Now that the dust has settled we can all agree TFA was terrible, right?

Now that the dust has settled we can all agree TFA was terrible, right?


It was OK. Not great. Not aweful. Just meh.

I honestly don't understand why it got as high praise as it did upon release.

I think it was OK, but only because I don't actually like Star Wars.

I liked new characters, although I'm concerned that they will grow more powerful and would no longer that unlucky heroes on the run from space ISIS they are. Balance of skills between Finn and Rey is badly off and Rey is now forever robbed of opportunity for triumphant comeback at Kylo Ren.

of course!

>I think it was OK, but only because I don't actually like Star Wars.

you are who this movie was made for.

Bad film.

Every argument I've ever gotten in about this film inevitably turns to "you know what? I bet you didn't like the girl Jedi, Huh?"

Discussing mainstream movies in college is a constant brush with McCarthyism

Yes, but if you want to talk about it, can I suggest you come up with some interesting and new talking points rather than opening with a lazy meme post

Lol is that last shot from Walkabout

It's the fourth best Star Wars film easily.

I am probably the biggest SW fan on Sup Forums and I loved it desu

No, /reddit/. We can't.

>I am probably the biggest SW fan on Sup Forums and I loved it desu
Then you're not a fan of star wars, popnerd

Star Wars is bigger than Lucas, faggot.

>I am probably the biggest SW fan on Sup Forums and I loved it desu

no real star wars fan would say that.

Terrible? No.
Great? No.
Better than the prequels? Yes.

IMO the worst thing about this movie is that it relies so heavily on future movies in order for us to determine how bad it really is.

If for instance, It is revealed that Rey actually did have some jedi training and is simply repressing her memories becuase of some traumatic event (or her memeory was wiped), then its perfectly reasonable for to have done the things she did. If its revealed she never had any previous training however, she is a HUGE mary sue and the movie is garbage. Make sense?

This desu!

>It is revealed that Rey actually did have some jedi training and is simply repressing her memories

they will just write that in because of the fan complaints.

>better then prequels yes!

Hmpf implying that TFA was better than RotS.

Please leave

Yeah, as bad as the Prequels but with less meme material.


It is overall a better film, definitely. RotS's third act is almost kino but the rest of the movie is garbage.

I agree

My main point against the movie is the final confrontation. The entire movie sets up that Kylo Ren is very strong and evil and that Rey has lived on a desert shit hole. The entire movie sets up that Rey should lose the fight and it would make sense for it to be that way so in future movies it'd be satisfying after she has training or whatever and finally beats him. Instead shes beats Kylo effortlessly and finally drains any tension you have left by this point in the film.

Every single time I mention how bad the final confrontation was to someone I get one of these responses

>w-well actually Kylo was all e-emotional and it made him weaker...

Except when in numerous occasions in Star Wars that anger and shit made you way stronger.

>w-well he was injured so it makes sense for Kylo to lose...even without even coming close to beating Rey....remember when Rey beat 2 random hobos on a sand planet....clearly these 2 things are close...

He's established as extremely powerful and said to kill off all the new jedi. Rey is established to be a scrapper with a shit diet. In the movies logic Kylo should have won the fight even if he only had one arm and a broken leg.


>*insert random fan theory bullshit that was never explained or heavily hinted at in the movie*


>w-well maybe the sequels will explain it....

It's insulting the retarded lengths people go to just to defend this shitty flick

It was okay, I guess. I'm feeling a light 7

The problem is not so much that she's capable, it's dramatic implication for it. She hogs too much action turning her and Finn from equal partner into Superhero and useless sidekick. She already defeated her nemesis which cut off for classic story of her getting good and showing it by beating someone who used to be stronger then her.

I'm not saying use of tried tropes is mandatory, but it's like using hammer for hammering nails. It works, and if you feel like hammering nails with your dick instead, you better have a hard enough dick to do it.

>Better than the prequels? Yes.

I'd rather have a bad George Lucas fever dream movie then a safe as fuck ANH carbon copy only done worse

Op's pic is the scene that killed it for me. Fuck that, planets in this close proximity?
I was fine with the female lead, the negro and all the other shit but this??? Ah hell nah

>Except when in numerous occasions in Star Wars that anger and shit made you way stronger.
The film goes to extreme lengths to show you that Ren is not a proper Dark Jedi, that he is emotionally crippled (to a much greater extent than either Anakin or Luke), that his killing of Han didn't give him the strength he hoped it would, and that he is in general a fuckboy. This point is shoved in your face over and over and still you miss it.

