Who was the better character?

Who was the better character?

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Tony. and it's not even close.


>reddit vs Sup Forums

Tony, although I enjoyed watching breaking bad more

Tony all the way. Walt was just a simple butthurt beta dude. Tony was more intelligent and had a more complex psychology.

Walt's still better than that fucker Kevin Spacy on House of Cards. He's like a parody of modern anti-heroes.

Tony acts like an actual human being
Heisenberg is a meme character

WW had superior character development and was better written. I like Tony alot more though, and Sopranos is the best tv show ever made, so who cares

Tony by a country mile, though Breaking Bad gets a little more hate than it really deserves imo.


Art imitates life. Breaking bad does not imitate life

he was way more developed and even though he was a mob boss they wrote him so well that he's relateable while being hateable

Walt was just "cool"

Tony was a character. I'd go as far to say that Breaking Bad didn't have a single character. No one is human only a shallow embodiment of a theme or a narrative device.

>mfw walter is the vipers

It's impossible for Breaking Bad to ever get hated as much as it deserves with all of the video game playing manchildren in the world with a taste for literal shit.

Pretty much this

see thats a serious response


>mfw even lower tier supporting characters on the sopranos show more depth than the fucking main characters of breaking bad

Every time I rewatch the sopranos now I spend the entire time shaking with rage at the very thought that there are people who consider sewage like GoT, Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead to be good television. I want to take a gun and put a bullet in the head of every single one of them.

Jesse was the best character. Everything about him, from his upper middle class background to his grief and depression, was well written. Reddittards would rather watch dull character like Gus or Mike through because they are "so le badass xD".

Or you could just enjoy the Soprano's over and over and over again

No. Jesse is a terrible character too. It's just that he's a nu-male beta retard and you have inherent sympathy for him because that's what you are too. Breaking Bad has no good characters and anybody who thinks otherwise is infantile about television.

Even if I don't eat shit it's still offputting to be surrounded by people who do. They eat it up and then smile at you with their shit stained brown teeth. Then they tell you that you're the autistic weird one.

Yeah he was the better character in Breaking Bad and Walt is right in there with Gus and Mike he's just cool which is fine it's still entertaining but there's no need or desire for a rewatch of the show for me where on the other hand I find myself rewatching the Sopranos and relating to different characters every time you end of feeling like you understand them as actual people vs just entertainers

at the end of the day it's just entertainment it's fucking escapism just imagine how people that actually live their lives feel about you?
feeling all high and mighty watching television while they're out living
same shit innit?

comic books vs novels, what more can you say

Man, that's a weak bait. 2/10 cause I replied.

If you think the sopranos is just entertainment then you are an enemy of the medium. If to you all television can be is "entertainment" masturbation then not just watch literal pornography and wank your pathetic dick all day.

>it's bait to hate the one most retarded characters in television history that the writers actually have the gall to ask you to feel sympathy towards
If you watched season 5 and don't think that he not only completely deserved everything he got but also deserved to suffer far more than you are just a bad person. A weak stupid man.


Television is not art.

Television shows are written by a constantly revolving team of writers, have their stories manipulated and milked for financial gain by networks, are processed through an interchangeable series of directors, DPs, editors, actors and technicians, get sliced up into eleven minute blocks to facilitate commercial interruptions (with occasional product placement), and are marketed to millions around the globe, which makes sense since programs rarely get picked up unless they have plausible popular appeal. Whatever vision a showrunner has, it is severely diluted by the time the final product makes it to the audience, and if the vision strikes a chord with the audience then studio involvement can easily overpower it.

After the extreme difficulty in sharing and preserving a experimental, creative or independent idea, the biggest difference between reading and watching television is the audience's mental investment. Television is passive, making it is much easier to consume a television show than it is to interact with a text, and this is sometimes an advantage for television. Serial commercial television is good at establishing familiarity with massive and complex fictional worlds wherein viewers are quickly introduced to a wide array of characters, and that lends well to wide themes about society and politics. But the episodic format of television and desire for familiarity by the viewer is severely limiting from both a narrative and visual perspective. A program's film grammar is a cliche by the second episode; we are repeatedly delivered the same exchange of shots, the same dialogue cues and character traits, and often the same set-up and plot.

