What is the GOAT pizza topping, and why it is Black Olives?

What is the GOAT pizza topping, and why it is Black Olives?


It's sausage. You're incorrect.

Meat lover detected.

goat refers to the goat cheese

You're both wrong. It's green chiles.

Sausage dose not belong on pizza
Philly style beef
Sliced beef eater tomato
And crispy fried onions
Go shove the sausage up your asshole

>he doesn't get just plain cheese or a cheese blend
>i actually have no opinion on this because my taste for food hasn't changed since I was a child and I have no clue where to start to change that


They look like pickled peppers

You look like a pickled pepper.

My fucking man.

I top my pizza with sour gummy worms.

Incorrect. It's pineapple.

glad to see the thread got some attention

bumping wtih the seconds GOAT pizza topping


>Not one fucking person in this thread says pepperoni
If you're only going to have one fucking topping, there is no fucking debate. It's pepperoni.

Pepperoni is fine, but a four cheese pizza needs no toppings.

>he eats pepperoni pizza

do you have the training wheels off of your bike yet, user?

Green olives are better and rare because most pizza places only have black olives.

I agree fully that green olives are better than black olives, as a general statement.

But when it comes to pizza topping, it's got to be black.

Creamy Garlic Chicken Alfredo pizza
for when you get tired of red sauce or same old same old

for me,. its the mcchicken. NIGGER NIGGERNITGGERNI

how's it feel to be a massive fucking heathen OP

bretty good. feels better and better every pizza tbh.

You have never had the true GOAT mix then
>Stuffed crust
>green olives 2x
>pepperoni 2x
>pineapple 1x

its a mild mix of all needed flavors

you can switch pepperoni with jalapenos but its better with a meat.

close, OP, but it's actually mushroom

mushroom and olive together is good too

No, it is Pineapple.
The greatest pizza topping (Other than the cheese) is Pineapple.


all you need


I'm eating pizza, not a fruit salad, ya fruit.




>you can switch pepperoni with jalapenos
well that actually does sound pretty nice, user. nice recipe, might just give it a whirl if i'm feeling dandy.

surprisingly, searhcing for "mcchicken pizza" did not yield any of the worthwhile results i'd hoped it would. pretty disappointed with the "NIGGERNITGGERNI"s of the world right now, as you put it

>Canadian bacon
>black olives
>extra cheese
My favorite combo
>inb4 pineapples kill it
Pineapple on pizza is fucking good.


Tomato is a fruit you beta dumb fag

>black olives

Theyre burnt user


>Not cheese

Pineapple is amazing in pizza.

...i guess if your black, watermelon on pizza might be ok?

nice work user. good taste. i approve. though admittedly, with that much 'shroom on the pie, i'd need a good bit of grated parmesan and pepper flakes to cut that 'shroomy sliminess a little bit.

Basic cheese pizza is like skyrim without mods user.

>Tomato is a fruit you beta dumb fag
Technically. Describe the last fruit salad you ate that contained tomatoes, you bundle of sticks.

Pesto Chicken Pizza from Fired Pie GOAT


the red onions score some points, but that hardly looks goat



A bundle of sticks is actually strong if you wanted to insult him you should have called him a thin twig.

Dubs checked.
Good taste checked also.

that looks like more like a salad served on bread than a proper pizza


pesto isn't salad you fucking nimrod

the objective best pizza toppings: pepperoni, black olives, jalapenos, and mushrooms

i agree

It's really impossible to pick a greatest topping. Some toppings are more basic than others, but that doesn't make them better. It's sort of like how it's the bacon on your bacon cheeseburger that really makes the sandwich, but the cheese is more "core" and you'd go without the bacon before the cheese, because the bacon wouldn't add as much without it.

I would say that my magical pizza topping is pineapple, but a plain pineapple pizza is actually kind of gross. You want a couple of other toppings on their first.

key ingredients:
pepperoni or ham or chicken
green pepper

bacon (depending mostly on how greasy your pizza is)

Not sure if trolling, but biologically speaking, fruits and vegetables aren't two different things. A fruit is part of a vegetable. It's only in culinary terms that the two from distinctive groups, and there tomatoes are definitely vegetables. Also, by the standards of "a tomato is a fruit", so are most things we call vegetables.

I've never had green olives on a pizza--they might actually good--but black olives are at least somewhat nasty. With enough other toppings on there, they're edible, but they definitely don't enhance the taste of the pizza.