>The entire movie sets up that Kylo Ren is very strong and evil
The exact opposite is true, user. The very first scene establishes Ren as someone who is weak and who is playing at evil. This is a flick, user. It is not difficult to understand. Kylo Ren was never supposed to be a big bad guy.

It was pretty bad, yes.

>showing it by beating someone who used to be stronger then her.
he was shot in the fucking kidney with a wookie bowcaster and bleeding profusely. Most people would have died from being shot like that.

The only reason he was able to live is by using the force to turn his pain into power, unfortunatly for him because he had been struggling with the light side he was not able to properly turn his pain into power.

Its extremely obvious his internal struggle with the light side is why he lost that fight

People who didn't like this movie are going to look retarded in a decade, just like people did with Day of the Dead.

>Let's take Centerpoint, The Star Forge, and the Death Star, mash them together, and put it in our ANH remake.

Yes, and Jurassic World was actually kinda great.

NO and fuck you for thinking like this

This movie still had bad tension because Rey was way too good at everything. You shouldn't be leaning on future movies so hard to fill in the blanks for your shitty writing. You understand this right? That even if Rey is revealed to be the daughter of Superman, Luke Skywalker and Jesus Christ and is immortal and spent 10000 years being the best jedi in the galaxy before being mindwiped the first movie still sucks when you watch it right?



Because it's cool to like star wars now and everyone's a wannabe nerd.

How does it have anything to do with the Star Forge? That's giant space factory alive with the dark side. They're both powered by a star, but that's hardly a unique concept.

Yes, and that's the problem. He did beat her earlier in a sense, when he paralyzed and captured her but instead of escaping, getting good and showing it by returning and beating him, she beat him without improving and in unsatisfying way because he was injured. Now there won't be proper catharsis from seeing her winning after getting good. She will get good and will have a rematch, but effect from another victory won't be the same. It will be "Well, Kylo Ren is still lame"

TPM is the best prequel.

Name another thing in Star Wars that eats stars for energy. I'll wait.

Holy fuck I hate TFA so much. Even worse than the prequels. Abrams is a fucking hack and all his movies are the most bland forgettable trash I have ever seen.

>"Well, Kylo Ren is still lame"
He was lame even before the fight. He looks like a jewish Brit full of angst because of bullying. Can't believe this is the new "Vader".
At least he's not worse than the new Tarkin.
I bet my socks the sequels will have a fucking lumbersexual.

It really doesnt make sense for them to use Adam Driver. If you look at ALL of his family (skywalkers and solos) they are all extremely attractive and he SHOULD NOT be that ugly.

Your mother's vagina.

You can thank Harrison Ford's reptilian genetics for that.

>Emotionally crippled

Nah I don't buy that for a second and you are really grasping at straws when you say that. Yes, the character is going through emotional shit but it's never been established (in this movie or any other movie) that being emotionally fucked up hinders your ability to use the force. Literally right after he murders his father (wew gee he must be super weak and emotional here right?) he still has the force power to fucking slam Rey into a tree and knock her out. Fuck off with this meme.

>The very first scene establishes Ren as someone who is weak and who is playing at evil

I also don't agree with this. I understand what they were doing Kylo and I didn't "miss it". He is established to be a vader-wannabe and even when he mindfucks Rey she tells him he's insecure he will never be as strong as Vader. Kylo is also shown to be emotional and have outbursts. Got it.

I disagree that it establishes him to be weak though. He stops a blaster bolt in mid air (a new power that clearly must be difficult). It says in the movie he literally kills all the new jedi and implied strong enough that Luke ran in fear and/or couldn't beat him in a fight.

Even if he isn't as powerful as Vader in this universe and in this movie he is easily the strongest character with no argument. To say that he should lose to some random sand dirt hobo scavenger that just picked up a sword and learned about the force yesterday because he was "emotionally crippled" is just stupid.

>the "villain" is a weak jawlined emo faggot

>protagonist is an ugly bitch with no charisma at all

>story is literally a copy of ANH

>absolutely nothing unique or memorable

>Princess Leia turned into a fat cunt

>Harrison Ford looked like he clearly did not want to be there

>them being able to see the planets blow up in real time was completely retarded

Why did people like this movie again? Is it just because "muh miniature models" and "muh REAL Star Wars"

Abrams is such a talentless kike faggot.

