How do I find out if my girlfriend is cheating?

How do I find out if my girlfriend is cheating?

Confront her about it and see if she cries or gets angry. If she cries, she is cheating and trying to manipulate you.

If she's accusing you of cheating for no reason, that also means she's cheating.

See this is why I have such a hard time trusting. It can go either way based off of a reaction lol

examine her vagina for unknown dicks

if you find any it's an indicator she may be cheating

Next time you're eating her out try and taste the other dudes dock and or cum. Sure fire way to find out.

We're long distance right now anons. Unfortunately none of this will help at the moment.

>Long distance

She's definitely getting dicked by someone else OP

Make a fake facebook account, chad up the profile, send her a message, you wan sum fuk

Check her hymen

Smell her dick.

See I was just thinking that since I've cheated 3 times I am just paranoid she may do it too.
She doesn't know that I did.

smell my dick

install a CCtv camera inside her vagina. That way you can catch any nigger trying to break in

How original, you cuck.

How come long distance , will this change soon?
If so there is help to get past the trust issues

Check to see if the spiral cut ham is still in the fridge. Also any other leftovers.

no i really think you should smell his dick too

She is. Period.

it smells like burnt peroid blood

beat the shit out of her then rape her on the floor

she only with you online bro. irl she doesnt think or know you. its not if she is cheating but for how long she has been doin' it .

did anybody smell that guys dick yet?

You got any pics of your girl? Also any male friends that are good lucking? Get a couple of pics from them make a fake fb or instagram and add her.
Wait some time before you hit on her from the fake account and that's the only way you'll know for sure

If you've been fucking around anyway why does it matter

honestly if she has taken you back and you cheated 3 times do not stress man. if it happens i mean your probably gonna cry like most pussys would. but that's life and bullshit that comes with it.

We planned to move to Michigan but I had to finish college first. Only about 4 months left

I didn't meet her online Sup Forumsro. We were together for about two years before she went to Michigan to live her parents while I finish school

If she's cheating, she will taste different.

She doesn't know I cheated

Check her vag for cock prints.

If you have to ask, she's cheating.

Use A fishtank PH teaster get her when you think she fucked and dip it In her vagoo......

If PH is off the chart she had dick not too long ago...

>mfw I caught 3 chicks this way

Sex everyday, if she is "wet" all the time. You're probably sticking your dick in something someone already cummed in that day.

How long? Im at 2 years ldr myself

This is the most retarded thing Ive read on this website.

We were dating for two years before we started long distance. Been doing ld for about 5 months


Go down on her every day. Can tell by the smell. Also bonus of making her cum everyday and prolly not cheat on you

>i've cheated 3 times

Know the taste of your own semen. Taste after each time you eat a different favorite food.

Know the taste of her pussy during different times of the month, before and after she has showered, or douched.

If you taste unrecognized semen or shower-fresh or douche-fresh pussy after she returns from time away, then you know. She should taste like day old pussy after time away.

if you cheated on her 3 times i hope she is getting fucked in the ass by tyrone and his friends
if you cheated on other girls 3 times you are still a faggot and better not do it to this girl unless shes cucking you

>since I've cheated 3 times....
Hahaha, she deserves to get slam dunked by someone else

Look in the mirror. Does that make you feel like an ugly piece of shit? If so, she probably thinks the same and if fucking you best friend. Oh wait you don't have any friends. She's probably fucking a coworker

Okay, enough with the taste her pussy bullshit.

Do you have any other indication of her cheating on you aside from knowing how easy it was when you yourself cheated on her? Is she emotionally distant lately?

If you can make the time, you could visit her next weekend or even just suggest a surprise visit and she how she reacts.

*see how she reacts

Does it matter if she cheated? Is that what hinges the relationship? If so then you have a weak foundation and should just break up because you don't care about anything but your own obsessions.

I am going out there next week for a visit and she seems pretty damn excited about it honestly.

