Can we trust him after seeing this episode?

Can we trust him after seeing this episode?

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that pizza looks disgusting

now THATS what I call a 'go 'za

its not that bad just too much dough and not baked enough

>trusting a brit


Um first of all its called 'za.

Second of all it looks delicious.

>watching season 9 of Hell's Kitchen
>the black bitch and the sandwich girl STILL haven't been kicked off
>it's obvious they're only still there because they generate drama, and drama generates views

Show fucking sucks. Go home.

>This much shit taste

Jesus christ, why don't you suck Ramsays cock more. The 'Go 'Za looked 'Lish.

Why don't Amerifats just nuke themselves and do the world a favour?

Can someone please create a daring synthesis of this meme with the CIA meme?

There's only one food critic I respect.

yall couldn't live without us

You should take regular breaks from the internet. You're a memefag.

neet god

As i'd an american for anything related To food

>Sup Forums likes raw pizza dough

>watching season 7 of Masterchef
>the retarded 20 years old pastor's son faggot (=gay) fucks up everything, doesn't know how to cut tomatoes, but still gets to stay

People eat cookie dough. That guy's cornered the market on 'za dough.

Fucking limey mong didn't realize the cook was an innovator.

We don't want you to die of poverty.

>Sup Forums likes capeshit

I honestly thought he was a bull dyke at first. That voice.

>ramsay doesn't know a good 'za when he sees one

Cooking shows always need drama, I fucking hate it

>Too much dough
>Cheese has the consistency of candle wax
>Literally enough grease to fill a small swimming pool

Disgusting. The sauce probably came out of a can as well.


Childhood is idolizing the pizza, adulthood is realizing that Gordon makes more sense.

>he doesn't know 'za's get grease normally

confirmed for pleb faggot that's never had a 'lish 'go 'za

If you think that looks alright you probably think pineapple pizza is shit
you're wrong on both accounts


Got that backwards friendo. Childhood is agreeing with Gordon. Adulthood is realizing the Pizza looked good.

yeah, I never got that pineapple pizza hate meme.
Pineapples are delightful



na that's just being American, my friend.

the pizza look like dogshit, he asked for thin crust and got THAT, literally a bucket of grease, some fake cheese and raw pastry

fuck off pleb

Cooked pineapple with the sweet/savoryness of the ham
God tier

idk it feel like a setup
1) its sausage pizza. there is gonna be more grease/oil than usual
2) its straight out the oven. of course everything is gonna slide off when you hold it upright.
3) the dough in the crust area may have been undercooked and has no real excuse but the crust underneath teh pizza was fine

>he asked for thin crust and got THAT

He literally got a good deal, he got way more dough than he paid for. A good deal in my book.

>bucket of grease

Pizza is greasy

>Fake cheese

It's not fake

>Raw pastry

It was cooked, Ramsay just wants everything burnt.

Memes aside, I honestly wouldn't pay for that shit pizza.

>pic: shit I usually eat.

Are you a NJ fag?

nice shitpost
>he got a good deal
He asked for thin crust and he got thick crust, that's literally the opposite of what he wanted right off the bat, you mong

Nah bruh, philly

>He literally got a good deal, he got way more dough than he paid for. A good deal in my book.

user... That's not how thin crust works.

>Pizza is greasy

there's varying levels of greasy

>its nott fake

i agree

>it was cooked

it was literally not cooked

review brah has enough autism to kill a man just by looking but he chooses to focus all of its power on food reviews. The nation thanks him. Humanity thanks him.

He got the chefs own version of thin crust, that happens to be a bit more than thin crust. He got a good deal.

See above

>there's varying levels of greasy

There's nothing wrong with the amount of grease on that 'Go 'Za

>it was literally not cooked

Yes it was

is pretty good. I live in FL, used to live in NJ and I have a Wawa like half a mile down the road. Good shit,

I'll respond to the bait

14 minute mark
Pizza looks like shit and you're lying if you disagree

The pizza did look nasty.

goza! lmao, epic goza!

Someone have the webm where Gordon just gives up and leaves over a dry chicken?

>Watching Americans argue over the cuisine

this is truly pathetic, enjoy some more Macdonald you plebians.

How many good boy points did you exchange to get all those goodies from mommy?

>tfw working as a line cook
I wonder where they get these retards, especially in Hell's Kitchen, it's not that fucking hard, and they are making pretty basic shit aswell.

Go eat some snails

tfw they are still up and running and are apparantly pretty good.

>yfw that's because Gordon had to straighten their shit out for them

I was told by some guy who went there recently that the guy running was left by his family and now just cooks shitty food while bragging about being on the show

You know what goes good with a 'za?

A big cock.

Nothing like a good chi' pi'.

Fuck, really? On their website they talk about how they are a family and the food is amazing now and they have like 4/5 stars on yelp. Shit, that's depressing if that is true. I'm a profesional chef myself and I always feel a bit sad when i watch this show, most of the time they have no clue on how to run a restaurant or make good food.

the only appealing aspect of that pizza is the cheese that they use to hide all the awfulness

you don't really have to be a pro to understand how terrible those restaurants are. The real tragedy is people who have an otherwise great place but they pay their staff too much or there just isn't the client base and they go under

>professional chef

I bet dad is proud.

Yeah, used to be a one michelline star restaurant close to where I lived, they closed down because they were just too fucking remote.

I'm a line chef at a proper restaurant, not a michelline star one but that's the dream. I'm not some poor kid working at Mcdonalds.

I chuckle to myself thinking of him saying this constantly.

Is Hershey's Cookiens and Cream good?

What's wrong with being a professional chef?

anyone? I need Ramsey memes...


Only the first bite, too much cream and not enough cookie. It starts to get sickeningly sweet.

what the hell was the point of that tree cop lmapo

Last House on the Left. The teeth/chisel/hammer scene.

I saw that as an 8 yo kid.

kek, is this some to catch a predator or what

I fucked up. Wrongo threaderino.

>line chef
Fucking cooks man, they always have such high opinions of themselves

Chef comes from the French chef du cuisine meaning 'chief of the kitchen', there is one chef, you're a cook, a microwave-operator, a glorified dinner lady, barely above the guy that delivers the seafood.


I'm sorry, english is not my first language, where I'm from chef and cook mean the same thing.

>you're a cook, a microwave-operator, a glorified dinner lady, barely above the guy that delivers the seafood.
Please go fuck yourself, as a line cook you are there to learn, and there's a big difference between being a line cook at a good restaurant and a fucking dinner lady at a school or a "microwave-operator".

The grass was so disgusted at this pedophile it got up to arrest him itself.

why would you do this
to your body

Found the microwave operator

t. Celery and water fag

you can keep your baguettes and croissants Ahmed

>People unironically thinks that pizza looks good
>Gordon did a taste test with the general public and they preferred a shop bought frozen pizza in the episode

>trashtalking cooks and chefs
kys senpai

ffs 'murrica you fat sugary bastard.

I love yo you Frencies but do you even understand what vegetarian or vegan is? You're almost as bad as the gooks for eating anything that lived.