Question for 90s nostalgia fans: Which Sabrina do you think was more fuckable? The 3DPD version, or the 2D version?

Question for 90s nostalgia fans: Which Sabrina do you think was more fuckable? The 3DPD version, or the 2D version?

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there is an alice in wonderland porno musicall and the girl playing alice looks alot like 3d Sabrina. Needless to say many a load have been blown while humming the catchy tunes of the musical

I've only watched the cartoon, 3DPD didn't interest me even back then


I always assumed the girl playing her was a legit sweet heart

Sabrina doesn't get a lookin

2d is winning by 20 votes

Melissa joan hart fans, get in there and vote!

2d Sabrina is canonically 12 yet 169 people voted for her.

Y'all Podestas are going to jail.




2d, i want a threesome with her and braceface.

I want a foursome with her, braceface, and kim possible

3d go sho.

That show was a big part of my sexual awakening. not just MJH, but the aunts to. In my head, those two weren't sisters...

Same here, though in my head they still were.

2D definitely
>be 10 or 8 idfk
>what is sexual anything
>never fully understand show=gushy feelings
>watch show anyways
>tfw I thought we were talking about Lizzie McGuire

thought she looked odd when gorwing up but i would still
had a huge crush on her growing up also the younger verson of them were hot as hell

also the two aunts were hot

Growing up I was in love with mjh. Looking back, this aunt was pure sex.

Definitely Melissa Joan Hart

Still adorable even today.


Again, cartoon Sabrina is canonically 12 yet somehow 200 people voted for her.

Y'all Clintons and Epsteins are going to get thrown in prison.



>Neither one. the original is the hottest
Melissa Joan Heart looks like a retarded dumpster baby, the animated one is just so fucking annoying you want to strangle her just to shut her up.


Melisa Joan Hart. That show debuted on my 16th birthday, and in it, Sabrina turns 16. Ergo, I should get to fuck her. (age of consent here is 16).

ancensored com/nude-appearance/Bad-Actress/Beth-Broderick/


Why are you still on Sup Forums if you're 37

definitely 2D.

Clarissa was more fuckable.

If every iteration of the show/concept wasn't cringeshit awful, I might be able to answer.

As it is, I can't.

Explain your reasons.

How dare you. Apologize to Melissa right now.

I hate Melissa Joan Hart and her smug, valley girl personality. Not enough to kill her, but enough to walk away if i saw someone else trying to

>there is an alice in wonderland porno musicall

Tell me more, user.

the joy of being able to teach the young ones about the ancient times...

damn, I had really hard fap sessions to Hilda's rack back in the days. Her tits were hanging out in almost every episode.

thanks. didn't know about that one. was it any good?

I also heard that she had a non-nude role in a hardcore porn in her early acting years. Do you know something about that?

by modern standards, no, it's not. but it's somewhat fappable and worth watching just because the entire thing is so fucking weird

Thank you user!!

fucking same

MJH had the nicest ass on TV at that point. my kid thought i was a perv and i pointed out that she was actually a lot older than the role she was playing. shut her dumb fucking ass up quickly.


MJH was fucking hot despite the lazy eye.

You can tell who the normies are.

2D is bangable, 3D is fckin abomination!

I like it.

meh sometimes it gave her kind of a stoner look

Well 3rd ofc.

Thou...I did like Salem
Do tell more

420th vote

>425 votes
>thread has only 50 replies

better have a bump

first time i see the 2d version, and obviously this is the one i'd go for.