Even the giants of television like The Sopranos, Deadwood, Mad Men and The Wire cannot graze the heights of arthouse film, let alone the novel. Tarkovsky described early commercial Hollywood films as glorified theater and I think that remark applies here. Some of television is very good and entertaining theater, but it's entirely different genre with entirely different goals. The best television programs are usually short self-contained miniseries directed by an experienced figure in the film world, programs like the first season of Twin Peaks, Dekalog, and Fanny and Alexander. These avoid the typical pitfalls of the medium e.g. bloated stories, filler, repetition, cliche, and collapse into caricature. Longer programs are extremely prone to artistic failure. Narratives get stretched if the studio wants to push more DVDs, characters are suddenly dropped if an actor wants to move on to bigger things, plot threads often lack closure and consistency since the writers changed, disliked where the story was headed, or had conflicting goals, Maintaining an individual style and vision like an auteur is next to impossible when there is this much involvement from this many people and this much demand for popular appeal.

The fact that people are even debating Sopranos vs Breaking Bad rather than comparing it to good shows like deadwood or mad men shows you just how Sup Forums steeped this board is now.

Here is a fun fact. If you took the very worst single episode of The Sopranos and put it up against all 5 seasons of Breaking Bad combined, that one episode of the sopranos would still blow breaking bad out of the water in terms of artistic accomplishment.

>he thinks walt is remotely as good a character as tone

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.

>very worst single episode of The Sopranos
which would be what

In my opinion, Pine Barrens. But you could name any episode and what I said would still hold true.

Walter White. Also BB was the better show overall but The Sopranos best season was better than BB's best season.

Lots of words for some sophistry.

This, Walt wasn't even real.

>Superior character development
Sopranos spends the whole show showcasing Tony's psyche, juxtaposing his upbringing with his actual feelings, pinning down different reasons for his complex emotional problems.

WW got cancer and suddenly decided to be ruthless.

What? Pine Barrens is one of the best.

Oh boy here we go.

I actually agree with the other user. You're probably projecting and that's why you like Jesse

Breaking Bad is an action packed story about a man being eaten alive by his own ego
Sopranos is more of a character study with more thematic depth for the viewer to delve into through the protagonist

Both characters serve their purpose failry well

It is art.

I understand why the type of person who is undiscerning enough to think that Breaking Bad was a good show might think that, but I have little to no respect for that type of person.

I mean the Sopranos was an all around much better show, so Tony

That's because both are meme shows. Sopranos is just for Fedora tippers because of the garbage finale and BB is for the normies because the ending wrapped up nicely and is more recent.

>Also BB was the better show
This is either bait or you are a stupid video game enabler.
>The Sopranos best season was better than BB's best season.
And The Sopranos worst season was also better than Breaking Bad's best season.

You also sound like an insufferable cunt.


>WW got cancer and suddenly decided to be ruthless

Did you actually watch Breaking Bad? Walt is initially afraid of violence and only resorts to it when his hand is forced. It's not until he's gotten his hands dirty a few times that he starts to build up this image of himself as a badass crime boss. Even then, he's really a coward at heart, he always stammers when directly confronted, and plans his worst deeds in secret.

The show also spends a lot of time focusing on Walt's ego and his "ruthlessness" As a response to his enormous sense of personal failure and inadequacy

>pine barrens

embarrassingly tryhard contrarian opinion

Made In America is one of the greatest episodes of television ever made. It is also the best finale to a long running show I can think of. The Breaking Bad finale was a horrendous embarrassment that pissed away any small shred of legitimacy the show may have had left by that point.

Not everyone likes the taste of hot pockets.

Comparing Breaking Bad to The Sopranos is like comparing Captain America Civil War to Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Walt by far. Better performance too.

I'll show myself out.

It's obviously Tone, and if you disagree I'm gonna blow ya brains out ya marone

>I'll show myself out.
Please do.

Sopranos still gets threads. BB discussion flooded the board when it was on, but dropped off quickly after it ended and I've seen very few BB threads since. Tony Soprano was a much more complex and interesting anti-hero than the man whose personality was night and day by the end of the show.

When will this board stop overrating the sopranos?

it must be so hard being being surrounded by all the plebs of the world, am i right buddy?

The Sopranos is suitably rated here. You just lack the sophistication about the medium to appreciate it.

For Christ's sake can we stop with the memes and contrarianism and just agree that Christopher was the worst episode by a wide, wide margin.

