Marvel nu-males BTFO

Marvel nu-males BTFO.

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Is that Roman Reigns?


How did Snyder manage to fuck up Superman, Batman, Luthor and Wonder Woman, but somehow make Aquaman cool?


>white blonde character turned into a shitskin that apes white peoples fisher culture and is savior of white people too
This is pure numale pandering, twitter movie buff

I bet this board loves this though

I'd love to see the front side of the bottom frame.
Bet he doesn't look as alpha getting all that sea water in his face.

How it feels to chew 5gum

>finally, i have become kino
what did he mean by this

Lol what spineless fucking faggots. Grow a pair.

>fisher culture

Sounds gay

Blonde aquaman never sold. People think he's a joke.

But nu-males love macho power fantasy flicks.

I never knew aquaman listened to Mastadon

>character that is famous for his prowess in water
>bulky, long haired and brown skinned

Literally going against all logic.

>tfw this triggers the shitskins that praise OP aquaman

what vodka advert is this

>user ten years ago: HAHAHA aquaman is such a joke
>user now: muh white race, aquaman is supposed to be white! they've ruined yet another good character!


>Hating metal, the last bastion of white music


>fisher culture

Thread theme:

Not an argument :)


Isn't Aquaman a massive prick to everyone?

My source is Justice League cartoon and he hardly interact with them.

Aquaman is a joke.

No this

get a load of this ass blasted marvelcuck

Shame he isn't blonde in the movie

Not nu aquaman

>"So, how do we make Aquaman cool, guys?"



There are people right bow in this board who never grew out of metal. Cant make this shit up


Tamara white is a dudes name?

t. DCCU numale

>/16(Sun)12:51:26 No.73199436▶
>File: 147119346686635.

>fisher culture

I smell a pussy.

The point is numales will obey whatever their feminist overlords tell them

Its only one redditor

White guys just can't pull off rugged masculinity like this, I feel like laughing just looking at it. It would have never gotten past test audiences.

He learns to be on good terms with them but for the most part he doesn't play well depending on his origins,in the cartoon's case he doesn't like the surface dwellers fucking up HIS ocean.

in the comics he was raised on the surface before he knew about Atlantis so he's more amiable, he just gets ticked when people underestimate him.

So hes a faggot

Why does DC have to make everything look like it's trying so hard to be cool and adult?

>"Okay, let's have Aquaman chug a bottle of JACK DANIELS then SMASH IT TO THE GROUND while he stands in the middle of some WAVES"

This shit reeks of some out of touch committee of producers

People would rather see tall, dark and handsome aquaman. Deal with it, virgins.

That's Sea King Fuck Yeah

So...numales is the new word huh.

Come in the pit and say that

Because that is what shit skins love. These are the average fans of this new disgusting Aquariumman

>was on a family wedding yesterday
>my family is full of non drinking pussies
>my qt cousin just turned 18 and can legally drink for the first time
>force her to drink with me until she pukes and passes out



Holy shit summer.

>Traditional white music is bad
Fucking numales.

>disgusting Aquariumman

Are you implying that Jason Momoa isn't the most beautiful man alive?

my first thoughts exactly

It is, dont let them tell you otherwise

literal rape


Momoa seems like a cool guy tbqh, but with him and Gal Gadot there is a fucking black void of actual acting ability between the two

Captain Marvel is the biggest comic book joke

>tfw numale enters mainstream like cuck did
let's meme it

*tips fedora*

Everyone keeps forgetting the bulletproof part. He's as strong as golden age superman on land.

Which company?

No wonder it's garbage

>He's as strong as golden age superman on land.

Golden age is pushing it but yeah REALLY fucking strong, he could lift an Abrams tank with no real effort

>white male and not shit skin


Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman actually are cool in BvS.
The movie was shit tho

It helps we actually got to see his movie instead of everyone bitching and moaning over Momoa's minute long intro in BvS and the scant bits in the trailer, but even that showed that while people are playing up the bad boy aspect he actually does give a shit about other people what with the bringing fish during winter stuff.

You can like both.

Is that comic an accurate depiction of him? Because if so, he's weak as fuck. A 7.62 round drew blood. If it hit his eye, it'd probably blind him. A .50 round would probably cause a really bad bruising or a slight fracture. A tank round would probably kill him.

I literally look like Momoa when I leave work at 5.

The Asians are far more into fishing than whites cuz they fish anything

Face it white boi, it takes an islander to make Aquaman work.

>A 7.62 round drew blood.

yeah but it also hit him in the head where there's the least amount of skin and he didn't show any signs of a concussion or even skull fracture.

The rest of that stuff, probably an issue, but he's more than likely fast either dodge it or fuck up whoever's using it.

I'm not arguing whether or not he can fight a tank (he can), what I'm saying is in the depictions of aquaman as a kid it's never mentioned that he could literally bench a car.

That's literally the same as OP's Aquaman, just with a blonde hair. Even fucking Bruce Wayne has brown hair instead of black. Hair color doesn't matter.

>it's literally 7 pm the next day and she is still in bed/puking

im such a bad person

Who is this Puke Beaut?


>It's a fact that chicks dig DCEU characters over the aesthetic but bland Marvelcuck heroes

>he actually does give a shit about other people what with the bringing fish during winter stuff.

I really liked the vibe of that whole scene in the trailer.

>literal Sup Forums

That's some shite panel job

You mean like Chris Hemsworth playing Thor, you silly nigger? Besides, OP Aquaman is half-German.

Yes. Because Pacific islanders never had a culture liked to fishing and the sea.

I hate these scenes. In the DCU, Aquaman would be loved by everyone, he helped found the JLA. Johns wrote these scenes with IRL perceptions of the character, which make no sense.

>Johns wrote these scenes with IRL perceptions of the character, which make no sense.

It's when DC rebooted for new 52, it was written for people who didn't know shit about the character, it's a bit heavy handed yeah but it gets the point across.

Actually it's shitskins that trigger fat fedoras who imagine themselves as blonde adonis specimens.

Even H. P. Lovecraft knew that Pacific Islanders were aquatic subhumans.

neither was your post, chief

>mother was a disgusting half breed
>father was a hawaiian

>>>OP Aquaman is half-German
Nu-males everyone

Is this sons of anarchy

Bullshit, you just need to find somebody whose face isnt worked upon by hundred of hollywood makeup artists every day.

I like how despite how tired he is at all the shit casual idiots say to him, like the blogger, he still is compassionate and generous towards those who respect him.

A Mel Gibson in his 30s would've been perfect for an Aquaman role. Great actor, looks like the part (and like the canon Aquaman even), looks masculine enough.

if you look at this image and think "aw wow that's so cool I wanna be like that" you're probably a retard and dc knows this which is why they're marketing towards people like you. it's cheap pandering to insecure males who need some bastion of masculinity in their lives
then again I can't imagine someone who cares about capeshit not being a retard so I guess it doesn't matter.