ITT we talk like we're on reddit

ITT we talk like we're on reddit


Hahahah Rick and Morty HAHAHAHA get it guys!

Wubablubadubdub poop doop

XD So true my friend! Do you want to know what should burp really get out of society though? Religion.

lol just take my upvote and leave hahahahahaha

I think dota needs more shrines

I think this is a case where a word can maybe also mean its own opposite. Like Impregnable and impregnable. Or cleave and cleave.

Switch the word "defend" with its opposite, "prosecute". "Liberal Muslim prosecutes blasphemy charge". In that case, it's clear that he wouldn't be attacking the charge, rather processing the charge in the form that a prosecutor would. Replace back defend, and he's processing the charge as a defence attorney would.

It's a confusing and ambiguous use of language, at least to my ears. Maybe it's different in the UK.

EDIT: Dude, downvotes for explaining autoantonyms on/r/atheism. What is this?

>Implying reddit is not superior to Sup Forums in every conceivable way.

This board is nothing but cancer anymore.

I just jerked off my own cats.
He is mad.

Came here to say this. Take my gold and leave.

>being superior to something

pick one faggot


back to Sup Forums friendo

Oh yeah, you're completely right. YLYL and trap threads are *so* much better than /r/gonewild.

kys, faggot.

Does anybody want to fuck my mom?
I like to with...

>Being this retarded.
This is Sup Forums, you stupid faggot.

Also, checked.

ITT: much faggotry



[spoiler]fucking newfag[/spoiler]

>When the autism kicks in

Reddit, the place that by quoting someone else and typing "this" you can get a lot of internet points.

there is no difference, you're all faggots


Well then.


Copied my comment. down voted

TIL the Engineer class from TF2 (aka Team Fortress 2) took inspiration from the Engineering profession IRL (in real life).
Upboat for visibility!
Edit 1:Wow thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Edit 2: fixed some grammar and typos (Thanks to /u/th3p3ngu1n0fd00!)
Edit 3: Thank you kind mr skeletal for the calcium! XD

So I was with my SO, and this happened...

dont you mean team defense fortress 2? XXXXDDDD


Name checks out

Since the bible condones rape and the subjugation of women, the other way this film can be interpreted is that the dystopia is a religious theocracy. The two guys think rape is fine because it's in their doctrine, and to them it is therefore an objective morality. They also just go along unquestioningly with the religious majority.

Whereas the 'consensual' is a minority atheist/humanist who knows that morality is subjective, and that empathy, equality and thoughtfulness always surpass mindless dogma.

Thanks for the upvote! :)

>she's such a cunt
no, you're wrong. cunts have depth AND warmth..

big if true

republicans would let trump shit in their mouths if it meant liberals had to smell it! [x7 gold]

x-posted from r/Sup Forums

I love you guys



>Surgeon accidentally chops off a man's balls; man's family "shocked"

Wow, they really dropped the ball on this one

Edit: Well, my most upvoted comment is about balls... Thanks reddit, now I need to explain this to my wife.
Edit: Wow, my first gold! Thank you, kind stranger, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

Literally just came here to post this

can confirm, name does check out.

can confirm, is big.

can confirm, much love.


Who did this?


Edit: thanks for the gold!

When does the narwhal bacon? xD

midnight LOL

>Massive child porn ring uncovered in the UK; scale is "unprecedented", police say

[^5688] 8 year-olds, Dude
| [^4437] Wow, not every day you see another Big Lebowski fan. THERE ARE DOZENS OF US!
| | [^3776] Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man

>You made this?
>I made this


Hey guys. At least we're better than Tumblr. /s

I know I'm gonna get downvoted for saying this but... I really hate Trump, I think he's such a racist sexist piece of shit

Can comfirm, am tumblr

$100% true.

Wow, this is really good for the country, thank you Donald Trump, keep it up! /s

MTIFUBy smoking two cigarettes in quick succession

Dank meme my friend

I dont actually use reddit, what do u mean by name checks out?

Nice try. Attempting to fool us into answering thereby showing which user browses reddit. Well b8ed

TIFU by rapping along to my favorite rap song on a bus

I wonder how much endorphin you get from upvotes.

One new brain cell per point

Me too thanks

Never really been, only ever read some random stuff for games that popped up in a search.

Hate the format, seems extremely muddled and fuck logging in with a username, mine all get B& because I love shitting in hugboxes so much, which I'm sure are there.

Any examples of your work?

>implying everyone on this site isn't from reddit in the first place
Ever since the r/the_donald invasion it's all newfags and 45 year olds roleplaying Sup Forumstards



/r/donald goes to Sup Forums , not b