The movie is garbage anyway

>it's never been established (in this movie or any other movie) that being emotionally fucked up hinders your ability to use the force

So you've never seen Star Wars. Good to know.

The entire scene is stupid as fuck

They build a gigantic weapon to destroy entire planets for probably billion of [insert currency].

You can destroy an entire planet by accelerating a meteorite (it would be enough if he had 3 km ) to half of light speed.

Yet they build a gigantic machine to fullfill this sht

>that scene where the big bad gives his Hitler speech before firing the Star Killer

What the fuck was the point of this scene? To remind the audience of who Hitler was? It literally didn't accomplish anything in the movie

No true star wars fan would ever make a statement like this. You're either a half fan or a kid.

Star Wars tech is only good at building lasers. They can build a lot of lasers of different kind and that's about it.

Although one could argue that with their level of technology trying to hurl a meteorite at a populated and defended planet would just get it shot down (or sideways, or wherever).

>but it's never been established (in this movie or any other movie) that being emotionally fucked up hinders your ability to use the force.
No but it hinders your ability to use the DARK SIDE if you are having light side emotions, something that has been established in ALL start wars Canon.

it really is. I tried to hard to enjoy it but its basically a rehash of episode 4 with a ridiculous mary sue

He just killed his father and was practically crying and he was able to pick up an entire adult woman and throw her into a tree hard enough to knock her out

But please continue telling me how Kylo's feels made him weaker

>>Harrison Ford looked like he clearly did not want to be there

He didn't. It's why he (apparently) demanded to be killed off.

The whole movie was a SJW shitfest.

>girl power
>le Nazis are evil!!
>Kylo Ren is clearly a faggot
>Leia is a landwhale
>Finn white knighting for Rey the whole movie

>But please continue telling me how Kylo's feels made him weaker
>i have no idea how the dark side of the force works in star wars: the post

Anyone else bothered by the Star Killer base?

>it's literally the Death Star plot AGAIN
>it L I T E R A L L Y has no real advantage over the Death Star besides being biggerer

This scene, and anything related to Starkiller base killed it. It was such a retarded idea from the outset (a bigger deathstar...again, with a structural weakness, again), and the firing scene was illogical from start to finish (planets too close, explosion seen live from another system, laser travelling several hundred lightyears in the blink of an eye because fuck physics etc)

I never thought I would miss the prequels.

Kylo Ren manages is such an emo bitch he actually manages to make Anakin look like a threatening villain in comparison.

What kind of faggot writing team would write the first order as the remnants of the galactic empire, then go and give them a base that is absurdly stronger than the empire's most powerful weapon?

Don't you remember in the originals, when the Imperial Fleet attacks Hoth, their minor orbital defence laser managed to destroy an battlecruiser with no trouble what so ever?

Same shit would happen to a meteorite. The meteorite has to be 'controlled' by something. The Death Star can move on it's own will and support thousands of troops, fighters and various other things. It's basically a FOB with a FUCK YOU weapon.

Can you explain your opinion or do you just preach the popular Sup Forums consensus?

I thought it was hilarious that it had to eat suns to power it's lazer

So what if you found another system that posed a threat? I guess you'll have to wait to blow it up until you move a fucking planet base in range of another sun

Which is funny because in our universe we figured out that big things are retarded and easy to hit from miles away.

>What kind of faggot writing team would write the first order as the remnants of the galactic empire, then go and give them a base that is absurdly stronger than the empire's most powerful weapon?

Because a galaxy far, far way is actually hell.

It absolutely does have advantage of not having to be in the same system as target and being able to destroy ships that might otherwise survive to fight another day.

What I was bothered by is that they authorize a single woman in rank of a captain to drop shields and not notify anyone in control tower that shields been dropped. This was absolutely ridiculous even if we accept that she would cooperate with her captors this easily (Aren't stormtroopers supposed to be brainwashed into loyalty)

Oh god I completely forgot about the sun eating part. How a writer could even add this into the script while keeping a straight face is beyond me.

It's not an on/off switch. He doesn't suddenly lose 50 Force points as soon as he kills Han. It's a gradual thing, the realization of what he's done. It's made very clear that he grows weaker as the fight goes on.

It was a great return to form after the prequels.
The best arguments Sup Forums could come up with was that it's too similar to A New Hope and that the main character was good at things.

It was 6/10. Dumb/fun action movie for Star Wars """""""geeks"""""""""""

>laser travelling several hundred lightyears in the blink of an eye because fuck physics etc
They actually said it's hyperspeed weapon. So fuck physics.

