Here's my ex-gf who cheated on me

Here's my ex-gf who cheated on me.

go on.

with tits like that I'm not surprised there are queues of cock wanting her you dumb cuck

Well she's ugly so its not suprising she'd jump at any chance for dick.

You got yourself into this by dating a 3 and assuming because she was ugly that she would appreciate you as a partner

i wouldn't say she's a 3, but yeah OP got blinded by her cleavage (what size are they? real?)

you mean the gf that you know cheated on you at least once. that girl would fuck anything with cock and balls and you stupidly called her your gf

>you dumb cuck

Right, because it's OP's fault his GF is a total whore. You're the kind of people who'll tell a woman "you were wearing shorts, you were asking for it" if she tells you she got raped that one day she was wearing shorts.

Greasy skin, weird fucking peanut m&m shaped ass head, nipples that point outwards on some ugly B cup boobs that sag like D cups even in a tight swimsuit, creepy teeth-to-gum ratio.

Dont be fooled by a flattering picture. This chick is busted.

holy shit i want to high five you for your merciless roast haha. need to correct you though, those boobs look like DD (dont know if real or fake)

Still there oP? I absolutely want to see her!

TBH she doesnt look the type to be a slut so cant blame OP


Great body, especially for an Asian. Are there gonna be nudes? I'll fap to her! Tell us more about her and her sluttiness OP

theres plenty of asians with good bodies, why do you think she's got a great body? dont lower your standards man. her tits look like A cups at best, though the bikini looks freaking slutty to me

anyone else thats a fucking slutty swimsuit?

go on please OP!

is she asian?


come on OP

I agree except your last point - that's lip not gum.

i'd still give her a good fuckig though, her tits alone deserve that and i imagine the pussy is tight

Everyone knows you don't get cheat on by an Asian, you cheat off of one.

whats that about? also do you think she looks slutty in her white/blue bikinis (i.e. gets a lot of cock)?

Speak English, Motherfucker.

well said

could be a loose cunt

nice body

very nice

post more pics of her op

Good riddance

>ex-gf who cheated on me
Yeah, sorry about that.

No tits, no point, move on


release them titties op

show more tits or ass

bump for boobies

they look pretty huge for asian... anyone know what size? boob job?



She's delightfully average. The swimsuit makes her tits a lie, they aren't as big as it looks when the top comes off - but they are big enough to be fun.

Fuck her, cum all over her tits, and then move along is the dating plan.

Since OP fucked up his best course of actions is to continue sharing but move directly to the nudes. That way her shame can be intensified to offset his own for being cucked.

Then he should go rape her mother.


fucking ace! you lucky bastard.who's fucking her now?
