ITT : we predict RT score for upcoming films by last digit

ITT : we predict RT score for upcoming films by last digit

>Doctor Strange

>Wonder Woman

>Infinity War Part 2

>Blade Runner 2


there's no IW part 2 anymore

>You're favourite film

>Doctor Strange
>Wonder Woman

Do you mean last 2 digits, OP?

The avengers film or whatever the next specific film for one of the avengers will be

>Spider-Man Homecoming

>what every marvel movie should get if rotten tomatoes werent bribed jews

My dubs confirm

>Untitled Nicolas Winding Refn's Kino

>Marvel movie
>DC movie
sound about right
>Deadpool 2

Justice League


>Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Captain Marvel

All female Ocean's 11



Sup Forums btfo once again

Honestly this movie could be quite good if they handle it properly.

Sup Forums on suicide watch

probably accurate though

Aquaman: Seamen's revenge

Hacksaw Ridge

Breaking Bad alternate ending movie

Kek, DCucks BTFO.

The inevitable HBO docudrama about Trump's horribly failed presidential campaign starring Owen Wilson

It can't be done properly. Never mind that women are intrinsically incapable of having chemistry with other women, the cast thus far is clearly just grabbing every woman celebrity instead of actors who might at least be able to deliver lines and ACT like they have chemistry.

>Sandra Bullock

It amazes me that she still gets work.

The Flash

fuck you mane
fucking tell me where so live so I can rape your little brother or your son or something

Tim's Burton's X-Men, ft. Bad Motherfucker, Shinji Ikari and the Semen Demon


A Monster Calls

>pls don't be Pan 1.5

Fuck you, Sup Forums, this movie will be good.

>Ghost in the Shell

Ben Affleck's Batman Film

I can see it. Numale critics might give that one a pass since Ezra Miller is one of their own, and it's going to be full of Reddit approved quips.

>A Light Between Oceans


it will be average
Now for Batfleck

>Emoji: the movie

Guardians of the Galaxy 2

SW 8

You motherfucker

Confirmed for fucking Kino. Will it be a titanic redpill like Angry Birds?

oh shit marvelcucks BTFO

Unnecessary Blair Witch sequel nobody asked for


Fast 8

>Green Lantern's Reboot

The Lego Batman Movie

black lives matter/Nu 12 years a slave movie

Every upcoming movie that has Jackie Chan in it

Equalizer 2

It's not real m8

Star Wars: Dyke One

Who knows user, maybe they all get along just fine and they make a decent flick. Most of them have done good performances before. It's not like it's a Ghostbusters casts of literally whos who try too hard to be funny.
It's still dumb how they want to keep remaking movies with female casts, but until I see an actual trailer on YouTube, I'm holding an open mind.


The next Fantastic Four attempt

as expected
it has a muh womyn as a protagonist and better writers that CISbusters.

The Best Of BLACKED: The Ultimate Compilation


The Birth Of A Nation

>DC cuck pushing out the Marvel bias meme when he just can't admit they make shit movies

It's hilarious how much mental gymnastics you guys do just to excuse DC making shit movies.

Black Panther


RT is shit i don't believe that people still give a shit about what overpaid corrupt snobs say


Sam Hyde's How To Bomb the Israel Goverment

John Wick 2

Kubrick's Napoleon

my digits prive otherwise

Assassin's Creed

Idris Elba James Bond

Death Stranding



>Meme magic is real

did you mean to say last digits? Or are you referring to the single digit average rating out of 10?

the board is slow enough that you can reliably get within 5 just by having a second tab open

I meant last two digits, sorry for my mistake


Justice League part 2

Jurassic World Sequel

This hurts me real deep. I've loved the JP movies since I was a kid, even the bad ones.

Pacific Rim: Maelstrom

Voyage of Time

Suicide Squad: The Original Cut


don't worry, J.A. Bayona is a better director than Trevorrow


Ocean's 11 (Female Reboot)

This would actually be pretty accurate with the fun and enjoyable movie that it was intended to be (but with way better editing)

Have you seen ironman23's fan edit of JW? It's a lot better than the theatrical release.

i'm hungry for that BL you know what i'm saying
dont beat around the bush, just give me a picture of your brother/son

Ayer's version was dark and violent tho

Star Wars: Young Han Solo Movie

Indiana Jones 5

>Ayer's version was dark and violent tho
Yes we all know that

Justice League Part 2

What went wrong?

Harry Styles

>Justice League Part 2
Was Snyder the director or did they get someone else?

I also take it they got a new editor