But idea of "hyperspeed" to begin with was invented because everyone knows you can't just go faster than light, you need an excuse. This is one thing sci-fi never violates, and Abrams just added those planets being seen it's ridiculous.

>It's made very clear that he grows weaker as the fight goes on.

Then it should be easy to reference specific points in the fight that back up that argument since it was very clear

>The best arguments Sup Forums could come up with was that it's an unoriginal rehash and that the main character is a mary sue
>films are just about how cool the cgi looks
Fuck off, retard.

>I saw force awakens and then went and watched all the originals for the first time
>I'm such a nerd xD



>the best arguments was that the story was bad and the characters were bad

This. He knew the planet was fucked and it was shown earlier in the movie he could put people into a fucking coma but he didn't for no reason whatsoever.

The Force Awakens is like if Reddit made a Star Wars movie. I felt sorry for Harrison Ford. You could tell he hated this bullshit so much.

Fuck JJ Abrams.

Fuck Daisy Ridley.

They are going to destroy Star Wars forever.

The only way it can be forgiven is if Leia is snoke and Rey turns to the darkside. Luke becomes the centerpiece again not just a Yoda stand in. All I want is master Skywalker being a master and wrecking shit. Luke is literally the only character I truly like and raged so hard when he did nothing in tfa

>Hyperspeed weapon

What? How? The galactic gun fired hyperdrive equiped ammo, so it made "relative" sense. But a Hyperspeed laser? Does JJ actually know anything about star wars fluff? Hyperdrives aren't even EU tech, so there's no excuse.


you're right! There's an extended universe, tons of books, a couple awesome animated series and a plethora of great games

oh wait disney got rid of all that

fuck off you dumb cunt

>Leia is a landwhale

She like 60, user, she's not in terrible shape for a senior citizen.

It's meant to introduce a new generation to Star Wars. I don't see what the problem is with telling a similar story.

Why is the story bad? Is A New Hope bad as well? And Rey not having any major flaws is such an astoundingly trivial nitpick.
Star Wars is just about fun characters having fun adventures in space.

Didn't you read the episode 8 leak?

The force tree is where the force originated from and Rey is this reaurrected young girl who was killed by an evil boy (kinda like a Cain and Abel Genesis story) or some shit and she will become Queen of the galaxies as she defeats all Sith.


>Luke is literally the only character I truly like and raged so hard when he did nothing in tfa

What? You didn't like that 50 minute definitely-not-awkward shot of Rey handing him a lightsaber? I thought the helicopter shot really tied the whole thing together

This is Television & Film, but still people here can only discuss the narrative/story element and nothing else.

The plebiest of movie discussions.

I thought it would open gateway into hyperspace and see it fall out at the destination. I have no idea how hyperspace in Star Ward actually works.

But then again, back in Into Darkness we saw Enterprise being knocked out of the warp as if it was a tunnel and not local distortion generated by the ship itself.

>those numbers
Holy shit

>Star Wars is like if Reddit made a Science Fiction movie.


The first clue is that he couldn't pull Luke's lightsaber from the snow. Then he struggles against and is injured by a small girl. Then the movie has an extremely egregious scene where it literally holds your hand and tells you that the Force is with Rey and that it isn't with Ren, and then he is beaten by that same small girl.

For some reason I can't shake the feeling that people who dislike TFA are children whose first SW film was The Phantom Menace.

>Come here, my little nigger friend. Don't be afraid.

Man, the 70's were a different age for sure.

It wasn't so much that it was terrible - the movie was a colossal bore. For all the fast-paced action scenes and laser shows, there is no weight to anything going on and no interest to see any character succeed or fail.

I took my father to see this movie, and we both agreed we lost interest right when they planning to destroy the Deat- Starkiller Base. The rest of the movie played out in a predictable fashion.

At least the prequels left me feeling some emotion upon their conclusions, whether they were good or bad. But TFA was so boring I felt absolutely nothing other than "well, that happened."

>Is A New Hope bad as well?


Sup Forums was saying that for YEARS, I mean.... they had a black person in the trailer.... the girl lead had no boobs.... C3P0 HAD A RED ARM FOR FUCK SAKES AND LOOK HOW OLD HAN SOLO WAS....

as for the rest it was just "marvel-shit" tier blockbuster amazing.

Is this a confirm?

Well, this is embarassing.