will be about getting married and then divorced multiple times?
highest alimoney ever?

Can't wait to see the black female super hacker or the cute female demolition expert.

i want to fuck cate blanchett

there is no way this film is going to fail.

Almost every teen boy will wanna see this in IMAX

>Why do they always pick...
to destroy it

>Sup Forums is going to fall for the viral marketing again

I'm not just trying to derail your argument, but why does anyone find her attractive?

>6/10 face
>small breasts
>decent ass

Is she a meme?

nobody likes noggers, they say she is hot when she is trending but thats it, unless she gets her tits out teenage boys wont go to it

>Ocean's Eight (2017)
>Ocean's Nine: Do it for Hillary (2018)
>History of Mankind: Ocean's Ten (2019)
>Ocean's Eleven (2020) (Reboot)

no way to inoculate against it, not that a viral marketing campaign could save a shit movie regardless

>Netflix, Hulu

They can't survive on old libraries. Ther original series are crap and they pick up shows well past prime (aD)

How did Battleship do? I genuinely don't remember

Yeah, you're right. I'm just not looking forward to always having 15 threads up at a time all trying to bait people into arguing about sexism again.

am I racist for not being attracted to black people? she looks disgusting

It earned its place in history


Were you born stupid?

Is this post supposed to be ironic or serious? I can't tell, most black girls look ugly to me. I don't even think of them as members of the opposite sex most of the time, I see them the same way I see an empty water bottle or a piece of furniture or something, I have no sexual attraction to them at all.

And Beyonce is very ugly with her fucking fivehead too, I don't get the meme where people pretend that she's some utlra-hot goddess or something.

it failed last time
if they want to do it again, i'll swallow a few hooks

there are a lot of guys that find rihanna attractive

Ok buddy, sleep tight.

I didn't say I was one of them.

hell yes I can't wait for the ITS ALL MUHSOGINY claims that retards like this will put out when people realize the movie is dogshit.

You implied it.

>but why does anyone find her attractive?
please tell me you are joking.

She is absolute perfection

>Ther original series are crap

They are literally some of the highest rated, critically acclaimed tv shows in the past decade.

not with that nose and face





lmao literally a black jessie eisenberg

you're trying too hard

she's a chimp, just look at her

You know this is true

I'm actually sorta keen to watch that.

I honestly liked 12 more than 13

The one thing this hasn't that Ghostbusters had, is the die hard nerd fanbase. It won't do anywhere near as bad, or even be as bad as Ghostbusters.

poor kate

marvel quips and now this

if rose byrne joins this i think i might write an angry letter to someone


You're right, middle aged married men are much more open to feminist propaganda than nu-male beta males, oh wait, except for that one little fact in the way that they're actually not..

I LOVE her face

Now you're just trying to make her look bad

I would rather fuck katy perry in that pic of her harshly woken up without makeup than rhianna in any of those pics.


>that nazi salute
Wtf Katy Perry?

>Long live Netflix, Hulu, etc.

They're just as bad m8

who is going to play the old jew in the female version? he was the best character

>journalism in 2016

Shes a well known white nationalist.

Post link, thats obviously fake lol

Why does Cate need "feminism" she's actually talented and successful?

Holy shit lmao this is an actual published article, just let that sink in.



>Ocean's Eight

They couldn't even find 11 women

Imagine having so little going on in your life that you end up caring about this shit?

Pretty sad desu

You're not racist for not being attracted but you're recuse for objectively implying she and all black women are disgusting.
Anyway, I don't take what you fags are saying here seriously. This seems like another case of Sup Forums just being contriarian to be edgy.

Shit movie gets fem remake.

Why don't we get new IPs instead?

it's a "pol gets triggered because they don't see white males" episode

>posting on Sup Forums
>judging others' life choices

Guess how I know your opinion is shit?

racism doesn't matter

Fuck off.

You're racist for implying he was implying all black women are disgusting, He explicitly said she was disgusting.

>am I racist for not being attracted to black people? she looks disgusting

Two things are happening in this sentence champ.
1: He is saying he is typically not attracted to black women. Which is not racist.
2: He is saying he thinks rihanna looks disgusting. Which is not racist.

Stop race baiting you pathetic little shit.

Eh? but smirkfu/Natilie Dormer has a similar nose.

I know this is bullshit but I still reply

>Shit movie
Fuck you, atleast it's one of the comfiest movies oat


Considering I'm not the only one posting on a thai cartoon imagery board, it's pretty hypocritical to call me pathetic.


oh btw he in no way implied typically. He simply said"not being attracted to black people." Implying all.
Get YOUR reading comprehension together mate.

That's not racist either lmao, way to go out on a winning note.

At least some of them are going to be hot, in opposition to Ghostjusters.

That's pretty pathetic of you.


Since when is Rihanna an actress?


Do you know what butterface means? Because Ghostbusters did not have a cast of butterfaces; it had a cast of buttereverythings.

he is right you know...

Marco Polo. Bad... Ok?

i wonder how theyre gonna do the whole george clooney julia roberts thing.


obviously since we all are.

She's not. She was terrible in battle ship. She's just a poo idol so they use her to rake on cash.


really makes you think

they're just using these to launder money or something right?


this thread is really making me think


Thats what modern art is for.

Those Oceans movies were always shit so it's not that much of a step down anyway.

Just think about how it will all work for a second
>one of the women will need to be massively charismatic and have lots of connections like Ocean had
>women will actually need to work as a team
>you'll need female hackers and bomb experts
>women will probably have to outsmart men and systems put in place by men
It boggles the mind that people even think this shit is possible, let alone all the rest of the stuff.

pop* idol
