BOM reports $17.8 millions for Saturday

>BOM reports $17.8 millions for Saturday
>Foreign not updated yet
>Domestic is now $210.5 millions
>Worldwide about $403 millions

I don't know, it doesn't sound so dire for Suicide Squad.

The movie needed 12 billion to break even

Id say above $400m is profit

No one ever expected this movie to bomb, just to underperform like BvS did. Which seems to be happening considering the 79% friday drop.

Why do capeshit fans only fucking discuss film profits like it has any actual bearing on content?

Do you subconsciously know the films themselves aren't worth talking about so you have to find some other avenue to shitpost about?

A little exaggerated, but 2 billion is more accurate. Their advertising campaign was rough.

Ah yes, I agree on that.

I'm just commenting on the numbers, I think the movie is average. I want quality stuff, not half-assed editing and rushed production.

im glad they're making money. Now we just need them to make really good movies. I want WB/DC to stop jacking off over the idea of beating Marvel and just do their own thing

DCucks only has box office to point to since any other metric says they're shit

MarvelDrones discuss box office to btfo of DCucks

you people need to learn how movie making works

anything less than $5.2 trillion is a massive bomb

BvS was their own thing, and regardless of me getting ridiculed now, I really liked it.

>Do you subconsciously know the films themselves aren't worth talking about so you have to find some other avenue to shitpost about?
Yeah, desu it's very much like that. The movies themselves are forgettable flicks, but it's interesting to watch how the trend unfolds (and hope it crashes and burns someday so we get more action blockbusters without gayass capes).

X-Men Apocalypse made $535 million worldwide and was reported as a drag on earnings by Fox. Don't be so quick to assume SS made a profit or is viewed favorably by WB.

I kinda hope WB switches to making lower budget flicks

Let Ayer make his 40 million dollar R rated Suicide Squad movie

Affleck can do a movie on a budget

James "the man" Wan can do a smaller budget horror AquaWan movie

Snyder seems to be the only one who blows through huge budgets

>that photo

Mainstream AAA rich people actors are such faggots, holy shit.

You don't see working actors who act in legit good movies like Michael Rogers or Reece Shearsmith being a fucking fag about it


>look at them on that plane with drinks taking a picture. fucking fffffffffaggots

I'm sorry you're poor and ugly, user.

That's only for the catering.

I saw the stream yesterday. Jesus what a fucking awful movie. Will Smith has given up completely, Leto was not playing The Joker at all, just some campy half-retarded wigger and Cara was wooden as fuck. The only watchable things were Margot Robbie and maybe the mexican Johnny Storm
>that embarrassing slow motion "dramatic" climax
>that "let's go home" ending
Even worse than BvS. Glad I didn't pay money to see it

Yeah it's a bit crass, but I think you're giving them undue shit. This is no different from normie chicks posting a bunch of giant facebook albums of all the lavish cruises they've taken

The fact this has made so much so fast shows that audiences were excited for a DC cinematic universe.

The fact that it's going to grind to a halt over the next 2 weeks shows that WB need to stop making exceptionally shit cape movies.

Wait a second isn't that how many jews dieded on the holocoast??

What SS has going for it, it that SS doesn't really have a lot of competition coming up in the next 2 weeks. It could have more legs than BvS did.

What SS has going against it is, it's the last 2 weeks of summer and most families will try to cram in their summer vacation plans around that time and may not be interested in going to the cinema.

>I saw the stream yesterday
lol, this is a film made for the theaters, you can't really appreciate it on your cellphone screen

I want to kiss Karen Fukuhara on her cheek.

Sup Forums always says shit they don't like is going to bomb and they are usually wrong 95% of the time.

It's based from Sup Forumseddit thread Sonypeessales vs xbawks sales

T&A beats critiques every time. No critic allows brownie points for it but the viewing public will purchase tickets purely for it.

WB gonna fuck up big if they green light dozens more dcu flicks based on this.


So was that photo taken before or after the 'all the cast hated Jared' meme started.

Because if you're a rich actor, I can imagine there's alternatives to sharing a private jet with someone you hate so much.

