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So presidential

Trump presidency confirmed.

>night of the first debate
>Hillary Clinton is introduced on stage
>she creeps up like the girl from the Ring, a large black man can be seen in the background constantly firing injection darts into her shoulders
>after a long 5 minutes of crawling, Hill reaches the pedestal, she struggles to pull her weight up to the mic as applause thunders in the auditorium
>as she stands at the pedestal her arms begin to shake and her body begins to sink, several secret servicemen and the large black man (now equipped with a suitcase of syringes) race to the pedestal to hold her steady
>she clears her throat as the large black man stabs her neck with the syringes, her eyes glance to the men holding her upright and she lets how a loud guffaw
>the media comment on Hillary's strength as a woman to appear on stage for a debate, citing her age as the cause for what the audience just witnessed
>before introducing Donald to the stage, the media plays fourteen anti-Trump advertisements while Hillary is escorted backstage for an emergency surgery


God, what a fucking embarrassment. Your choice is between and idiot and a criminal, America. How low you've fallen

A WWE Hall of Famer will quite possible be president.

Holy shit.

>implying they weren't already that low

>tfw Hillary is going to win the election because she and Donald rigged it from the start by back door dealing her way into becoming the nominee and having Donald become a ridiculous caricature that everyone can rally against
>tfw the election is so obviously a farce and barely anyone cares

Maybe if we all survive the first 4 years of Killary's dark reign then we can vote some other monster into office

somebody put a mexico flag on McMahons head when Trump punches him

what a time to be alive

was he a draw?

haha thats fake as shit, he didnt really hit him!



What a clown


>Clinton laughs about getting a child rapist off the hook
Really makes you think.

I see he knows his judo well

I'm sorry but the Trump presidency is going to be like that every day except with trade imbalance instead of Vince McMahon

She was a young lawyer struggling to get ahead in a man's world. What difference at this point does it make?

Why is Trump crashing his campaign with no survivors like this? Were the Hillary plant conspiracy theorists right?


Conceivably. At the rate he's going, his campaign will be un-salvagable by the time the debates happen. It's probably that faggot Manafort's fault

Well they're both locked in as the nominees so now he can go full retard and clinch the win for his buddy Hilldog. So yeah id say they're pretty accurate with just how ridiculous he's gotten

>tfw I my suspicions were right all along.

30 years from now people will find out about this and they'll make a movie out of the biggest political scam to have ever happened in America.


Maybe Trump is really the loud retard everyone said he was.

Really makes you think...

those faggots who were blocking the road should be run over

>that fucking delivery

go back to your fucking containment board