Mfw man children act edgy by hating a critically acclaimed tv show. Let's be honest here, it's Breaking Bad. It's one of the best shows of all time. The Sopranos was a push in that direction but BB is better, better writing, acting, character development. I'm not even that big of a fan I can just understand when people are acting like cucks. Inb4 bate.

Mr. Ruggerio's Neighborhood and College. Good episodes when you watch Sopranos for the first time but I always skip them while rewatching.

I've reported this post to the FBI.

>BB is better, better writing, acting, character development.
It is considerably worse than The Sopranos in every department.

I like both shows but Breaking Bad was not better than Sopranos in those ways, it was just more obvious. The Sopranos was like an exercise in subtlety, and that's why people keep coming back to it. BB is best when you watch it the first time, but The Sopranos is a lot better on rewatch because there's so many details to notice.

Prove me wrong.

>Breaking Bad. It's one of the best shows of all time.
Breaking Bad is maybe a top 15 show but there is a big gulf in quality between that and a top 3 show like The Sopranos.

The lack of legacy breaking bad left behind cements it as disposable product.

Honestly these promo pics say it all about the show's different approaches

Tony is not in the foreground, there are other objects in frame even in this cropped image. There's naturalism from him sitting at the table, his body language says confidence but nothing overt, but at the same time he's sunken into the corner to suggest a sort of defensiveness from the camera. It's a picture trying to recreate life, just like the show

Walt is the only thing in frame, taking up 80% of the image. Look how serious he is. Look how ominous the lighting is. That's all the show has to offer, surface level thrills and characterization. It had one thing to say and said it over and over

it's honestly b8 for even asking.


You literally just described AJ.

I love Sopanos, but not everybody who watches it here is all that clever a person, really. This one here. Right here.

Maybe on paper but they dwelt on that shit forever at the start of season 4. It was a good 3 episodes in a row devoting time to him playing Xbox and crying. I got it the first time


Walter is a 2D cartoon. Tony is vaguely like a real person. If you disagree, it's time for your suicide.

>this episode is the worst
Pleb filter

Chase is that you? Made was shit and that ending was a complete cop out.

Tony hands down.

I bet you think Paulie is a "meme character", too.

Behold the autismal side of elite Sup Forums contrarians, boys.

Probably the worst, stupidest comment I've read here in weeks. It's like 60% of the show just went straight by your head.

All the characters on Breaking Blue Drugz are generic 2D shit, Jesse the dumbass suburban 20-something included.

Al was really fantastic. Sort of like a force of nature like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas. Maybe the only character I can think of that's on par with Sopranos characters.

Theses memes are getting super ebin now. This is some next-level shit. Well done.

How could anybody possibly think Breaking Bad is even in the same league as Sopranos? I like BB, but let's be honest, Sopranos is much much better at characterization and better at almost everything else as well.

>about a man being eaten alive by his own ego

This is pretty accurate, but it just shows us how silly, unrealistic and cartoonish the show is. There's nothing really to relate to with Walt.

And you relate to a sociopathic mob boss instead? You're a retard.

>WW got cancer and suddenly decided to be ruthless.
exactly. Walt's descent into criminal kingpin madness in the span of one year after a completely normal life is simply explain by muh cancer. It's not even remotely believable. Tony is more sympathetic and realistic because he was raised by sociopaths and never really had a shot at normal life.

Chief Hopper

>Pine Barrens

the worst episode is the one where Tony takes Meadow to look at colleges and decides to kill a rat in the process

Comparing Sopranos & BB to Captain America & BvS is like comparing apples to aids

>better writing
>meek, mild mannered normie becomes criminal mastermind because cancer
>convoluted child poisoning plot
>jesse meth slave
>ridiculous scenarios
>1 dimensional characters
>everything that happened in the show supposedly happened in the span of one year

That's the whole point. Tony *isn't* just a sociopathic mob boss. That only begins to describe a portion of his character. Whereas "suburban loser consumed by his ego" exhaustively describes Walter "Cartoon" White.

Your simplistic characterization of Tony belies your understanding of anything about the show.

But that episode shows Tony's emotional depth and range--he is simultaneously deeply concerned about his daughter and even vulnerable to her at points, but he also proves to be a cold killer.

Brilliant character, but the show itself doesn't compare to TV God-tier.

>overrating the sopranos
Want to know how I know you're a pleb?

You probably walk around your house wearing a bowling shirt and asking mom for gabagool.