Daily reminder that SJW journos are retarded every time they've been talking about the "le sharp drop-off" of viewers from week one to week 2 lately. This is how shit has always worked. the majority of people go see movies in the first week, and the "drop-off" afterwards is irrelevant and always has been.

No SJWs, it is not yet another clear indication that you're on "the right side of history, sorry to ruin your already ruined day.

The problem with overhyped movies is they will make big at the box office even if they get mediocre reviews.

JUST: The Cinematic Universe
JUST: The Franchise
JUST: The Studio

>this is a film made for the theaters
What? The acting is terrible, the dialogue is pure trash, the Joker looks retarded
Kill yourself shill

It does when you consider their production budget is 170 million (and more with marketing) and studios get only half of the BO.

But the effects were awful.

I saw it in a theater, and I can say that it was pretty much the same experience

Poor, innocent Karen sandwitched between to degenerates.

It's hot.


1) "BvS" made $872 MILLION worldwide and it was considered a big disappointment
2) "X-Men Apocalyse" made $534 MILLION worldwide and it was considered a flop/disappointment
3) "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" made $708 MILLION worldwide and that so bad, it made Sony run to Marvel

$400 million sounds great if you made the movie for a mid-range budget like the Conjuring 2 (which cost around $40M to make plus about $50M marketing budget). SS costs 175M plus at least $100 - $150 million marketing.

Do you think Leto knows he just dodged a bullet?

I still loved enchantress in this movie

pretty obvious that the 'open letter' was written by a marvel/dc shill

So, if only half of the gross counts, and the foreign doesn't mean shit, Cap3 was a commercial failure.

Or pretty much anything, really.

>and the foreign doesn't mean shit

No one actually says this, quit strawmanning

>No one actually says this
It's literally in every thread discussing SS's numbers.

>1) "BvS" made $872 MILLION worldwide and it was considered a big disappointment

Because it was expected to make over $1 billion. It was disappointing relative to the expectations.
>2) "X-Men Apocalyse" made $534 MILLION worldwide and it was considered a flop/disappointment
X:Men DOFP made $747M. Of course a movie that bring in 1/3rd LESS than its predecessor is going to be disappointing.
>3) "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" made $708 MILLION worldwide and that so bad, it made Sony run to Marvel
It also had the lowest gross of ANY Spiderman film in the franchise. And that includes Spiderman 3.
>$400 million sounds great if you made the movie for a mid-range budget like the Conjuring 2 (which cost around $40M to make plus about $50M marketing budget). SS costs 175M plus at least $100 - $150 million marketing.
$400M after 10 days is not bad at all. The full weekend #s aren't even out yet. It could make as much or more than MoS, with $50M less in production spend.

That's not bad for a movie that's been universally panned by critics.

>That's not bad for a movie that's been universally panned by critics.

It would be surprising if it didn't happen all the time
Entire franchises are built on "critics will hate it but the general audience can still eat it up" logic

The fact that some "Journalists" ran this story from an "anonymous ex WB employee" really proves how much of a joke today's Journalism is.

>Entire franchises are built on "critics will hate it but the general audience can still eat it up" logic
That's what Seth Rogen's entire career is built on

Box Office reports that the domestic numbers are $222.87 mil. Mojo that the foreign is $ 242,500,000.

Meaning that the WW is, as of now, $465,37 mil. I know that in Italy it made $1,297.923 on the premiere day, which was yesterday. So you can add it to the sum, since Mojo didn't.

Total $467 mil.

You haven't lived until you have flown in a private jet.
Don't take out your poor self hate on people who earn more, peasant.


wow user, wow!

It's like living in a hardcore Islamic country; you can't have any individual thought or taste or you will be accosted by SJWs. It fucking horrible.

Ah yes, I agree on that.

More than Ghostbusters made :-)

>$467 mil
Wow user, wow!

It does have bearing on the future of DC films and what WB executives decide to make or cancel films based on box office performance.

I have a question.

Why is a film that broke the Box Office record of August, that holds the #1 spot in the Domestic Box Office for 2 weeks in a row considered a 'disappointment'?

This is gonna outgross Apocflop by next week.