Anyone know a fast way yo make money?

Anyone know a fast way yo make money?

Have you tried sucking dick?

Sell drugs

A job.

Suck dick professionally.

Where you from?

Get an after school job at Burger King like the rest of the kids in your middle school class, you lazy spoonfed little shitstick.

If you need money ASAP Craigslist is pretty good. Look in the gigs section, you can move someone's shit or do whatever for a couple bucks

That assumes OP can convince his mom to drive him there and that his 13 year old arms are strong enough to lift the boxes.

Matched betting if you're in the England's. Anywhere else, sucking dick is always a good option.


>Apply for job
>Get interview in a week
>Wait another week start working
>First paycheck is delayed two weeks

A month is not quick. And that's assuming you get the first job you interview for, and you get an interview for the first job you apply for.

break into someone's house and steal it.
rob a store.
just be smart about it and don't act like a nigger.

But I don't want to work
I just want money fast



If that was attainable do you really think we wouldn't be doing quick and easy ways to get cash instead of shitposting online for free?

see fastest and easiest guaranteed. you don't even need a real gun.

Don't sell drugs, the money is slow and inconsistent.

Stealing is quick
Sex is quick
Panhandling/short con is quick

Came here to suggest sucking dick

I'll paypal you 5 bucks if you never post here again

You could
>Get a job, could take a little while before you actually start working/getting paid (depends where)
>Whore yourself out
>Sell your plasma
>Claim to be homeless, shelters will give you about a 24pack of water for free. Sell it on the side of roads, 24$ basically for free
>Rob someone
>odd jobs
>Lottery tickets
>Roadside car wash
>Pawn your old stuff (DVDs, games etc.)


Enlist in medical or pharmaceutical experiments.

What's your paypal