DAMN Arnold looks like that?

DAMN Arnold looks like that?

Seriously though he looks young as fuck, did he find the fountain of youth?

He looks like a gay daddy looking for young twinks on grindr.

i think he'd be pretty successful at that

he colors his hair


The dude is 69

excess skin surgery + hair dye + weightloss/lipo

No doubt.

roids are the fountain of youth, OP

This is why Hitler praised the aryan race desu

>he's 69
>still a chad and rich
How can we young ones even compete?

>he colors his hair
SOURCE? You cant just make wild claims like this without anything to back it up, ok?

He really doesn't. He looks his age.

Have you seen what 70 year olds look like

Donald's a mess. Arnold is true master race.

Arnie is a month older than bill

he really does look great there. considering how he looked years back i wonder if he's on some regenerative drugs.

>small cock


He hasn't even unfolded yet ... his genital has been described as a butterfly

He looks like he's getting in shape for the new Predator movie, which he is rumoured to star i

He's wearing a jock-stap idiot.

lol that babydick

that isnt small
not even considering the scale, a body way bigger than the average man

Source is that he's almost 70 years old, you fucking dipshit.

Your hair starts to go white at about 42 and no amount of steroids or HGH is changing that.

He colors his hair. I would too if I was in Hollywood.

Politics fucks you up makes you age way more rapidly

dont give me arnolds cushy clifornia job compared to a presidency

Based Arnie.

>Your hair starts to go white at about 42
Not if you're blonde or light brunette

>meme actor has meme pandering numale hair
what a fucking surprise

Clean diet, daily exercise and TRT is the fountain on youth. Gear on its own does fuck all

But I thought roids was bad for your health :^)

Boy, Alexis Sanchez sure let himself go

I have no faith in the future career of Arnold. He has no idea how to make good hollywood movies anymore.

Genisys was fucking dogshit

you can take a few things that will recolor you hair, saw palmetto for one

Eat Clen, Tren hard, and Test yourself everyday

anavar give up

That's what weak Jews tell you