Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?


Both of them. That was the point.

Op for posting anime outside of Sup Forums
>Bbbut they don't want to talk about it
Maybe there's a reason they don't want to talk about a decade old cartoon?

L is such a fucking cockblock
Just leave Light alone

Nope you're both wrong. Did you even watch the anime?

Light killed hundreds of people out of some twisted sense of justice
L was just the guy trying to stop him.

I don't watch asian cartoons.
They're weird.

>some twisted sense of justice
how much does it cost to house and feed all the murderers and rapists? what is the recidivism rate?

you can argue he went overboard & L was in the right to stop him but...

The creators for making this retarded plot Hot Topic edgelord Mongolian girl cartoon.

Try Sup Forums
If you want Sup Forumsutists

no you're wrong

If you think about it you'll realize that what Light did was necessary, he replaced evil with death.

why japs can't draw normal haircuts?

> ywn read a torrented Death Note for the first time on a laptop using CDisplay whilst being 13 and on summer holidays in a European country with no internet

Those are "normal haircuts" for japs.


All murderers and rapists deserve to die.

you downloaded that picture from knowyourmeme

>JUSTposters confirmed for underage newfag cancer

> you can argue he went overboard

thats putting it lightly (no pun intended)

No actually, i googled "JUST meme"

but you seem to know a lot of details about how "know your meme" works...


really makes you think...

>No actually, i googled "JUST meme"

>Not targeting heads of state and other evil institutions

Literally a 9 year old's idea of justice

This was the last time they spoke as friends. Light is standing in the dark, L is standing in the light.

>killing bad people

Pick one. Would have been better if he genocided shitskins though.

are you the same guy that said he googles his reaction images instead of saving them?

Do you honestly think that no person has ever been falsely imprisoned? If, in those hundreds of prisoners he killed even one of them was innocent, then he's no better than a common murderer. How much money saved on housing do you think is worth the life of an innocent man? What is the dollar value of a mans life?

Light was wrong. He was wrong because the justice system isn't perfect, and it's very very common for somebody to go to jail for something they didn't do.

>you can argue he went overboard

Overboard doesn't even begin to describe, he was literally about to start killing off neets when he got taken down.

The second arc of the manga doesn't count because it's shit.

Everything that happens after L dies isn't canon because it changes the story from being a decent story into one of the worst mangas ever written. Seriously the writing became so bad I'm convinced that the writer was just sick of the story and wanted to get it so bad that his publishers would let him off the hook and cancel it

>Stuff which contradicts my point of view doesn't count

I'm not the guy he was quoting, I'm just saying that anything about character personality in the second half of death note should be ignored because it's garbage. Every character pretty much just did random arbitrary things with no regard for their established character if it helped the author railroad things into his dumb ending

>spraying Sup Forums bait
what about after killing all "evil", killing useless cancer like you people?

But killing NEETS was perfectly in line with has characters and world view. A logical extension from killing criminals and creating a perfect world by wiping out societies scum.