Hello Sup Forums, am I being abused by my parents...

hello Sup Forums, am I being abused by my parents? I've always thought they were emotionally abusive but starting late last year they started to hit me. I didn't take a shower one day and my stepdad grabbed me and threw me against the bathroom door, thats when it started. i always think that i deserve it because i misbehave. The most recent was when we were arguing as a family and i got so mad that i threw a chair (not at them) and i got beaten the shit out of, i got a mild concussion and a headache for a week. i dont really know if this is abuse or not since i kind of deserve it, what do you think? -pic unrelated

Physical assault for no motif is a form of abuse. You didn't shower? It's no big deal about missing out showering for one day, but just make sure that you keep hygiene well-maintained in near future. As for your stepdad, he sounds like an absolute cunt, physical abuser. It's wrong for him to treat you this way, he has no right to hit you.

You threw a chair which was of course inappropriate but you didn't attack anyone except take out your anger on something instead of someone which is somewhat a better alternative in some respect. They still shouldn't beat you and its abuse.

Obviously abuse

im not sure what to do, i cant run away since i have no where to stay and my city is too big. i really love my mom and i wont call CPS because i might get taken away from her, what do???

how old are you? if 17, just move and find a job.

im 15, wont be 16 for a couple of months

well, if you're too much of a pussy to move out then quit arguing or pissing your parents off.

or you could find a job, give them a bit of money til you got enough to live on your own.

underaged b&

uh fight back? go to gym

my dad was never really abusive (not for the time anyway). one night after i started really lifting and getting big he started arguing iwth me. went to hit me, pec flexed. he realized what happened (had fear in his eyes)

just walked away tho, would never hit my dad for any reason. never even said fuck you to either parent

>my stepdad grabbed me and threw me against the bathroom door
you did not deserve it
sometimes i do not shower a week and my parents just tell me to keep doors of my room closed not to spread bad smeel



funny bc i read that and figured op did deserve it. maybe next time he wont get thrown by his stepdad

because you are a Sup Forumsack

Fight back pussy

im a tiny girl vs a 6 ft 300lb man

That's no excuse


Kill yourself you deserve it

record them and show it to police

I would actually had broken your arms

Get boys from your school tell them you'll suck there Dicks if they beat his ass

You deserve wors. Cunt

Hey user, back in the day i had a very similar sittuation with my step dad, he used to be abusive and shit, he stopped to hit me the day i responded, i was scared, but i was more tired of his bullshit than scared, so i punched him, of course that didn't ended up well for me after that, but after that fight, he stopped, he only said some mean stuff here and there but he bassically stopped abusing me, the lesson here is, stand up by yourself, cause if you don't do it, who else will? Also your momma will not be around to protect you as you grow up, so man up. Also dont be a cunt, that helps also.