When I cheated it was early in our relationship and I didn't take it as seriously I do now. I do regret what I did.
But she has lied to me a few times in the past about insignificant things and has seemed increasingly distant and has been getting pissed or small things all the damn time.

Then I would say you have nothing to worry about.

Best case scenario: she is craving for your dick

Worst case scenario: at some point she did cheat on you, but there was nothing emotional attached to that, making it neither worse nor better than your cheating. I hope you can live with that.

Track her movements, put a GPS on her car and Tile on her phone or in her purse. Put a voice activated recorder in her purse so you can have the wonderful experience of hearing her suck no fuck other guys.

hmmm, my gf is getting pissed because of small things every four weeks

Seems like she's on her period every day

If you have to ask, she's cheating

You tell her you cheated. Check reaction

If you suspect it, it's already over.

Some of your problems might be attributed to the long distance relationship, I know they suck. But things will get better if you two have more time for each other.

The lying is strange however, could you elaborate on that?

you must be new here

Put a tissue over her vagina, if it gets punctured or taken off then she is cheating.

Lie detector test

>proven innacurate


Don't let yourself get taken over by jealousy or fear. It will fuck up your relationship. Just ask her.. If she denies it, simply believe her. If you dont believe her you might aswell dump her and find someone else


wait this nigga srs? let me laugh harder

she already cheating bro

Pick related op?

Your life is shit and your posting about your insecurities online to people who don't give a fuck about you. Even if she is cheating or not you my friend are losing

She's not being a complete pain in the ass like a normal girlfriend. If she's happy, she's getting dick on the side.

What is your logic here if you don't mind elaborating.

pic related?

ask to barrow her phone to look up something because you don't have yours if she doesn't let you she's hiding something...

Mine did this then I watched her and id ask what are you doing, shed say nothing or who are you texting , oh just a friend...

finally I got in her phone and it was loaded with texts of dick pics...


>Mfw cheaters are always paranoid of their partners because of how easy it is
I hope you fucked a nigger loving bitch who caught aids from a nigger.

You realise there can be a lot more reasons for that to happe ?. or did you test them and confronted them about it afterwards ? otherwise it could be uite retarded

Yep found the cuck !

I've been looking for that but it's either fucking expensive or lasts for 2 days max before dying out. not op btw

you can't.
just "cheat" yourself and you'll see how fucking easy that is.
create a profile, chat up some chicks, or people around you. just stop before anything happens, what i mean is, just see how easily this could happen.
then imagine if she could do the same.

the thing is, she's a woman.
it's insanely easy for women to find a guy to fuck them.
a woman could just appear anywhere, out of 10 guys (if she's normal looking, and not fat) most of them would fuck her. because why not, we're men and we really love to fuck.
just for the fun of it, create a fake fb profile, use random google pics of chicks, and pretend to be a girl. claim you're married, have kids. they don't give a flying fuck, mate.
they spam you, hit on you, there's always lots of guys with cocks as long as a leg, some offer money too.

a couple of my friends showed me what guys text them on fb. it's insane. 2 of them look very hot, they get spam mails like this on a weekly basis.

so just ask yourself, is your gf materialistic? would she be up to something like this?
do you make her feel good in bed?
also, one of the most important things, do you make her happy?
do you clean up your home/room? do you talk to her?
play less games, stop watching movies and shit on your own and try to watch stuff with her together. show interest in her hobbies or activities, no idea what she does.

if you do all that and if you still think she might be cheating you're just an insecure faggot. or, if she really is cheating, she's a nympho, so threat her like one.

have a good day, mate.

tbh nothing else to add to this.
it's hard, but it's just the only thing you could do.

How far away from each other are you?

[email protected]

Who cares if she is. Enjoy fucking sloppy seconds and eating his cum out of her pussy. If you're lucky she'll let you watch her get fucked so you can lick up every last drop out of her freshly fucked pussy

Is she female?

Then she's cheating.